The queen was a little bit astonished for a while, and didn't know what to say. Even if you are the Pope, you have to prepare a lot of tools to resurrect a person. After the resurrection, you have to rest for a long time to restore the magic power. You just said that you want to resurrect two hundred? Not much to say?

Are you still not human? It doesn't make sense anymore. Hey!

Of course, after the Queen's consternation, the trade-offs of pros and cons followed.

Her mind moved quickly.

If she agrees to Robb's terms now, she will lose the princess of Donggrand, but she will be able to return to the dead ministers, who can become her strength and continue to serve her in the future.

And she now forcibly asks Robb to give her Ralth, then she will lose those ministers, and she may not be able to get Ralth, and may even have an antagonism with Robb.

Miss Queen made a decisive decision: "Deal!"

The decisive decision-making made Robb give her a small compliment.

I heard that this ghost woman has been forced to deal with various forces in order to restore the country since she was a child. She has dealt with the dark Vatican, the demihumans of various races, the exiled nobles... The sentence she has talked about in this life is probably comparable to the same age. The meal that the woman had eaten.

Being able to give up a princess decisively, her decision has to be admired.

In this way, even if the princess was finished talking, Madeleine, who was standing behind Her Majesty, couldn’t help it. She patiently listened to the queen and Robert for a long time, but she never talked about the topic. Pulling it onto Robert Smith, I can't bear it anymore. I can't even take care of the rituals of the emperor and ministers, and he jumped out with a brush: "No need to mention the princess. Let's talk about Robert Smith."

Her eyes did not look at Robb, but kept looking at the disguised clone behind Robb, and said loudly: "Robert Smith, what is going on with you? What is going on with that portal?"

The clone didn't move, because Robb hadn't turned the main point of view of the operation to Yingfen. He complained to the crystal ball: "Miss Queen, are your subordinates so unruly? She was when we were talking. Actually jumped out to steal the spotlight."

Her Majesty was not provoked at all. Instead, she smiled and said: "She is not my subordinate, but my best friend. Would you mind if your best friend inserts a few words in the chat? If you mind, you will have no friends."

Robber is happy, this ghost woman, turn me into an army, okay! If you want to play like this, then I switched.

When he thought, his consciousness had reached the clone.

The main body was idle on the stone chair, and the clone stood in front of the crystal ball. In order to avoid revealing the flaw, he deliberately blocked the body on the stone chair with the body of the clone so that Her Majesty and Madeleine could only see Avatar.

Once cut to this body, some commonly used movements and oral addictions cannot be used. For example, small movements such as "wow", shrugging, spreading hands, etc. commonly used in the main body, are all forbidden, and must be disguised back to that simple country nobleman. He tried his best to maintain a down-to-earth attitude, and said to the crystal ball: "Miss Madeleine, hello, sorry for worrying you."

Madeleine hurriedly said: "What's the matter with that portal? My Road to Light is covered by anti-space magic enchantments. No teleportation magic can take effect. Why can you be in Westwind Town and the dormitory drawer? A miniature portal is set up inside."

Robb said: "I don't know, Godfather set it up."

This is the most maddening explanation, anyway, no matter what outrageous things are, a plantation on Godfather can make sense without reason.

Madeleine turned to Robb and gave him a jealous look: "Why can your portal pass through an enchantment?"

Robb's consciousness switched back to his body, and he said, "God knows!"

Madeleine said vigilantly: "Then can I understand that you might send it to the Path of Light at any time to make trouble?"

Robb continued to spread his hands: "Have I ever made trouble? I really want to make trouble. The Bright Road has been messed up."

Madeleine: "..."

Her Majesty snatched the conversation and said: "I don't doubt this. You have the ability to disturb the road to the light, but you have not. I have called you several times recently. You are not on the stone chair, just shrinking yourself. Become a villain, teleport to the road of light, what are you doing secretly? With your ability, you came to the road of light without killing or setting fire. No one even knows that you have been here. I really want to know what you are fighting. What is my idea here?"

Robb turned his forehead twice and said nonsense: "Well, honestly admit it! I'm looking for Thorium. As you know, Westwind Town is a small town, and the business here is not developed, especially all kinds of rare items. , Not at all. I ran to the Bright Road to find it and see if I could be lucky enough to find it."

"Thorium?" Her Majesty and Madeleine were stunned at the same time. Well, Thorium is indeed a very rare thing, more precious than Mithril. It is extremely difficult to find. If Robb is really looking for this thing, then it is. It is possible to go to the Bright Road to find it. After all, this side is much more prosperous, and the business is much more prosperous.

"What are you looking for Thorium for?" the queen asked.

"I won't tell you!" Robb put on a beating face: "You are not my wife, don't think I will tell you everything clearly."

The conversation couldn't go on, so the queen had to snorted, stepped back, and gave Madeleine the right to speak again.

Madeleine continued to ask Robb's clone: ​​"You set up the portal for Thorium?"

Robb's consciousness also cut to the part, and smiled: "Godfather set up the portal for two purposes, one is to find Thorium, and the other is to make it easier for me to go to school in the magic props college during the day and learn how to make magic props. Technology, you can go through the portal back to Westwind Town after school, and then learn wind magic from him."

"In other words, you used to say hi after school every afternoon. It's all a lie, right?" Madeleine said, "All to go back to Westwind Town."

"Yes!" Robb admitted frankly, and it doesn't work if he doesn't admit it at this time, because he's already dressed. The key to lying is to frankly admit what others already know, create a false posture of "I am sincere" for others, and then continue to frantically talk nonsense about other things. It is easy for the other party to be fooled by your "sincere" attitude of admitting mistakes and taking your nonsense seriously.

Robb said nonsense solemnly: "I want to revitalize the Smith family, but making magic items is not enough. I also need strong power. If I don’t become the strongest wind magician on the mainland, I can’t Restore the reputation of the Smith family. And the most powerful person I know is Godfather, he can defeat the army of the desert kingdom by himself, so I have already worshipped him as a teacher and learned from him the essence of wind magic. "

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