After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 954: Rabbit people are also human

That night, the moon was black and the wind was high.

Robb was taking a bath. The Qiantangzong's house was very empty now. There was a big wooden tub in the yard for bathing, which was quite comfortable.

Shi Su turned his back to him, sitting under the eaves not far away, and said a little bit irritably: "I don't know where you are so particular. You have to take a bath every day, so I have to run back and forth to prepare this big bucket of water. Many times in the well, fortunately you will use the shamisen real fire to heat the bucket, otherwise I have to run the kitchen to boil the water."

It turns out that Robb has been clamoring for a bath every day these days.

In the Eastern tradition, the host must try his best to satisfy the guest's request, and it is impossible for the guest to do it himself, so he had to do it himself, fetching water from the well and filling it with a full bucket.

On the first day, Shisu was still planning to go to the kitchen to boil hot water, but Robb raised his hand and a fire spell burned all the water in the bucket to warm, which surprised Shisu. , And then helped Robb come up with a reason, his brain made up the shamisen real fire, and it made sense.

The heating step is saved, but the steps of fetching water are still exhausting. For this big bucket of bath water, the picking up has to spend a long time between the well and the big wooden bucket, and I am embarrassed to ask the guests to do it themselves.

So she can only complain: "Clean addiction! Problem! People who walk in the rivers and lakes will not die if they don't take a bath for a day!"

Robber laughed and didn't bother to explain, we are modern people, and southerners, taking a bath every day is a routine operation. If you don't like bathing, you will be complained. You rabbit knows what a fart.

"I'm coming out." Robb said: "You continue to sit with your back to me. Don't turn your head and peek at me."

Shi Suan: "I'm not interested in peeking at a foreign devil, but you, don't play hooligans in a place like this. Our Eastern girls are not as casual as you Western women."

Robb laughed: "I won't play hooligans against a bunny man. Don't be so wary. We are different races, and no one looks down on either. You don't have to treat me as a man, and I didn't treat you as a man. Woman, isn't this over?"

"Cut!" Shi Su snorted coldly: "It's not necessarily because of different races. My rabbit people are not rabbit heads at the beginning. Before ancient times, we were like you, with a human head."

"Huh?" Robb was slightly surprised: "Why is this now?"

Shi Su said solemnly: "Chi You's curse!"

Robb was even more curious: "What? What a curse?"

Shisu whispered: "In ancient times, our rabbit people were the same heads as you. Under Xuanyuan Huangdiyu's rule, we lived a very happy and ordinary life. Until one day, a man named Chiyou suddenly raised his army. Make chaos and lead 81 barbarians to rebel."

Robb: "Wow!"

Robb has heard this story.

Shi Su said: "In the early days of Chi You's rebellion, he almost succeeded. But later Xuanyuan Huangdi obtained Xuanyuan Profound Iron, and made Xuanyuan Divine Sword with Sanwei Real Fire, which killed Chi You and put down the rebellion."

Robb said, "I seem to know the story so far."

Shi Su said: "You may not know later. Before Chi You died, he placed an extremely abnormal curse. He cursed all the descendants of Yan and Huang to become rabbits."

Robb: "Wow, so is there a whole rabbit head from Dongtu Datang?"

Shi Su nodded: "That's right!"

Robach said: "Then you are very sad now, sad, do you really want to change back into a human?"

Shisu followed Robb’s usual manner and spread his hands out: “That’s something in ancient times. People at that time might want to change back to people after they were turned into rabbit heads, but it’s been five thousand years. I’ve been a rabbit head since I was born, and I am used to seeing a rabbit head, but it doesn’t change back to a human being. In fact, it doesn’t matter anyway. I am also a beautiful woman in a rabbit head.

Robb: "..."

I want to vomit, but I don’t know where to vomit.

Robb was embarrassed for several seconds before he said, "Maybe you turn back to be more beautiful?"

Shi Su said, "No one can tell what hasn't happened. If you become ugly and can't get married, are you responsible?"

Robb spread his hands: "I'm never responsible for ugly girls."

"Cut! Man!"

Robb slowly crawled out of the bucket.

Shi Su turned her back to the barrel, did not peek, and did not run away. After all, she is a child of the rivers and lakes. Compared with ordinary oriental women, she is still more generous. If you are an ordinary lady, let alone sit with your back to the barrel. When the man took a bath, he was afraid that he would have escaped from several courtyards a long time ago.

She raised her backhand back, and a clean cloth flew toward Robb, which was used to wipe Robb's body.

Robb caught the cloth and said with a smile: "Your piece of cloth is really accurate, and it flies straight to my hand. You must have peeked, otherwise, how can you shake it accurately with your back to me?"

Shi Su said in an unpleasant manner: "I'm called the audio-listening device. Is it the foundation of the foundation? Do I need to turn my head to see where you are?"

Robb said: "You can tell by listening to the sound. Then you will know my body shape when you listen to it. What is the difference between this and peeking? I protest!"

Susu: "You crazy person, you can't have a little mastery? Obviously, with such a good skill and such a high cultivation base, you should have a little master and chivalrous demeanor? Why do you always talk nonsense?"

"Whoever stipulates that an expert must have a demeanor? I tell you now that an expert must be my demeanor. Anyone who does not conform to my demeanor is not worthy of being called a master. If you don't believe it, let those masters come. Hit me and see who is taller. If they are not as tall as me, then it proves that my style is superior."

"This..." Shi Su was speechless.

When the two of them just said this, suddenly the figures on the wall flickered, and someone waved their hands and threw two weird black **** over, both of which were aimed at Robb.

Robb stretched out his hand to pick it up, but he turned around and exclaimed: "This is the Thunderbolt from the Thunderbolt Hall. Don't pick it up."

However, it took too long to say a sentence. She was not halfway through this sentence. Two thunderbolt bombs had flown in front of Robb. Robb stretched out his hand to catch it and received both black **** in the palm of his hand.


"Boom! Boom!"

The two lightning bombs exploded together, and the power of the explosion was not small. The place where Robb was standing was immediately surrounded by fire, billowing black smoke, the bath tub was also blown up, and the water inside flowed to the ground.

Shi Su was shocked. Before he had time to see Robb’s life and death, a man in black fell in front of her, and he sneered in front of her. Hand over the Xuanyuan Xuantie on the road."

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