After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 847: It’s the same who is the pharaoh

The guarding battle of Kari Oasis has entered the most critical time.

The rebels attacked under the wall, but the kerosene bombs in the hands of the defenders were exhausted.

Madara’s younger brother, Mandala Kari, was already **** at this time. He was standing on another wall, kicking an enemy soldier off the wall, turning his head and seeing the wall in the distance. A group of rebel fighters rushed up and stood upright without being driven down. Although the slave soldiers of the Kari family had tried their best, they still could not beat this group of enemy soldiers.

As they stabilized the city wall, more enemy soldiers climbed up, forming a small defensive formation on the city wall. This defensive formation is very terrible. The soldiers were sent into the city.

Basically announcing the end of the battle, the Kari family has only one dead end.

Mandala sighed for a long time: "I knew it, I would surrender when he came to persuade me to surrender. Anyway, who is the Pharaoh, isn't it all the same to me?"

However, there is no regret medicine in the world, and now it seems to be too late to say this.

No, wait, it seems it's not too late!

In the wind and sand in the south, a group of people suddenly appeared. There were only a small number of people, only 800 people. The first 300 people were black-skinned and robed desert kingdom soldiers, while the back 500 people were white. Skin, warrior wearing armor or leather armor.

The sudden appearance of this group of people caused a slight shake to the rebel army that was attacking the city. The army standing behind the formation immediately turned around and faced this group of uninvited guests.

I saw that at the front of the team, there was a blond young man named Robb. He was so handsome and unreasonable, as if God gave him all the most handsome genes. He held an amplifier in his hand. The magic props used loudly said to the two fighting parties here: "The two armies in front immediately put down their weapons and stop fighting. The desert kingdom was attacked by the black dragon. It is precisely that everyone needs to work together to rebuild their homes and kill the black dragon. At the critical moment of revenge and hatred, you are here in your den, consuming important manpower and material resources. Don’t you feel guilty? Don’t you feel blushing? Don’t you feel embarrassed?"

Speaking of this, Robb paused, and then said: "Our army warns you, whoever ignores the overall situation and maliciously tears up will encounter our army's crazy targeting! Our army is very strong, and the face is very painful, please Qian Don't try the law with your own body. Please put down your weapons immediately and negotiate peacefully."

Hearing this voice and seeing this group of people, Mandala Kari’s eyes flashed with joy. He put down the weapon in his hand wittily and shouted: "It’s not the war I started, I eat Singing songs in the hot pot, these people suddenly came to beat me, and I didn't do anything."

"You are doing well, please keep it up." Robb said: "What about the other side?"

The rebel leader on the other side suddenly became happy: "Where is the neuropathy? What kind of crazy things are you talking about?"

He stretched out his hand and pointed at Robb from a distance: "You come from the Gran Kingdom? Is the Gran Kingdom planning to interfere in our internal affairs? Shameless?"

"What? Interference in your internal affairs? No no!" Robb said solemnly: "Interference in internal affairs is such a low-handed thing, who loves to do it, I am here to improve the social atmosphere. Everyone, don't fight, don't fight. What's the matter? I'll give it to whoever says it's right."

Rebel leader: "Don't use such a serious expression to say such unreliable words."

"Hey? Am I very unreliable?" Robb said: "Don't talk nonsense, stop, don't fight."

"I'll stop your sister." The rebel leader stretched out his hand and pointed at Robb: "Get rid of this neurosis."

His army, an elite force confident that it can defeat all other nobles and grab control of the desert kingdom, immediately rushed towards Robb and his group...

Next is the battle time!

In view of the fact that the majority of readers feel that the battle is very watery and many people will skip it, so this book also adopts the fast forward mode.


The screw hoist hits...

The battle is over!

Madara's foot stepped on the head of the rebel leader, and the leader who thought he could unify the desert, now all went to the ground. Robb didn’t even make a move at all. Sofa, Matura, and Elsie led the West Wind fighters and some “ex-soldiers” of the Desert Kingdom who volunteered to help, and easily overthrew the rebels. .

Although they had only 800 people, they were well equipped, all of which Robb prepared for them to fight the black dragon, and used them to deal with the scum soldiers in the desert kingdom. It really shouldn't be too easy.

Fortunately, Robb has always loved the world and is not easy to kill. Therefore, the Westwind fighters also uphold Robb’s consistent teachings. You can ignore it when fighting. When you have the upper hand, you should not rush to kill. Therefore, these rebels Although the soldiers were defeated, not many people died.

Mandala ran out of the city and yelled excitedly at Mdala: "Brother, you are back! Ah, that's great. I thought we were all done, but my brother is amazing."

Madara couldn't laugh or cry: "It's Godafather, I'm just a soy saucer."

Mandala hurried over to give Robb a big gift: "I have heard of Godafather's name a long time ago. I am deeply honored to be able to meet you. You are as handsome and powerful as rumored."

Robb said unhappily: "Mom's mental retardation, I didn't take action in the previous battle. How did you see that I was strong?"

Mandala: "..."

Madara smiled and patted his younger brother on the shoulder: "Don't be fictional when talking to Godafather. If you want to be honest and not polite, he likes it very much. If you go around the corner and talk nonsense, you will be stunned by Godafather."

Mandala sweats profusely: "It turned out to be like this, then I'll be honest, Godafather is so handsome, but I don't know whether it's strong or not."

Madara kicked his younger brother somersault: "Godafather has beaten the black dragon, don't you know? You don't even know whether he is strong or not? Are you sick in your brain? After I was driven away by the Pharaoh, I stayed. Under your mentally handicapped management family, how can our family do a good job?"

Mandala was so wronged that he almost cried...

Robb couldn't help crying or laughing. He asked the rebel leader who was beaten on the ground, "Now, how many guys like you are there?"

The rebel leader said pitifully: ", five...I know there are five! We all want to be the second Mondela, so we have to try to conquer the small oasis next to it, and the composition is enough. Kill the other noble armies."

Robb shook his head: "Who is not good at learning, learn Mondela, alas! Well, I won't talk nonsense with you anymore. From today on, you will regard Matura as the new pharaoh. Otherwise, you will be flat. you."

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