After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 856: Metal detector

Robb’s words completely dispelled the warrior’s worries. He beckoned to the side. Soon, four other people also came out of the hiding place. The hunter, thieves, mage, priest, the five-member team all looked at Luo with curious eyes. Bai two people.

"How much will you pay?" the thief said.

Robb said: "Don't look at me as a slingshot. My family is very rich in the Gran Kingdom. If you can protect our safety, I will pay you fifty gold coins."

"Fifty gold coins?" The five adventurers were overjoyed. Although the thief still had a little suspicion, Robb was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, which looked strange, and Sofa also wore an assassin costume, covering her. The equipment on his body made it impossible for the adventurers to see whether the two of them had any money.

But they could tell from Robb's words and demeanor that this guy is really not a poor man.

"Well, that's how the business is negotiated." The soldier stretched out his hand and shook Robb: "When will we protect you?"

Robb said: "It doesn't take long. We just need to be unharmed. Let us follow you until you leave this mountain range and reach a safe place."

The soldier thought for a while, this was also pretty good, and there was no hindrance to letting the two of them follow, and they could do their own things as usual.

Robb pretended to ask, "What did you do in this mountain?"

The soldier smiled and said, "Let's look for rare ores."

What Robb wanted was this answer. He saw these five people seemingly looking for ore from a long distance, so he came over a lot of nonsense on purpose. Now that the topic is brought over, he can finally ask: "Find ore?"

"Yeah!" The warrior laughed: "If you are not an adventurer, I am afraid that we don't know the biggest event of our Adventurer Guild recently, that is, Godafather of Westwind City has issued a super commission to the world. After seeing the oasis capital of the desert kingdom being ravaged by the black dragon, I was very angry! It was announced on the spot that he would pay a big price to buy rare ores and make the strongest equipment to destroy the black dragon. Godafather has always been generous, and he is willing to pay a big price. But it is more exciting than any commission. Now all the adventurers in the world are desperately completing this world-class commission."

Robb sweats profusely, huh? Is there such a thing? Think about it, oh yes! The last sentence of Chapter 843. But I didn't say that I would pay a big price! Well, I usually give people a lot of money, and everyone agrees that their commission is a big price.

Sofa was dumbfounded by crying and laughing, and gently stab Robb in the waist, and whispered: "It turned out to be a part-time job for you."

Robb whispered: "I hope they can do it!"

Sofa dark music.

Robb then turned his head and faced the five adventurers again: "Your commission makes me feel excited. How do you find ore?"

I saw a hunter, a thief, a mage, and a priest. They pointed their fingers at the warrior and said, "He is the son of a miner!"

Robb: "..."

Well, it's justified and convincing.

His thoughts moved slightly, and he suddenly thought that he would go all over the mountains and look for the yellow dots on the map one by one. It was really a low efficiency thief. Now there are five people who can help. Why not use their power?

Robb said, "You tell me, I actually carry a magical secret treasure, called the'Metal Detector', which can be used to help you find ore quickly."

"Huh? There is such a good thing?" The five adventurers showed doubts on their faces, not believing them.

Robb said: "Since you have entered the mountain to take an adventure, you must have a map around here, right?"

"Of course there is!" The soldier turned over his pocket, and he really found a map near the loess high slope. Moreover, he had several maps, more than Robb's maps, covering the Jinghong Mountains. There is a large area inside. It seems that the Adventurer's Guild has explored the Jinghong Mountains more than the Desert Kingdom.

This is not very strange. Why is the Desert Kingdom going to clean up the Jinghong Mountains?

On the contrary, adventurers prefer to use this weird place!

Robb took a ruby ​​ring out of his arms and pretended to say: "This ring is a metal detective. Using this thing, you can show the location of the mineral on the map."

The five adventurers obviously didn't believe: "Are you stupid for us? You know this ring is an ordinary ruby ​​ring. It may be enchanted with a little magical defense, but it can be used to find ore. "

"Don't believe me, I'll try to show it to you." Robb took the ring and pretended to use it, only to see a golden light burst from the ring, so that everyone's eyes couldn't be opened. The five adventures couldn't help it. Closing his eyes, Robb took advantage of the moment they closed their eyes and quickly threw a few "markers" on the map. This is a game-specific feature. You can add markers and notes on the map, but Luo Bai now only makes a mark without remarks.

So, when the five adventurers opened their eyes, they found that there were three places on the map with red lights, very strange magic lights.

"What's this?"

"What is this strange mark on the map?"

Although the five adventurers are very knowledgeable, they have never seen the "mark" function in the game.

Robb said, "This is the ore that the'Metal Detector' has found for you. You might as well go and see if my'Metal Detector' is useful."

The five explorers glanced at each other, half believing, but this kind of thing would be believed to be true rather than believable.

They found the nearest marking point and rushed over quickly. Robb and Sofa also followed. After a while, everyone arrived at the place, where there was only a loess **** and nothing else.

The suspicion on the faces of several adventurers is even heavier!

Robb said: "The ore is generally not naked on the ground. Dig down to see."

The thief in the team jumped up and wanted to vomit, but the miner’s son stood up and caught the thief and said, "This gentleman is right. How can the ore be easily exposed on the ground for others to pick up? It should be."

He turned to the mage: "Thank you!"

The mage nodded, facing the ground with the staff in his hand, "Earth Splitting Technique!"

This is actually a fairly high-level earth magician. When this rod was stopped, a hole was suddenly cracked on the ground, which was several meters deep. It seemed that his mana was quite powerful.

The soldier jumped to the bottom of the pit, touched it, and suddenly exclaimed excitedly: "This is iron ore! It's iron ore! Although this mine is useless, this'metal detector' is really useful and awesome. ."

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