After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1003 You do it for me

Yu Zecheng smiled and said, "As long as official ships come, civilian merchant ships will follow. The prosperity of Yangshan Islands will be just around the corner."

It would be a lie to say that He Lingchuan was not moved. Bejia is so powerful, as long as he throws a handful of rice over, it will be enough to feed the entire Yangshan Islands.

It just depends on whether Bega is willing, not whether he can.

But this is a national investment and a strategic deployment. Yu Zecheng was only a captain of the Black Tiger Army, so he could draw such a big cake for He Lingchuan?

He doesn't seem to be full of muscles either.

He Lingchuan asked him directly: "This is a great thing, but who can make the decision?"

Yu Zecheng smiled: "Big countries have capable people."

He Lingchuan also smiled.

Although the waterway that Blade Port and Yangshan Islands rely on is called the "Golden Waterway," in fact, only a small number of Bega merchant ships currently choose to pass through it. Most sea-going ships come from other places and only stop at a few ports in Bega to load and unload cargo. They are not dedicated ships sent by Bega.

Is it because Qingguo doesn't want to have a friendly interaction with Beijia?

Obviously not.

After all, Blade Port and Yangshan Islands are within Mou Guo's sphere of influence. If Mou Guo is unhappy, Qing Guo still has to look at his face.

At this time, the location of Yangshan Islands has strategic value.

If Bega's official ships can sail unimpeded in the golden waterway, then Bega and Yaguo will not only have mutual exchanges, but also mutual reinforcements.

To put it simply, once He Lingchuan nods in agreement, it is equivalent to opening a stronghold in the rear of Mou State, allowing Bejia to freely enter and exit the Yangshan Islands, and use it as a springboard to interact with Ya State.

At that time, what will be the reaction of Mou Guiguo?

On the other hand, since the Yangshan Islands have to bear the pressure from Mou State, what conditions must Bejia offer to get He Lingchuan to nod?

It’s interesting to think about. However, He Lingchuan's current focus is not on the pie painted by Yu Zecheng, but on Wan Qifeng, who is ten feet away!

This guy should be here for negotiation, but now that He Lingchuan is letting him talk to the guests, it's hard for him to get angry right away.

But He Lingchuan noticed that even though he was preoccupied, Wan Qifeng, who was outside the game, was also staring at the Shuanglu chessboard, his eyes flickering, and he stopped talking several times.

He asked Wan Qifeng to wait because he wanted to suppress the enthusiasm that the boy had just entered.

Once strong, then weak. The same goes for negotiations, momentum is very important.

Wan Qifeng didn't realize this at all.

However, He Lingchuan observed something more interesting, so he picked up the white horse chess piece and moved forward two steps.

With this move, Wan Qifeng frowned again, showing disapproval in his eyes.

So He Lingchuan asked him: "Can you fight Shuanglu?"

Wan Qifeng was startled, but he didn't expect that he was really not in a hurry: "Yes."

"How was it? Tell the truth."

Wan Qifeng put one hand behind his back and said honestly, "I'm better than you."

Then he continued: "Master He, I am here..."

"I know, I know." He Lingchuan raised his hand and pressed him twice, "Don't be impatient yet. How about you play this game for me?"

"Me?" Wan Qifeng didn't expect He Lingchuan to ask him to take over. He was stunned for a moment before saying, "But I want to find you..."

"I know what you want." He Lingchuan pointed at the chessboard, "You've caused me a lot of trouble! But as long as you win, everything will be easy."

Is everything easy to say? Is this considered the promise of He Island Master? Wan Qifeng was silent for a few moments and finally said "Okay".

After all, he is on someone else's territory. Even if the fight ends in a dead end, the Yangshan Islands will only break the net, but the Bailong people will become dead fish.

Yu Zecheng looked at him for a long time, and then immediately asked: "Who is this?"

He reached cooperation with Wan Qisong's uncle and nephew through his subordinates. Wan Qifeng was standing here, but he didn't recognize him.

But when Wan Qifeng heard what He Lingchuan called him, he knew exactly who the person playing chess with He Lingchuan was: "My surname is Wan Qi."

Yu Zecheng's brows moved slightly, and he understood immediately.

Is this Wan Qifeng?

Wan Qifeng did not follow his uncle Wan Qisong to the sea, but disappeared with four hundred Bailong people. According to the current situation, has Wan Qifeng surrendered to He Lingchuan?

No, something seems wrong?

"Mr. Yu, this is my subordinate." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "He said he can do it, then I will give him a chance to atone for his sins. What do you think?"

He said that Wan Qifeng was his subordinate.

Wan Qifeng's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words "give a chance" and "make atonement for his sins."

"Oh?" Yu Zecheng asked knowingly, "What crime is he guilty of?"

"It's just a labor dispute, a trivial matter." He Lingchuan looked at Wan Qifeng with a smile, "If you know your mistakes and can correct them, there is no greater good."

"It's better to rely on others than to ask for yourself." Yu Zecheng frowned, "But He Xiao, you are the host. If you want to change people, you can change them."

He said "it is better to rely on others than to seek oneself", and he couldn't help but complain.

Uncle Wanqi and nephew, this pair of losers, and Bailong people, these losers, are indeed unreliable at all!

Of course, he was also trying to persuade Wan Qifeng not to place all his hopes in He Lingchuan's hands.

Wan Qifeng remained silent, stepped forward, hugged Bai Zi, and started playing chess.

The old uncle just listened to Yu and Bailie's words and ended up in this situation today. He won't make the same mistake again!

They played chess, and He Lingchuan also called a guard over to whisper a few words.

After hearing this, the guard said "yes", turned around and strode out.

Soon, the sound of horse hooves was heard outside Nuanxiangzhai, and it went away.

He Lingchuan then stood aside to watch the game, and saw that Wan Qifeng's chess moves were wide and open, and the rules were clear. He was indeed much better than himself.

The rules of backgammon are loose and the gameplay is flexible. A game can be played in two quarters of an hour. It is also commonly used in the military. Wan Qifeng used to be in Bailong's army and rarely encountered any opponents in Shuanglu, and he often won a lot of money.

However, Yu Zecheng was very lucky. After rolling the dice several times, the game was forced into overtime.

Wan Qifeng was ruthless and had no good impressions of him.

If my uncle hadn't been instigated by this group of people, how could I have ended up in this situation?

He Lingchuan watched with interest from the sidelines. Bailong and Bejia, a pair of temporary allies, were now killing each other in the game.

He knew Wan Qifeng's demands very well, but he didn't want to let these Bailong people leave easily.

Now, what to do?

Just then, the eyeball spider in his clothes delivered the good news he wanted to hear most:

"nailed it!"

Zhu Erniang's voice was a little tired, but she could tell she was in a happy mood: "We caught eight of the eleven Bejia people, two died and one escaped."

He Lingchuan breathed a sigh of relief and let go of the heavy stone in his heart.

Yu Zecheng used all his cards, but the Bega people's surprise attack still failed.

The biggest reason for the failure was the lag in intelligence, because the big demon they faced, the highest combat power in the Yangshan Islands, was not just Zhu Erniang!

Except for the day when he welcomed Zhu Erniang to settle down, when He Lingchuan appeared in public, there was at most only one spider demon following him. Human beings can't tell the difference between Aunt Zhu and Er Niang Zhu, so naturally they won't think that such a terrifying spider queen actually has two ends in the Yangshan Islands.

As for Dong Rui's ghost ape, only the people of Rongshan know its true identity. What's more, Dong Rui is a technical geek. He stays on his own Alfalfa Island when he has nothing to do, and usually lets Gui Yuan look after his house.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, the only great demon that Yangshan Islands can handle is Zhu Erniang herself.

He Lingchuan basically did not participate in the battle in the eastern part of Sodin Island.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to stay and help the Spider Demon Sisters, but it’s that he is needed here even more——

He rushed here in a hurry to stabilize Yu Zecheng and prevent him from slipping out to cause damage.

Originally, Yu Zecheng would not personally take action, just like Bejia's ministers stationed abroad would not personally carry out assassinations and sneak attacks, and He Lingchuan would not rush into Nuanxiangzhai and directly capture Yu Zecheng alive.

This has to be left to his subordinates. After all, superficial external relations still need to be maintained.

However, He Lingchuan faked his death, and Yu Zecheng concluded that the Yangshan Islands had no owner and would probably come out of the cave on their own.

After all, he was born in the army and was not a real official envoy. He had to make the most sure decisions on such important matters by himself.

Once he personally participates in the operation, he will completely break up with He Lingchuan, and there will be no room for change on either side. So when they meet on a narrow road, should He Lingchuan beat him, beat him, or beat him?

If he beat Yu Zecheng until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, it would be a disgrace to Bejia.

But this time without a mask, Bega must know who is not going to give it a good look, and when the time comes it will start to rage——

This is the situation that He Lingchuan least wants to see.

Therefore, in order for Yu Zecheng not to make himself uncomfortable, He Lingchuan had to rush here after capturing Wanqisong on Qingyun Road. On the one hand, he interrupted Yu Zecheng's command of the sniper spider queen operation, and on the other hand, he Also keep an eye on him and prevent him from running around.

But in his heart, He Lingchuan still missed the battle with the spider demon sisters.

The configuration of Spider Demon Sister, Flower Ghost Ape, is already very powerful. Even He Lingchuan himself could only be beaten on the ground, not to mention that he also added some additional insurance measures. I don't know if he used them.

Even so, He Lingchuan was still worried.

Yu Zecheng has been preparing for more than half a year, so it is impossible not to have a trump card.

Alas, it's a pity that he doesn't have enough high-end combat power. If one or two more big monsters join the battle, victory will be guaranteed.

So the good news from Zhu Erniang made He Lingchuan breathe a sigh of relief.

This series of difficulties tonight can be regarded as less than half over.

After listening to Zhu Erniang's report on the situation of the prisoners, He Lingchuan casually called Wang Fubao behind him and whispered a few words.

Wang Fubao's eyes widened when he heard this, and he trotted out.

Naturally, this scene could not be hidden from Yu Zecheng's eyes. He was playing chess with Wan Qifeng, but there was something ominous in his heart.

It stands to reason that even if the actions of his team have been predicted by He Xiao, with his own configuration and magical weapons, even if he cannot capture Zhu Erniang, it should not be too difficult to protect himself and retreat.

The target of tonight's action is to change from He Lingchuan back to Zhu Erniang, which is not a bad thing in itself.

But his current whim is very bad.

He Lingchuan dragged him here, and he was unable to contact his men in the eastern part of Sodin Island on the spot.

When he was distracted, he made a wrong move in the chess game. Wan Qifeng seized the opportunity to fly two pieces in a row, solidifying his advantage.

He Lingchuan walked over with his hands behind his back and whispered a few words to Wan Qifeng so that only the two of them could hear:

"Delay more time!"

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