Her Majesty the Queen immediately accepted Robb’s words. In fact, she didn’t think Robb would be with Lars at first, and she didn’t even believe that Robb would have anything to do with East Grand, because Robb had always been right Her attitude is pretty good.

Give her sweets, teach her skills, teach her thinking...

She learned a lot of good ideas on internal affairs from Robb for free, such as pre-charge for tap water and free installation fee, cakes sold in eight or sixteen pieces, mine rails, waterwheels, and large-scale production. ...

These ideas may sound simple, but each one can make her country progress by leaps and bounds. If Robb really was with Donggrand, how could he teach her these?

So she just wanted an affirmative answer for that sentence, and the answer was not unexpected.

She nodded calmly: "So, where is Lars now?"

Robb smiled and shouted: "Lilian, take out the bottle."

Lilian just took the glass bottle containing Lars into the warehouse, in order to avoid being seen by Robb using the "shadow avatar technique" and then make up the magical game of two people. Now that the makeup is finished, of course you can put it on She took it out.

The glass bottle containing the Princess of East Grande was placed on the stone table, and Lars, who was shrunk only to the height of her fingers, sat in the glass bottle uprightly. The thing she used as a chair was a piece of salted sugar. , This is also the only thing in the glass bottle besides her.

Seeing the girls in a circle by the stone table, she did not express anything, but seeing Her Majesty's majestic face in the crystal ball with no expression at all, Da Lolita jumped up and said, "Darkness. Evil of the Holy See."

Her Majesty looked at the big Lolita in the glass bottle expressionlessly. She didn't seem surprised at all, but her eyes betrayed her. Robb could actually make a person so small and put it in a glass bottle. Li is imprisoned, this magic is too frantic, right?

Robb smiled and said, "Although you didn't ask, let me answer it. Since I can become a giant and hang a sphinx, of course I can become a villain. This is not surprising, right?"

Her Majesty said: "The logic is perfect, there is no problem, and it is not strange at all."

After she finished speaking, she suddenly slapped the table: "It's not weird a ghost!"

Robb spread his hands: "It's useless for you to complain. I will have a lot of strange things, and it will be enough for you to slowly understand."

"Well, now is not the time to complain about this kind of thing." The queen glanced at the glass bottle: "I'm thinking, I asked you for this person, will you give it to me."

"But..." Robb was about to say "I can give it to you." He didn't expect that as soon as he said this sentence, he heard Xiao Yi shout loudly next to him: "Godfather, no."

"Oh?" Robb smiled and looked at Xiao Yi: "What's the matter?"

Xiao Yi looked a little embarrassed. She knew what she was going to say was a bit too much, but she insisted on saying it: "She's still a child!"

She herself knows that this sentence is ridiculous. In fact, she wants to say a lot. For example, she wants to say: "Although I have established myself and call myself the'New Bright Holy See', I still don't want to see the old Bright Holy See. In this way, people are handed over to the hands of the Dark Vatican, because...that almost means death, or more terrifying than death."

Her kindness does not allow herself to turn a blind eye to this matter! Since the God of Light loves everything, he will never allow someone to be sent into the fire pit.

She knew that her emotions were naive, or even stupid. She was even embarrassed to say this idea, so she had to turn a thousand words into a phrase "she is still a child". She didn't think Robb could understand, or even Ready to be rejected by Robb.

However, Robb actually blinked at her, and then made a suddenly realized expression: "Oh, yes, she is still a child."

Robb clapped his hands, turned to the crystal ball, and said with a smile: "Miss Queen, I can't give this person to you. You see, she is still a child, quite innocent. Moreover, you also know the rules of my Westwind Town. I used to In the hands of the werewolf guerrillas, you saved the people of your dark vatican. I did not hand them over to the werewolf guerrillas, so now, you want me to hand over Lars, that is obviously impossible."

"In the past, Bishop Elsie took the Knights of the Temple and fled into Westwind. I can leave it alone, but this time the character is very unusual. She is the princess of Donggran. If you don't give it to me, I can't give it up." Her Majesty the Queen Faintly said: "Leaving her is useless for you, but surrendering her can save you a lot of trouble. I can't think of any reason for you to keep her."

"The reason, in fact, there is only one-I am a kind person." Robb said: "I can imagine what she will end up in your hands, a tool used to threaten Mondela, chop a hand today. , Chop a foot tomorrow and force Mondela to make some concessions...Of course, this is because you are a queen. If you are a male, I have no doubt that she will be treated more excessively. "

Having said that, Robb concluded: "I don't want to see these things happen, so I can't give her to you."

The big Lolita in the glass bottle was stunned by these words.

But the little Yi next to him showed a touch of inexplicable expression. She knew that Robb made this decision for her, for her infamous feelings of the Virgin.

The queen’s expression remained unchanged. Robb’s remarks did not surprise her, because she knew Robb was very kind. This was clearly manifested in the war between him and the desert kingdom, on that scale. After the war was fought, no one died. If Robb is not kind, no one in this world can call it kind.

She calmly countered: "Your kindness is not used to indulge the murderer? She killed my minister! The murderer should pay for his life. If your kindness is only for her and ignore those who were killed by her, That is not true kindness, it can only be called partiality."

"Well, you make a lot of sense." Robb said, "But if those people don't die, they don't have to pay for their lives, right? Not long after the assassination, the bodies of those people probably haven't completely decayed, or, As long as the corpse is still there, it is within the scope of my resurrection technique. You seal those killed with ice magic and send them to Westwind Town. I will help you resurrect them all, so that you don’t have to catch her. Reasons."

"She killed nearly two hundred people." The queen said: "The assassination target plus their guards, nearly two hundred people!"

"I'm all resurrected." Robb smiled and said, "There are not many two hundred people."

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