After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 824: The mine stealer is here

In 1351, summer!

Robb took his sisters and traveled through the portal from Westwind City to the small town of the mining farm. He didn't expect that he would be showered with heavy rain on his head just now, and it became a drenched chicken.

Other things on Maya Continent are okay. It’s the most troublesome thing that often likes heavy rains, and the rain here is not the same as rain in other places. It’s crazy and unreasonable when you get up, and it won’t be right away. Just stop, just for a few days.

It will give people a feeling of violent storms destroying the world!

Robb stood at the entrance of the portal, full of rain, pointing to the sky and said: "Fak, is there any mistake? I just got through the door when I was caught in the rain?"

The two of Sofa and Lilian next to him were also drenched, but the two of them did not complain about the sky like Robb, but smiled and pulled Robb's hand from the left and right: "Go back to Westwind City. Go ahead, take a bath and change clothes. It seems that Maya Continent is not able to stay here for the time being."

There were two girls holding hands and they were in a good mood. Robb stopped being angry and smiled: "Then we go back to take a bath together?"

Sofa quickly shook Robb's hand and jumped off the floor for a meter or two, but Lilian's face blushed, she did not agree, but did not protest, she looked "whatever you want".

Robb was overjoyed: "Walk around, go back!"

He was anxious to pull Lilian back to the portal. However, at this moment, a Mayan eagle warrior ran towards the church in the storm. The heavy rain seemed to have little effect on the eagle warrior. He was raining. Li ran like running on a sunny day. While running, she was talking Maya to the church. Then, the head of a Mayan beauty popped up in the church, which was translated by Robb's beauty Maya.

When this female interpreter came here last year, she was still yellow and thin, with a dish on her face, but now she has become healthy and beautiful, with the beauty of a typical brown woman. After hearing the eagle warrior say something, she quickly turned her head. Come, shout to Robb who is standing by the portal: "Godafather, there is a situation!"

Robb was speechless. He was about to go back and take a bath with Lilian. How happy you are, you scumbags can't find me a little bit of shit? He asked angrily: "What's the matter?"

The female translator ran to Robb with the eagle warrior. Everyone was soaked in soup. She quickly said: "These eagle warriors said that Miss Xuelu and the three of them were adventuring outside, and they ran into Nuo. The horses, they followed the Norma and found that they seemed to be peeping at our Saronite mine."

"Huh?" Robb couldn't help being amused when he heard these words: "What do they want to do?"

The female translator whispered: "Miss Xuelu asked the Eagle Warriors to tell us that they probably wanted to steal the Saronite Iron under the cover of the heavy rain."

The black mine with Saronite iron buried is a bit far away from the mine town, in the jungle to the west, and also far from the Gada tribe and the polar tribe. Because of its powerful evil spirits, except Robb People can't dig, so there's no way to build a mine there. Robb himself is lazy and doesn't want to dig there.

Therefore, there may be people who go there to take a look at ordinary times, but when there is a heavy rain, no one will take care of it.

Anyway, once the torrential rain on the Maya Continent begins, it will fall for a long time, ten days or even dozens of days, and it will go on endlessly. Under the cover of heavy rain, coming to steal the mines is a rather nasty operation. .

Unfortunately, the luck of the Norma was not so good, and the stealing of mines was discovered by three adventurers.

Robb couldn't help crying and laughing: "Damn, a big country, do you want to be so embarrassed to do things?"

The female translator and the eagle warrior stopped talking, just waiting for Robb to speak.

Lilian never got involved with this kind of thing, and stood beside him obediently, but he didn't let go of Robb's hand.

Only Sofa came up and said, "What should I do? Shall we send a troop to protect our Saronite?"

Robb shook: "No one but me can dig the garbage mine. What's the use? Forget it, if the Norma people are interested, let them find a way to dig it. Anyway, the level 80 mine, I also Not placed..."

When he said a word, he stopped suddenly and said, "Huh?"

Sofaqi said: "What's wrong? Suddenly his expression changed?"

Robb's expression became ugly: "This mine can't be given to them, because... they want to dig this mine, I'm afraid it is..."

At this point, Robb’s tone became a bit heavy. He glanced at the Maya beauty translator and the eagle warrior in front of him, and whispered: "Saronite is a kind of mine that makes people feel uncomfortable. Norma must have already known it. Since they have planned to steal the mines, they must have inquired about this. Therefore, they will not dig these mines lightly."

Sofa had accompanied Robb to the mine at that time. She knew how uncomfortable Saronite felt. She frowned and said, "You mean, they will let the Maya dig?"

"Yes!" Robb whispered: "There is no doubt that they will force Maya slaves to go up the mountain to mine. Of course, all the uncomfortable evil spirits will be left to the slaves. The slaves' bodies are inherently there. It’s not so good. Engaging in heavy physical labor under that evil spirit, I’m afraid..."

Both Sofa and Lilian had sad expressions on their faces.

The beautiful translator and the eagle warrior couldn't help but move.

Robb said, "Tell Elsie to take some people to stop the Norma, and don't give them a chance to go to the foot of the mine."

Sofa nodded and went quickly.

Robb shook his head and sighed. He took Lilian's hand and walked towards the church in the small town of the mine: "Let's live here these two days, let's see how this matter develops."

Lilian whispered in his ear: "Or else dig a hot spring in the yard here, we can make bubbles together."

Robb was overjoyed at once: "Dig! After digging, build a canopy on it. I like to soak in hot springs when it rains."

After a few minutes, Sofa came back, and Elsie ran over in the heavy rain, followed by a large group of westerly fighters, the knight who had fled from Norma and his men, and a group of hired men to join him. The eagle warrior of the tribe defending the small town of the mine.

The eagle warriors didn’t care about such heavy rain, but Elsie and others felt that the Yali Mountain was big and looked very embarrassed in the heavy rain. It is estimated that the underwear and **** in the armor were soaked, and they looked unhappy. , But, as soon as she stood in front of Robb, the expression on Elsie's face immediately became resolute and fearless: "Godafather, leave the officer immediately to drive away the **** thieves."

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