After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 825: West Exploration

Elsie took a group of people out. Robb stayed in the church. Anyway, his clothes were soaked. Now it makes no sense to hide from the rain. He simply took advantage of this time to dig a big in the yard. Pit, set up a canopy on the top of the pit, fill the pit with water, shake the water into a "hot spring" with fire magic, and then smiled and jumped in.

Lilian looked around, the heavy rain was pouring, and there was no living outside. She was not afraid of being seen by others, so she slipped into the water quietly, but she was still very cautious and didn't take off her wet clothes.

Robb smiled and said, "Hey, all the clothes are on."

Lilian only had her head exposed on the water. She watched from the left and right, and after a while, after she was sure it was safe, a skirt was thrown out of the water...

Although Rob was slurred, he was shocked when she saw that she did this: "Oh my Lilian, you are getting bolder and bolder now. Wait, I have to build this hot spring pool. Surrounded by a wall, although you can't see anyone around at all, when the Mayan eagle warriors are hiding in the jungle, it is not easy for me to spot them. I don't want you to go all out."

A few hours later, Elsie and his party returned. Not only did the fighters come back, they also brought back a large group of Maya who looked pitiful. Interestingly, most of these people recognized the escaped knights, and it seems that they too Coming from the colony to the south.

Elsie returned to Robb and reported: "Godafather, who is from the colony in the south, is in the same group as the Knights of the Iron Horse who harassed us last time. Their agents have detected that we have a Saronite. Iron ore, they also knew that the Saronite iron shield and handguards worn by Kangte were very powerful, so they wanted to steal our ore during the rainy season."

Robb nodded.

The escaped knight came over: "They came out to steal mines this time, with a large number of Mayan slaves, and wanted to force them to dig mines. Even if they were attacked by evil spirits and died, it is really damnable to use them as consumables. ."

Robb sighed and shook his head. "Every penny earned by the colonists is stained with the blood of the aboriginals. Elsie, settle these refugees well. First find a job with weak physical labor for them. Wait. After they get better, let them find another job."

Elsie nodded and led away.

The escaped knight approached: "Godafather, we saw Miss Xuelu and the three of them next to the Saronite Iron Mine. They had joined forces for a fight just now, but the three of them have not yet planned to come back."

Robb smiled and said, "This guy Xuelu is like this. He always likes to run outside. When he gets tired, he comes back to tease me for a few days, and then he goes out to run."

Hearing the words "trick me for a few days", the escaped knight felt like he had eaten 100 million tons of dog food and almost jumped up to complain, but in the end he forcibly held it back. He whispered, "Ms. Xuelu said, they eavesdropped. In the dialogue with the Norma, the Norma are exploring the inland to the west of the Maya continent."

At present, both the Gran and the Norma people are still very basic in exploring the New World. They only explored a part of the east coast of the Maya Continent, but they still lack knowledge of the central and western parts of the Maya Continent.

Robb asked curiously: "The Enoma people now have enough energy to explore the west with the development of the New World?"

We must know that it has been around five years since Norma talents started to operate the Maya continent. At this time, the construction of the colony was just a mess. Where did they spare their energy to explore the west?

Speaking of this, the escape knight has a better say. He shook his head and said: "We Norma people are indeed still very immature in the management of the New World. The colonies along the coast are all rotten, and the construction is far less than the Westwind City mine. It’s a small town. However, the people above didn’t plan to build this side well, they just wanted to come over and plunder resources.”

He paused, and then said: "A friend of mine in the colony wrote me a letter a few days ago, saying that a domestic order had just come, telling them not to limit their vision to the existing colony. Look for rare minerals, gold, and gems. When they find the ore, they will grab a large number of indigenous people and force them to dig desperately, and then they will be transported to their own country."

Robb: "Cut! Desperate predatoryism?"

After all, Robb knew that such an approach would indeed bring prosperity to the colonists for hundreds of years, but this kind of prosperity was built on the suffering of others, which was very boring.

The escaped knight said: "This is probably one of the reasons they want to steal Saronite Iron."

Robb nodded: "They are going to explore the west. For me, it's a very good thing. If they find any useful mines, can you find a way to know the first time?"

The escaped knight said: "I can!" After he finished speaking, he smiled embarrassedly: "If there is enough money to buy intelligence."

Robb came to the New World, mainly to find rare mines to prepare for the black dragon. It is now the summer of 1351, and there will be half a year to 1352, which is the next year of the black dragon dancing. If the bell strikes in the New Year At the moment before the sound, he couldn't find enough good equipment, and maybe he couldn't kill the black dragon this year.

Therefore, his current demand for new minerals is quite urgent!

However, due to the inadequate involvement of Westwind City and the Gran Kingdom, and the Mayan people’s map-making ability is almost zero, Robb’s speed in prospecting for minerals in the New World has been very unsatisfactory. In the past few months, there has been no gain at all. Now suddenly I heard that the Norma were about to explore westward, which of course was very desirable.

Robb didn’t mean to grab Norma’s mines, but minerals in the real world are always symbiotic. If the Norma finds any mines, Robb looks for mines nearby, it’s very likely that he can find the same, so , It’s also good to follow along and pick up leaks.

He smiled and patted the fugitive knight on the shoulder: "You have been here for a long time, and you should have heard of it from the merchants. Anyone who finds me a strange stone, I will give him one. When will I be reluctant to spend a lot of money? You just spend the money and arrange for your friends in the Norma colony. If I get any good things then, I have to thank you very much."

The fugitive knight nodded and agreed, took a sum of money, and then sent his cronies to sneak back to the colony with the money secretly to contact his old friends.

The Norma people have been developing the New World for many years. They have many territories, many colonies, and more maps. Once they spread out, it will be easier to find the ore.

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