After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 953: Remains to be seen

The corpses in the Qiantangmen mansion were all buried by Susu. The people from six doors came to Susu and obtained some evidence. Originally planned to conduct a thorough investigation, but it was heard that the murderer was already dead, so the case could not be handled. NS.

The government often encounters similar things. People of the world like to avenge their own personal revenge. The knights use force to ban them. They can't control it. It's a headache. But anyway, things are over. More things are not as good as less things. The six doors are closed. In the case, pat buttock to drink flower wine by yourself.

Robb and Shisu moved back to the Qiantangmen mansion. The promised house used to be full of laughter and laughter, but now only Shisu is alone. It feels infinitely sad.

Robb didn't bother her, so he moved a wicker chair and sat at the door of the house.

The house at Qiantang Gate was built with great care. There is a avenue in front of the door, two rows of willows on the side of the road, and the river is rolling in the back, giving it a beautiful scenery.

After a few days of the murder, the public forgot about it. There were more tourists on the riverside, scholars and students who came here, rich squires who traveled the river, and people who wanted to live in this well-worn world. Hard-working women...

When Robb was lying on a wicker chair eating a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, a group of beautifully dressed women passed by the door. When they saw Robb, they laughed. A graceful woman waved to Robb and laughed. Said: "Young Master Xiyang, do you want to play with us? It's cheaper for you."

Robb smiled politely: "No need!"

The woman chuckled and said, "Xiyang son, don't be shy."

"It's not shy, it's really unnecessary." Robb smiled and said, "I'm not good at this."

The woman "cut" and dragged the sisters to move forward. The river breeze sent their laughter. After a while, another young man was held by them in the distance, and the young man was said without a word. Head overwhelmed, followed the group of women away.

Robb watched them away with a grin, and didn't even mean to get up and follow.

Shi Su came out from the back door and curiously said: "So beautiful Honghou, you can withstand her temptation. Are you really bad at this, or deliberately pretending to be a good character in front of me? "

Robb said: "A ghost will love a rabbit head. I can't tell how beautiful she is. The piles of rabbit heads..."

Picking up vegetarian: "..."

Robb said: "By the way, I have to remind you, you'd better wear special clothes, or embroider your name, and hang special accessories so that I can recognize you at a glance. Otherwise, I might turn my head. I mistaken you for those brothel girls."

Shi Su-an: "I am also Su Dong Hangzhou's first beauty at any rate. How can those women in the dust compare with me."

Robb said: "I didn't compare you with them, because even if I compare, I can't compare the difference. Oh... by the way, it's a bit different. You seem to be a long-haired rabbit. There are several in the group over there. It’s just short-haired rabbits. I can still distinguish long-haired and short-haired, as well as color. By the way, I can also distinguish the difference between a rabbit with upright ears and a rabbit with open ears."

Picking up vegetarian: "..."

Picking up vegetables almost lifted the table...

However, before she had time to lift the table, she suddenly saw Robb lift the table first. The stone table placed at the door of the house was lifted by Robb, and she was blocked in front of Shisu, only to hear "Tuk tu tu tu tu". Shi Zhuo's voice did not know how many hidden weapons were blocked.

Shi Su was shocked and quickly drew his sword.

When she pulled out the sword, she realized that Robb was no longer there. He appeared ten meters away in an instant, grabbing the shoulder of an old fisherman who was passing by, and the fisherman slapped his backhand with his palm. Robb's face, but in the next second, Robb grabbed his face and threw him to the ground with a bang.

If it were an ordinary old man, the bones would fall apart during this fall, but the old fisherman was okay after eating this fall. He turned over and jumped up with a carp and kicked Robb back.

Robb floated backwards, avoiding this foot, and he couldn't help but utter a "Huh". He was afraid that his strength was too strong and he would fall the old man to death, so he only used a little bit of strength in his hand, but this bit of strength is also It was enough to make a person of the level of picking up vegetarians couldn't get up for a long time, but he didn't expect that the old fisherman would be fine after eating for a while, and he could jump up and fight back.

"Your skills are a bit deep!" Robb smiled: "The bodyguard is really energetic."

The old fisherman also sneered: "The five-hundred-year-old seal spirit is indeed a bit docile. I didn't check it for a while, and I was actually thrown off by you, but with your strength, it is really impossible to break my body..."

He didn't finish a word, Robb exerted a little strength, hit the ground with a punch, and knocked the old man out.

The old man flew far, far back, at least a hundred meters away. No bodyguard could protect him. He fell into the Qiantang River with a crash. He didn't float by himself, but was covered by eighteen divinations. The hall master of he took it out from the water, placed it on the shore, and asked, "Master Foreign, what do you plan to do with this person?"

Robb said, "Don't deal with it, throw it away! This person is trying to pick up the ore, which means that he is here to grab the ore. This kind of scum is enough to fly, and I don’t bother to deal with him. What I am waiting for is that there is ore in hand, come and look for it. The person who is in trouble is not the kind of person who comes to grab the ore."

The hall master said: "Then I will pick him up for nothing."

After speaking, the hall master waved his hand and threw the old fisherman into the river again.

However, the old fisherman did not sink into the water.

Robb waved to his back and laughed: "Did you pretend to be dead just now? People from the gang, it's really interesting."

The old fisherman turned his head and roared: "Don't be arrogant, the old man will come back again."

Robb said: "When you come back, you will cut off your hands and feet, and cut your adult sticks. I am a seal spirit, and I am inhuman."

The old fisherman shook his whole body and was startled. He didn't dare to speak any more slurs now. He swam desperately and disappeared across the Qiantang River in a blink of an eye.

In the past few days, such people who do not live or die often come out, and without exception, they are sneaking and picking up vegetables. Sometimes they will shoot in front of Robb like this, and sometimes they will take advantage of Robb at the front door. Soaking up the sun, picking up the hands alone in the backyard, but no matter how you do it, it's useless. As long as you do it, Robb will grab and beat him and throw it into the river.

Shi Su sighed quietly: "I was saved by you again. You are right. If you were not by my side, I would have died seven or eight times in the past few days."

Robb smiled and said, "So now you find that I am a virtuous and capable person?"

Shi Su bit his lower lip: "It remains to be seen."

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