After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 821: For the jihad, I don’t hesitate to die

The next day, Robb’s cocoa plantation was harvested!

The group of workers was really scared to death. You must know that after an ordinary cacao tree is planted, it usually takes five years to bear fruit. However, Robb, the monster, only planted it for a day, and the result was harvested. This speed is maddening. Doesn't make sense.

This thing is money on the Maya continent!

So much money was planted overnight!

The workers almost fainted...

However, after a brief surprise, they began to rejoice again. The employer is so strong, do they still need to worry about being hungry in the future? No need at all! As long as you work hard and don't lose your job, your life will be stable.

Some people even suggested to open up wasteland as soon as possible, so that the boss could plant another cocoa tree.

However, this proposal was rejected on the spot by Conte, who was passing by with an interpreter to watch the excitement. Conte kindly reminded them: "Godafather is as lazy as an old dog. The cocoa tree was created by God’s grace to solve the work for you. Question, I want Godafather to use God’s grace again. It’s just not to be imagined. Godafather will not agree to use God’s grace again unless there is another major event and change. You will guard this plantation in the future. Work. If you want to plant more trees, you can only use conventional methods. Plant cocoa trees like normal people."

The workers are obedient and obedient, do their essential work, pick the cocoa beans, leave a part of the cocoa beans for sowing, open a new field next to it, and plant the cocoa trees in the normal way, and most of the cocoa beans It is used for drying, grinding, and then handing over to the sea merchants sent by Miss Queen to load it on a large ship, and under the **** of the fleet, it will be transported back to the Kingdom of Granada...

The Royal Chocolate Factory of the Gran Kingdom finally obtained a large amount of raw materials.

A few days later, at night.

It was ten o'clock in the evening, and Robb hadn't slept yet. At this time, he was really not used to sleeping. Moreover, there was an uninvited guest in the church today.

The escape knight!

This "justice explosion" knight has been living in Robb's mining town since he rebelled against the colony. As a former nobleman, he didn't need to work. His loyal soldiers would take the initiative to participate. The work in the town uses part of his income to support him.

Therefore, he now leads a very leisurely life.

Check it out here today, check it out there tomorrow.

Everything in the small town of the mine made him feel novel. He saw the pit track trolley, pulling out thorium ore at a fast speed, and also saw the secret of smelting in a blast furnace. silver.

He also saw tap water, cement, sewers, showers...

Of course, he is not the kind of person who likes to look at things from the perspective of the overall situation. These technological things only make him feel novel, but they do not think deeply about the politics and economy of the whole country like Miss Queen when she sees these things. What impact will it have.

What he prefers is to look at the life of the Maya here from the perspective of a knight.

He saw the Westwind and Maya living in harmony here, living and working in peace and contentment.

The Westwind people hired the Maya to work for them with reasonable remuneration, instead of using slavery and persecution to force them to work.

In this way, although the Westwind people get much less benefits, they have gained more friendship from the Mayans. The Mayans in this small town are increasing every day, and the Mayans from various tribes around, Are all radiated by this small town.

They are abandoning their primitive and backward tribal life and are beginning to yearn for the same way of life as the Westwind people. They come out of the tribe and go to the mining farm town to find work and make money, and then take the money back to their tribe and become a tribe. The rich men in here, their success has attracted more Maya.

The population of the town is growing very fast! Frenzy expansion speed.

The knight discovered that this is the world that a knight hopes to protect! Strong and gentle, everyone is happy and grows up happily under the light of the holy light.

Now Robb was sitting next to him, listening to the knight and Xiao Yi talking.

Xiao Yi: "The old Illuminati that we used to believe in is harming us. They maliciously tampered with the decree of God and made the Holy See serve the Pope and the cardinals instead of serving the God of Light. We are all deceived. NS."

The knight nodded and agreed: "Yes! I also asked my boss about the Mayans. I asked them, the God of Light loves everything, why doesn't he love these Mayans? My boss said, these The Mayans are heretics and are not worthy of mercy. But I know very well that these Mayans are not taught at all. How can they be heretics if they haven’t taught? It’s really nonsense."

Xiao Yidao: "Yes, the God of Light loves everything. He describes others as heretics and persecutes desperately. That is not the original intention of the God of Light. It is a malicious tampering by the old Holy See of Light."

The more they talked there, the more they felt, and they couldn't help sighing.

Knight said: "Holy nun, from now on I will be a devout believer of the New Bright Holy See. I hope to find my own holy light here."

Xiao Yidao: "We welcome you very much."

Robb rolled his eyes next to him, wanting to vomit, but in the end he resisted.

The knight said sincerely: "Holy nun, I think the city-state model implemented by Westwind City in the New World is very good. I think this is worth learning from the Norma Kingdom. Although I have fled to you, but I still have many friends in Norma. I think I can let them know the way we treat the Maya through letters... We should even pass on the teachings of the new Illuminati to let the believers of the old Illuminati know the true What is the God of Light like."

Xiao Yi shook his head and said: "Our New Bright Holy See is only going to preach in the Gran Kingdom, but if we preach to the Norma Kingdom, I'm afraid it will cause a very serious war."

The knight sternly said: "In order to protect the true holy light, launch a holy war! I will not hesitate to die!"

"No, don't do this." Xiao Yi interrupted him quickly and shook his head: "Godafather originally supported me in establishing the new Illuminati Holy See. He told me very clearly that we cannot instigate war in any form, especially the so-called holy war. It’s even more wrong. The reason why the old Holy See has become like this is because they have gained rights and money through holy wars again and again. Therefore, they are decayed, and the **** of light has become to them. It’s not that important anymore. Rights and money have become what they are after, and we must not become that way."

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