After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 855: Encounter an adventurer

Robb couldn't help being amused: "Can the people of the Desert Kingdom have the ability to contact the Demon Race? I think it's hanging! Most of this is played by the people of the Norma Kingdom."

Elsie said: "The lower officials also think so. From a geopolitical point of view, the Norma Kingdom cannot sit back and watch the Gran Kingdom annexing the Desert Kingdom. It is common sense to send troops to intervene. And they discovered that we Westwind Town also sent troops to intervene. It’s not surprising that they will unite monsters.”

Robb: "Okay, I see! You can figure it out on your own, remember to call me when you are in danger."

Elsie hung up the phone.

Sofa listened to it, and couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Noma country contacted the monster again? This is too shameless."

Robb said: "When the weak want to fight the strong, they always come up with all kinds of tricks. I actually don't mind if they rack their brains against me, because it's human nature, but... they can't be a bit human. Is it your position? It’s really uncomfortable to always join forces with monsters."

Sofa nodded.

"Okay, don't talk about these unhappy things." Robb stretched out his hand to pull Sofa again: "Let's take a shower happily, don't worry, just take a shower, and make sure not to do things that you are not ready for."

Sofa: "Hey? Don't...well..."

Next is kneading time, crazy kneading...

Poor Sofa was so weak that she couldn't stand up until the bad guy rubbed enough, and then she let her go, washed her clothes with magic, dried them, and put them on again. Then he came out of the ant's crypt and continued to move on to the next mine.

Robb didn't go to dig the black iron in the queen's nest. Now there is Titan steel. The black iron is relatively low grade and it is useless to dig it.

After drilling out of the ant hole, Robb's reconnaissance skills can be used, his field of vision has expanded to 5000 yards away, and the entire loess **** is within his field of vision.

As the two walked, Robb suddenly said, "Huh?"

Sofaqi said: "What's the matter?"

"There are people ahead!" Robbile said, "A team, five, there are fighters, there are thieves, there are hunters, there are wizards, and there are priests. A standard five-person adventure team looks better than Xuelu's team. too much."

Sofa whispered: "Strategy, animal husbandry and hunting thieves, such a standard team? It seems very strong."

Robb smiled and said: "There are no two or three, I dare not go to Liangshan. This Jinghong Mountain is the most dangerous place on the Continent of the Demon. It contains the most powerful monsters. Xuelu and their three-person adventure team don't dare to enter here casually. , These five dare to sway here, it must be extremely strong and interesting, and they seem to be looking for minerals...I saw them beating on the ground, and they seemed to be pondering the rock formations."

Sofa was surprised: "They ran into the Jinghong Mountains to look for mines. It would be a lot of death."

"Anyway, go up and ask." Robb smiled and walked in the direction of the five people.

When he saw the five people, the distance was 5000 yards. The hunters in the team obviously did not have such a long line of sight, so he did not find Robb and Solfa, but when Robb and Solfa walked into them 4500 yards. When he was far away, the hunter turned his head and looked at Robb from a distance.

Obviously, this guy has a viewing distance of 4,500 yards, which is quite powerful! The proficiency of the hunter class has reached 90%. This may not be a hunter anymore, it should be at the level of a demon hunter, and it is quite powerful.

Robb pretended not to see him and didn’t look there. In this way, the demon hunter on the opposite side would not know that Robb’s sight distance was farther than him. He thought Robb was just walking in their direction by accident. past.

The Demon Hunter notified his teammates, and the other four people showed doubts on their faces. They were also very surprised at seeing humans in the Jinghong Mountains. After looking at each other, the five people hid themselves almost at the same time. Quietly waiting for Robb and Sofa to walk over.

After a while, Robb and Sofa walked to the five-person hiding place. Suddenly they heard the sound of armor rubbing from behind the stone in front. The fighters in the five-person group jumped out of the hiding place. Blocking the front, he looked very cautious. The shield on his left hand was slightly raised to protect his vitals, and he asked Robb very seriously: "Who are you?"

"Wow, don't be so alert." Robb said, "As you can see, I am a human, from the magic kingdom of Gran, and the beautiful woman next to me is also a human, from the desert kingdom of Kurt."

"We are adventurers from Norma, the country of knights, but you can rest assured that we are not soldiers and will not attack the Granites." The soldier looked at Robb with a strange look: "I'm just strange, you know that this is Where is it?"

"Know, Jinghong Mountains, high slopes of loess!" Robb said, "It's a very dangerous place."

"Then you still run inside? Aren't you afraid of death?" the soldier said.

Sofa was about to say "This is Godafather from Westwind City", but before she could say anything, Robb pulled her quietly so that she didn't rush to speak. Then Robb put on a look of grief and indignation. Appearance said: "We also know that it is dangerous here, but we have to enter here."

The soldier wondered: "Why?"

Robb said, "As you can see, I am from Gran. The woman I fell in love with is from the desert kingdom. Our love is destined not to be accepted by the world. Family and friends oppose it. People in the desert kingdom even say to To execute her, I had no choice but to sneak into the desert kingdom during the civil turmoil in the desert kingdom and flee with her. There were enemies chasing us and we had no choice but to enter the Jinghong Mountains in order to avoid the chasers."

The soldier said: "You haven't encountered the magic ants? There are a lot of magic ants on the high slopes of the loess. We have killed hundreds of them when we came here."

Robb said: "Maybe the magic ants have attracted your attention. The whole family has sent out to attack you. We haven't met any of us. Thank you so much."

The warrior is stiff, and this is not impossible. There will always be people who are lucky enough to go into the depths of the mountains without a monster. Although there are very few people who are lucky. There are still people who can win the lottery ticket, right? Coupled with the fact that ants do have the habit of the whole family to attack a target, this group of people attracts the attention of magic ants, which is also very likely.

The warrior just felt a little strange. The talents in his own line killed hundreds of ants. The colony of ants was so big that hundreds of them were not enough to see. I don't know why there are no ants behind to find their troubles.

Robb said: "Are you an adventurer? Dare to enter the Jinghong Mountains, you must be a very powerful adventurer! It's great to be able to meet you here. I want to pay a sum of money. Please protect the two of us. Injured by chasing soldiers."

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