After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 873: I'll take care of this stitching

But Chris also knows that Robb can resist charm and make the succubus "love" him. I don't understand what the situation is now. I can't figure out whether he is strong or weak. Forget it, if you don't know his strength, you can't think of his strength too strong.

Chris approached Robb and said in a low voice, "You and me! I have more adventure experience and have a better ability to deal with emergencies. If you and I are together, there should be no trouble."

"Uh, but..." Robb said, "I want to take care of the two female teammates in my team, for fear that they will be in danger."

Chris: "Are they taking care of you, or are you taking care of them?"

Robb thought carefully: "Uh, maybe take care of each other."

Chris thought to himself: Did you say this to take care of your own face? The strongest in your team should be the female assassin. You want to be safer with that female assassin.

But forget it, this kind of trivial matter, Chris will not complain. For the rookie adventurer, it is normal to team up with the strongest teammate, and it is not surprising at all. He thought about this question seriously, and said: "Let’s take it this way, there are ten of us, three of them are ladies, and two of these three ladies are magicians. They belong to a profession that is easy to be attacked, madam. Our team will have more people. Let you form a team with three female soils, one assassin, one priest, two wizards, a total of four people, and the other six men, each forming three teams in twos."

His arrangement, if viewed from the premise of "Robo is a new adventurer", would be considered quite reasonable, making the team of several ladies more crowded and safer.

Robb couldn't find a reason to oppose, and actually didn't want to oppose it. Of course, he was happier forming a team with his sister.

As a result, everyone was divided into groups and began to sleep and rest.

The first is Chris and Kik, staying for two hours, the others sleep.

Then Golda and the Demon Hunter, then the priest and the assassin.

Until the end, it was Robb, Solfa, Xuelu and the flame magician.

The four people were sitting at the entrance of the cave, looking at the seam world glowing with red light outside.

The fire mage suddenly thought of something, and turned his head and looked around Robb, "Huh? Where's the succubus? Did he run away?"

"No! I let her go back to the void." Robb said.

"Void?" Fire Mage didn't understand.

Robb smiled and said: "The devil who has signed a contract with me can enter a void and summon it when needed. You can understand that it has become a summoned creature, and is no longer a summoned creature. The devil that really exists in this world."

In other words, the main body of the succubus had actually been killed by Robb, and now there was only a summoned creature in the void. It was already following the rules of the game, but he couldn't explain it clearly.

The fire mage felt that she didn’t understand it, but the mage is different from the silly fighters. The mage is always keen on pursuing the unknown. The more she doesn’t understand, the more she wants to understand, she asked: "What are you doing? Did it?"

Robb thought to himself: Should I explain the profession of warlock?

He was thinking of this, and suddenly, Sofa's brows frowned slightly: "Quiet, listen carefully!"

Everyone was silent for a moment. Just now they were still asking Robb’s fire mage curiously, and they stopped instantly, and there were vigilant eyes on her face. She is indeed an old-time adventurer. She listened carefully, although she listened to everything. No, but I believe in the assassin's judgment, because both assassins and hunters are very good at spotting enemies at a long distance.

Robb also listened attentively. Soon, he heard the voice that Sofa wanted everyone to hear. The voice was still very far away, very small, and it was impossible to hear it if you were not paying attention, but Sofa was able to chat with someone next to him. Under the circumstances, it is really powerful.

Robb listened to it for a while before he heard it. It was the sound of a huge monster panting and drooling. It was disgusting just to hear it. However, his experience of adventure in the real world was almost nothing, and he couldn't hear it at all. What kind of monster is this.

Sofa can't hear it either! She is a military assassin.

Xuelu can't hear it! She is a rookie adventurer.

Only the fire mage heard it, and she whispered: "It's the sound of the suture monster. This evil creature always drools while making this heavy gasp, wandering around. Once it finds a human, it will They hacked to death, chopped their bodies into pieces, and then stitched them on their bodies."

When Robb heard the name, he knew what it was. The Stitching Monster, which can also be called abomination, is indeed a disgusting thing. It is not an easy thing to provoke in all kinds of Western Fantasy games. There is also this kind of monster in "Black Blade", which always exudes a rancid smell (poisonous mist), which will make players close to him continue to deduct blood.

The fire mage whispered: "I hope it will not come towards us."

Sofa and Xuelu were relatively calm and didn't say anything. They were not afraid of anything because Robb was there anyway.

Robb couldn't help asking, "What can it do when it comes?"

The fire mage said: "It will find us, and then we have to fight it. This is not a monster that is easy to pick up. It will be very dynamic in battle. In this place close to the Demon King City, the battle will attract more. Monsters are quite bad, so the fight that can be avoided is better to be avoided."

Robb said, "Oh, that's the case. Sofa quietly touched behind it and stabbed it to death, wouldn't it be silent?"

"Stab the suture monster with a knife? You think too good." The fire mage shook his head and said: "With our strength, we can't do it. Once we fight, it must be a huge battle."

"Oh, okay!" Robb had no choice but to pretend to say: "I hope it won't come over, don't come over."

However, things in this world will always develop in the direction of cheating. The less you want to see, the more things will come.

The disgusting drooling and gasping of the Stitching Monster was getting closer and closer, and it was obvious that it was coming in the direction where everyone was.

The fire mage couldn't help but get nervous...

Robb whispered weirdly: "Don't come here!"

Nervousness and spoofing were of no use. The voice soon reached a distance of less than fifty yards from everyone. At this distance, the chance of being discovered was quite high. The Stitching Monster could easily smell the human scent.

The fire mage whispered: "I can't do it, I can only wake everyone up and prepare to fight."

She was about to turn around to call Chris, Robb suddenly took her arm and whispered: "They have been tired for a day, let them rest, I will deal with this suture monster."

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