After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 872: I heard many legends about him

Golda, Kik, Xuelu, and Solfa laughed: "Yes, Westwind City is the most livable city right now, but Godafather is building a better city on the New World, named Shuangqing. The city is a newly planned new city from scratch. The infrastructure is better than the Westerly City. According to Godafather, people of all races, colors, beliefs, and nationalities in the world will be welcome to live there. , That place may become greater and more livable than West Wind City, but...we’re afraid we won’t be able to see it in our lifetime."

Chris and others are longing for it. However, even if adventurers like creatures yearn for another place, it doesn’t mean they will want to live there. They are ambitions and like wandering and adventurous by nature. Won't stop.

After Chris and the others were looking forward to it, he could only smile and said that the place would have to wait until he retired.

Having said that, Chris thought of something and couldn’t help asking: “By the way, Golda, have you three often been in Westwind City and talked to that Godafather? I heard many legends about him, But I haven't seen him. What kind of person is he?"

As soon as he said this, Golda and others couldn’t help but want to point out Robb, but when they saw Robb always pretending to be a fool, they knew he didn’t want to show his identity, so Forcibly suppressed.

Golda said: "We are very familiar with Godafather!"

Xuelu said with a smile: "Yes, super familiar, I am his wife."

"Puff!" Robb next to him spouted a mouthful of happy water from the fat house.

Chris' team was all dumbfounded.

The people here in Westwind City froze. After several seconds, she heard Golda say in an angry manner: "Hey, Xuelu, don't make up the relationship."

Xuelu said, "Isn't we making up, let's just walk and see."

Chris said, "Oh, it turned out to have to wait and see. It scared me. Let's get to the point. Godafather is really as powerful as the legend? I heard he hangs with one hand. Hit the black dragon, draw the black dragon's face spirally, and draw the beard on the black dragon's face."

"Puff!" Robb spouted another mouthful of happy water from the fat house.

Sofa whispered next to him: "Nothing, don't listen to those bards. Godafather is very strong, but it is still very difficult to deal with the black dragon. In his own words, it is reluctant. To the extent that he can bear it, if the time is prolonged, he will also lose. Therefore, he failed to kill the black dragon at that time, but only repelled it. Now Godafather is doing his best to find rare ores everywhere, planning to build many Excellent equipment to prepare for the killing of the black dragon."

Chris said: "You seem to be very familiar?"

Solfa said: "Because, that time I was fighting against the black dragon, too."

This sentence made the eyes of the eight adventurers red with envy on the spot, not to mention Chris and the others, even the three of Xuelu showed a look of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Solfa said: "Don't look at me with such a look. In that battle, I was of no use at all. I just stabbed two daggers in the belly of the dragon, but I couldn't even pierce the dragon skin. Godafather said I The damage caused by those two knives was 2 points. At the time, I stupidly asked how much damage it would take to defeat the black dragon. As a result... Godafather told me it was 9,999,999 points."

When this sentence came out, Chris and the others almost fainted: "What did you say?"

Sofa calmly said: "You didn't hear it wrong, the black dragon is so powerful."

Chris and others: "..."

After a long silence, Chris raised a hand and pointed to his nose: "Do you think that with my strength, with a shield, how much damage can I hit the black dragon?"

Sofa glanced at the Mithril outfit on his body and said: "Your whole body Mithril outfit is much more powerful than the equipment I used to fight the black dragon at the time, and your own combat effectiveness is also very strong. The two are superimposed. I guess yours. Slam the shield, you can hit the black dragon... more than five hundred."

Chris: "..."

The fire mage next to him also pointed to his nose: "What about me?"

Solved: "The damage of magic is always higher than that of physics. You are a very advanced fire magician. Your Pyroblast technique should be able to hit more than a thousand."

The fire mage slammed to the ground with a pout, and bent forward: "You mean, we are like a chicken, never have a chance to compete with the black dragon?"

Sofa shook his head: "Don't think about it, more than a thousand is pretty good. Godafather said that although the black dragon is very strong, there is one biggest advantage against the black dragon in this world, that is, there is no limit on the number of people, so everyone As long as we try our best to fight our best and most powerful attacks, we can finally bring down the black dragon. Besides, as long as you are willing to join the battle to kill the black dragon, Godafather will definitely provide you with high-quality equipment. At that time, you will be able to exert a stronger combat effectiveness."

Listening to her, Chris was a little curious: "I am already wearing a Mithril outfit. Apart from Thorium, this is the best equipment in the world, right? Godafather can provide me with something better? Is it going to equip me with a Thorium suit to fight the black dragon? Oh, that's great too."

"Thorium is nothing." Solfa said, "Godafather said, there are many strange ores in this world. We used to only recognize Thorium, and we didn't even know more advanced ores. So before No one has dug up these ores to make equipment, but Godafather recognizes them. He has taught us to recognize Arcanite, Saronite, and Titan steel. There may be more and more powerful things in the future."

The more Chris and his group listened, the admiration for Godafather became like the waves of the river, endless, and several people couldn't help sighing: "If there is a chance in the future, we must meet his old man."

Robb had to complain inwardly next to him: Hey! I'm not old at all, okay.

"Okay, the adventure night talk is almost over, it's time to go to bed." Chris looked at his pocket watch again and said: "Take a rest early and you will have the energy to continue your adventure tomorrow. But the underground world is strange and unpredictable, and there are risks everywhere. We can't all To sleep, you need to watch the night in groups. Ten people are divided into four groups, and each group stays for two hours at night."

Ten people have to be divided into four groups, which is very difficult to divide. We need to weigh our strengths so that every group of people can cope with emergencies.

Chris glanced at Robb, he was a little confused about his depth, and he didn't know how to divide it. This guy really didn't look like a powerful priest. Not only did his face look tender, his hippie smile was not straight, but he was also good at it. Now, I almost don't know all the common sense of adventurers. Basically, I am a trainee adventurer.

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