After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 846: Support a puppet

After hearing this, the queen almost threw the table up on the spot: "Hey, ghost man, have you made a mistake? When I said that I was going to go to war, you were extremely opposed to it. It looked like I was going to turn my face on the spot to prevent me from starting a war. Now you are going to make trouble? You can’t be such a double standard! Moreover, you obviously don’t count me, I can’t control you at all, but once you start a war, others will say that it was my Gran Kingdom’s work. They will all say that I am a very aggressive and ambitious queen, why should I give you back?"

Robb spread his hands: "I can't help it. I have to fight this war. Because I know that these people cannot be put into the Gran Kingdom. The Gran Kingdom is powerless and has no responsibility to bear so many refugees. So... I have to get rid of the guys who are doing evil in the desert so that these refugees can return to their homes."

Speaking of this, Robb said seriously: "Of course, there is another reason that it is clear that all mankind should unite to deal with the black dragon, but the stupid guys are still working hard for their own interests. Such a stupid thing. Someone must correct it."

The queen squinted: "When did you become such a righteous person?"

"Never before." Robb said, "It's just that my black maid is very sad. I saw her as if she was about to cry. She was very strong and didn't want to cry for me, so she poured tears into her belly. Come, I want to help her even more."


There is nothing to say now. The queen has actually heard from her subordinates. During the last dark vatican civil strife, Robb helped her take the road to light, and let the dark vatican provide good conditions, Robb also He didn't accept it. His reason at the time was one: "I don't want Miss Queen to cry."

Now, it just changed to the black maid again.

The queen didn't even have the strength to be angry, but she couldn't laugh or cry: "That is to say, because you are going to tease other women happy, so I have to help you carry a **** pot? Why?"

Robb said: "Oh, I've wronged you! The only way you can get rid of it now is to announce to all countries that Westwind City does not belong to the Kingdom of Gran, and I have nothing to do with you."

"Don't even think about it!" The queen slapped the table and said: "Westwind City is the territory of my Gran Kingdom. It is sacred and indivisible. I will fight for anyone who dares to divide. And you..."

Having said that, the queen paused, dragged a long tone, squinted, and said in a weird tone: "You have proposed to me. Although I haven't given you an answer yet, you want to get rid of me, don't think about it. !"

Robb Daqi: "When did I propose to you?"

"Isn't the wedding dress you gave me last time?"

"Oh, just rub it, I'll use it for you to cover the robes. Don't use it as a wedding dress, as an outer armor."

"I'll pretend to be a ghost." The queen finally lifted the table. After the table was lifted, she picked up the crystal ball from the mess of scattered objects, her face was stern, and the majestic said: "Take down the desert. After the kingdom, let me support a puppet Pharaoh, and I will help you carry this pot."

"Why are you woman so keen on this kind of thing?" Robb said, "Do you think it's evil to support puppets or something? It will give people a kind of, you are really a bad queen. Listen to me, Puppets will eventually turn against the water. Who would be willing to be controlled for the rest of their lives? Let’s not engage in this kind of thing and hurt the character. Just find a good person for the desert kingdom to act as the old king, and no longer add to your northern borders. Trouble, this is the best result."

The queen squinted: "Is the new pharaoh in your mind Madara or Solfa? Let me think about it... well... it must be Moranra!"

Robb said: "Wow, this girl, you are so smart, you can get it right."

The queen threw the crystal ball to the ground: "Isn't this just supporting a puppet? You have said all the good things, but what you want to do is not the same crazy thing."

Robb said: "I can't help it, I won't support someone to take care of the site I hit, then why should I fight?"

The wind and sand swept across the vast desert. In the long yellow sand, there was a small oasis standing tenaciously in the middle of a piece of sand. Next to the oasis there was a strange black oil swamp.

This oasis is at war!

A huge army encircled this small oasis at the core, attacking frantically from all directions, and the people guarding the oasis were fighting desperately.

The gunpowder was full of arrows and magic, and the black kerosene bomb exploded outside the city wall, blowing the siege back into flight. The ground was full of flames ignited by kerosene, the air was filled with poisonous gas, and the soldiers on both sides were fighting with their faces covered.

The name of this oasis is Kali Oasis, the home of Matura.

The Kali Oasis has a population of less than 7,000.

In fact, there was a population of more than 8,000 here, but in the battle of Madara’s attack on Westwind Town, three thousand soldiers from Kali Oasis were captured by Robb. Most of these fighters stayed in Westwind Town and never returned. Kari came, and after returning home once, Madara was exiled for "spreading rumors to deceive the Pharaoh."

Since then, the strength of the Kari family has been discounted, and the population of 8,000 was reduced to only more than 4,000 when it was at its minimum.

Fortunately, afterwards, Matura and Robb reached a business agreement to transport a large amount of black kerosene, a specialty of Kari Oasis, to Westwind City, and exchange various materials with Robb. These materials helped the Kari family regain a certain vitality. After repurchasing a large number of slaves and a large number of camels, the population slowly recovered to more than 7,000.

Such a small population and the fact that Matura was added to the blacklist by the pharaoh when he was exiled, made the Kari family not very ambitious and never expected to climb to the pinnacle of politics and power. Therefore, when the news that the Pharaoh was killed by the black dragon came, the members of the Kari family were still eating the hot pot from Westwind City, singing songs, and didn't think deeply.


They suddenly discovered that a large army was pressing outside the oasis, the leader of the oasis next door.

The big man rode a camel and walked to the door of the Kari Oasis, and said loudly to them: "From today onwards, the Kari family will listen to my orders and treat me as Pharaoh and help me fight, and I will spare you, otherwise, I will kill you all."

What a simple and rude request, the Kari family lifted the hot pot on the spot, jumped up and jumped over.

Then, they found that they couldn't win!

The Kari family became shivering and shivering in the oasis...

If it weren't for the fire oil rich in Kari Oasis, they made many explosive and inflammable weapons, they almost couldn't hold it.

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