After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 857: Temporary workers are here again

The five adventurers were very excited. They swept the ground and surrounded Robb: "Sir, can you sell your'Metal Detector' ring to us? Let's look for mines."

Robb looked embarrassed: "Family treasures cannot be sold, so let me use this secret treasure to help you find all the ore points on the map, and then you won't need metal detectors."

As soon as the five adventurers heard, this is good, the warrior hurriedly said: "Well, you help us mark the location of the minerals. We find rare minerals. After getting the reward from Godafather, we will give you a share."

Robb was happy in his heart, now it's good, find a few reliable migrant workers, it's cool!

He pretended to use a ruby ​​ring. After a burst of light shone, the maps that five adventurers took out were all marked by Robb. I have to say that the mineral resources in the Jinghong Mountains are really rich, maybe When this mountain range was formed, the crust was crazily squeezed and surging, making the minerals here extremely numerous and scattered.

In a blink of an eye, a large area of ​​markers was placed on the map...

The five adventurers glanced at the map, and couldn't help but gasped in surprise: "So many locations? We may not be able to finish so many places even if we break our legs."

Robb said: "Yeah, I also think it's too much. It depends on one person or a group of people who want to go through all these points. That would have to be turned over. So, don't eat alone in this matter. Ask a friend for help. A team of people are responsible for the mines in an area, so that they can explore all these points as soon as possible."

The five adventurers negotiated in a low voice. After a while, they reached a consensus. First, they worked hard to find as many points as possible. In addition, they called some close friends in the Adventurer’s Guild to work together, and they found it. It’s a good mine. Everyone will split equally. Godafather has always been generous in his shots.

Robb is in the dark side by side. It's all right now, it's much more convenient than searching by himself.

At this moment, Robb suddenly discovered that a group of monsters had come out on the hillside 5000 yards to the northeast. The number was not many, only a dozen. There was a huge tauren in the middle of the group, carrying it on his shoulders. Standing on a stone pillar, it looked like a very powerful monster.

This team of monsters is coming in their own direction. Their feet are very fast, a few hundred yards away, and they walked in just a few minutes. They just entered 4,500 yards away. The demon hunters among the five adventurers also discovered this group. The monster, he immediately opened his mouth and said: "Attention, everyone, 4,500 yards to the northeast, there is a group of monsters, a total of 14 monsters, there is a tauren who is coming in front of us."

The eyes of the other four adventurers suddenly became sharp.

The pastor asked, "What should I do?"

The warrior said: "Hide up first, watch these monsters before deciding what to do."

They were just like when Robb came here just now, and they scattered and hid behind the rocks.

The soldier also waved to Robb and Sofa: "Hide well, don't make a noise."

Robb took Sofa's hand and turned to hide behind the stone.

The monsters came very quickly, and it didn't take long before they walked near everyone, and they were still chatting as they walked.

A half-orc whispered: "Humans are coming to join us again. I hate to join hands with humans. I just want to kill them all."

The tauren hummed and said: "Temporary cooperation is necessary. If we don't cooperate, none of us can match the humans in Westwind City. Don't you know? Last time the Great Devil led ten demons to reinforce the Black Pine Mountain Range. The Demon King's army in the area was eventually wiped out in the hands of that man."

Half-orc said: "Of course I know, but what does it have to do with me? I just want to kill all humans and elves."

The tauren said in a bad manner: "Stupid half-orcs! If we don't join forces with the Norma Kingdom, there is only a dead end. In short, don't talk nonsense, hurry to the Sand King to gather, Lord Demon King gave an order, this time We must assemble an unprecedented army to completely defeat Westwind City."

Hearing this, everyone understood what was going on.

Sofa couldn't help but lay on Robb's back, bit his ear, and said in a very low voice: "Kill all these monsters! Reduce the enemy's vitality."

Robb nodded and was about to take a shot. Suddenly, a powerful arrow flew from behind the stone opposite, and with a puff, it hit the throat of a half-orc, and the half-orc fell to the sky. Then, the hunter jumped out from behind the stone. The demon opened his long bow, "multiple arrows", and a rain of arrows swept over the monsters.

The monsters shot arrows in many places in an instant, and they fell one at a time. Only the tauren didn't seem to react after hitting the arrow. He roared, waved the huge stone pillar in his hand, and swept towards the demon hunter.

At this time, the soldier behind another big rock swept the ground and jumped out: "Shield wall!"


The huge stone pillar of the tauren was blocked by the warrior's shield. Behind another tree, the earth mage turned out: "Stonefall!"

A huge stone fell from the sky, and hit the tauren's forehead with a loud boom, smashing him into something bad.

Then, the thief suddenly appeared behind the tauren, and the dagger in his hand slammed into the heart of the tauren's vest.

Then the soldier took a step forward, "shield slam", and hit the tauren's chest with a bump.

Although the tauren was tough, these adventurers were also extremely powerful monsters. Everyone had a very powerful shot. The tauren finally couldn't support even a few tricks, and fell to the ground with a bang.

A group of monsters were cleaned up in an instant.

The thieves began to look through the pockets of these monsters to see if there was anything, while the warrior beckoned at Robb and Sofa's hiding place: "You can come out now."

Robb took Sofa's hand and stood up and applauded: "My heroes, it's a great skill."

"Huh? What hero? What effort?"

"Ah...I mean you are very strong."

"Dare to walk in the Jinghong Mountains, of course you have to be a bit capable." The soldier unceremoniously accepted the adjective "very strong" without being humbly at all. After speaking, his face sank and he turned his head to face him. A companion said: "You all heard what these monsters said."

Several companions nodded.

There was a look of anger on the soldier's face: "Our ruler of Norma is starting to go crazy again. The small video that broke out last time caused a wave of anger in our adventurers' guild. The Holy See finally said that The archbishop of Gran Kingdom is a temporary worker, what is going on now? Is the temporary worker coming again?"

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