After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 822: Only do what can be done

The knight couldn't help but said: "Then shall we sit and watch the old Illuminati persecuting others?"

Xiao Yi shook his head and said: "They did bad things, so someone will clean them up, but we can't do it. Godafather is right. If bad people do bad things, they should be dealt with by the law enforcement agencies of the country, not by the Holy See. The Holy See does not have this right, and should not have such a right. When the Holy See gets such a right, the Holy See will embark on an abnormal path."

The knight seemed to understand something. He turned his head and looked at Robb, and saw Robb lazily turning over on the stone chair, and then throwing a piece of chocolate into his mouth. Lazy stick.

The knight couldn't help but sweat: "This Godafather is really invisible."

Xiao Yi smiled and said: "After a long time you will find that his appearance is far more reassuring than the appearance of a charge and a war."

The knight couldn't help but whispered: "He is so powerful, have you ever thought of conquering the world?"

Xiao Yi shook his head: "Godafather said that the development of transportation and communication, and the integration of culture and ethnicity, will restrict the size of a country. If transportation and communication are not developed enough, culture and ethnicity are still separated. , Forcibly uniting the world by force, only to fall apart in a blink of an eye, meaningless, he didn't bother to do such stupid things."

The knight said "Yeah," and he thought about history carefully, isn't that the way it is?

He couldn't help sighing: "Godafather is really wise, I can't match it."

"Hey!" Robb protested: "How do I say you curse?"

Knight: "I am not, I am not!"

Robb smiled and said, "Don't panic, just joking with you."

The knight looked dumbfounded, where is this funny? But forget it, let's talk about business. He said to Robb with a serious expression: "Godafather, you don't like war. It is a good thing. I admire you very much, but you must also see that now countless Mayans are living a dire life in the colony. We only rescued a mere two hundred people. I don’t know how many tens of thousands of people have lived through misery in countless colonies. Are we going to die without saving? We can’t take the initiative to lend a helping hand to them. ?"

Robb spread his hands: "How hot is the world? There are so many people living miserable lives. There are everywhere in the world. Where can we save it? Unless we start a war and unify the world, there will be many people we can't even touch. If war is to unify the world, the process of war itself will bring countless suffering. Is it meaningful to kill a group of people in order to save a group of people?"

The knight thought about it carefully: "Huh? It seems to be so."

"If you can, save one, save what you can see and touch, save one." Robb said: "As for what is beyond your reach, then forget it. It is better not to do good deeds forcibly, so as not to mess up the world."

Xiao Yi said with a stiff face next to him: "Is this the reason you are looking for your laziness? I almost believed it."

Robb: "..."

Xiao Yidao: "Although I cannot instigate believers to start a holy war, I am now very clear about what I should do. I should work hard to spread my knowledge and make more foolish people become smarter. , They themselves know how to judge what they should do."

Robb clapped his hands: "That's right, I think this is the kingly way."

The knight thought for a while, and said: "You are right. I wrote to my friends in the Norma Kingdom and told them the way Westwind City treats the Mayans. Then, what should I do? Let the friends themselves Go and judge."

The three of them were talking about this, and the crystal ball in front of Robb lit up.

It's from Miss Queen!

Robb answered the phone and saw the queen sitting in the sunset-lit garden with an empty dinner plate on the stone table in front of him. It seemed that he had just finished dinner.

"The second batch of creamy chocolate is out of the factory." As soon as the call was made, the queen went straight to the subject, and she didn't bother to say a word of nonsense.

Robb smiled and said, "Making crazy again?"

"Yeah!" The queen squashed her mouth: "But I am not happy and told you to grow cocoa beans, but you refused. A group of refugees came, and you planted a large piece immediately. What do you mean by this fellow? Are you uglier than refugees?"

"No, no, you are super beautiful." Robb said, "All the refugees are ugly and ugly. The matter of growing cocoa beans has nothing to do with the appearance of the refugees."

Before he could finish a sentence, the young female translator emerged from behind. Although she was horribly thin, her facial features were pretty good. Her face happened to be in front of the crystal ball, and she said to Robb: "Godafather, I have a folks here. I found a strange stone outside. I heard that you are looking for all kinds of strange stones, so let me bring it to you."

She handed a small stone with both hands. Robb glanced at it and shook his head and said, "Thank him for his kindness, but this stone is useless. It is not what I was looking for."

The female translator said: "Oh! Okay."

After speaking, she backed away and walked away.

Robb turned his head again to look at the crystal ball, and saw the queen posing with an expression like "men are big pigs' hoofs".

Robbqi said: "What's wrong with you?"

The queen hummed: "It has nothing to do with the appearance of the refugees, right?"


"What happened to the woman just now?"

"That's an interpreter, it's not the same thing as the plantation workers." Robb hummed: "If you want to use this to vomit me, it must be impossible."

The queen slapped her on the table: "Change to a male translator!"

"No change!" Robb also slapped on the table: "My uncle likes beautiful translations, but doesn't like men."

The queen had nothing to do with this obscure guy, so she could not mention the incident, and changed the subject: "Something fun has happened."

"Oh?" Robbitch said: "What's the matter?"

The queen said: "After my second batch of chocolate is produced, the Dark Vatican wants some."

Robb immediately became happy: "Didn't they stop the trade between the Lost City and Siege? Why do they want to come for chocolate now?"

Speaking of this, the Queen is also happy: "After our free trade port was opened, the Dark Vatican found that their actions to stop trade were very stupid. Not only did they fail to seal our material access channels, they blocked their own material channels."

The Lost City is just a seaport city that hangs alone in the southwest corner of the mainland, and it has almost no physical assets. In the past, it relied on the goods shipped from the Gran Kingdom, but it would not lack anything, but now, he took the initiative to cut off the trade with the Gran Kingdom, causing it to lose the supply from the land, so it still has What are the advantages?

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