After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1002 Cooperation?

Of course, the Yangshan Islands are large in area, and the territory to be protected is also large, so the total amount of Xuanjing used is not small.

For the sake of the safety of the Yangshan Islands, He Lingchuan paid for this money willingly.

But he also kept an eye on it. The stone he made was not as ostentatious as the Piaomiao Sect. Instead, he chose a big stone with an unattractive appearance. He drew the formation under the butt of the stone, and then threw it away in the fields and on the edge of the building road. .

The Yangshan Islands were originally covered with rocks and rocks. These wind lions were thrown into the pile of rocks on the roadside, and no one else bothered to take a second look at them.

But Aunt Zhu knows very well where the wind lions are located on this road.

It asked its sister to pull out the Wind Lion. The formation would not take effect once it was off the ground, so the barrier was broken, and strong winds immediately hit the hilltop.

By the way, blow away all the spores of the little wooden man and the nine-death resurrection grass.

In this era, it is difficult for manpower to control the sky, and the ancient demons and immortals are no exception.

Without the backup force, the wooden giant will be easy to deal with.

The two spider demon sisters successfully joined forces and used a saw-sawing technique to tie up the wooden giant. The ghost ape turned around and ran away. When the other wooden giant turned back to deal with the spider demon, he turned back to chase him.

In this way, they chased and chased, fled and chased, but in the end they didn't stray too far from the hill.

It was not until three quarters of an hour later that the scarred wooden giant collapsed to the ground. The knotted wooden body was covered with gray mold, and it disappeared again when the wind blew.

In the end, there were only three bone buds tied with red threads on the ground, which were as big as a palm, and they were picked dryly in the hand.

Aunt Zhu was tired from running, so she squatted on the spot to rest, and asked her sister: "Where are the Bejia people, have they all been caught up?"

"Eight were caught, two died, and one shark escaped and could escape through water." Zhu Erniang knocked on the ground, "It's hard to catch it in this weather, it jumped into the sea."

Now, there is a world of rain under the water on the island, which is very friendly to the sharks.

The ghost monkey put away the golden stick, turned into a little monkey and jumped back on Zhu Erniang's head, and then spat into the palm of his hand. It hurt.

We have to go back to Lingguang for some medicine.

The battle was finally over, and Zhu Erniang was still frightened in her heart.

Without the help of Aunt Zhu and Gui Yuan, and without the advance layout of He Lingchuan, it and its descendants had to fight against the Bejia people with these messy methods, as well as the clone of True Lord Musu, and the outcome would be really unpredictable.

The duration of the clone of Lord Mu Su is longer than expected. If you follow your own habit of running away if you can't fight, I don't know how this ghost will grow.

There is a limit to fighting alone. Facing an enemy like Bega, you still need to stick together and have a backer.

He Lingchuan and Yu Zecheng have played three games of chess, winning two and losing one.

This guy surnamed Yu actually has similar techniques to him, and he also likes to make strange moves and get lucky.

With a small gain, a standard gambler's mentality.

Judging from the chess game, this guy never misses any opportunity.

Even after Yu Zecheng adjusted his mentality, he began to ask him: "How does He Xiao plan for the future?"

"On the sea, we can become a unified entity." He Lingchuan picked up Bai Zi and took two steps, "Mr. Yu, what suggestions do you have?"

"The location of your archipelago is really good." Yu Zecheng said, "It's a pity just to use it for business."

"In your opinion?"

"Might as well cooperate with us."

He Lingchuan held up the dice and paused: "Cooperation? With Mr. Yu?"

"With Bega."

He Lingchuan was slightly stunned, but on the surface he seemed to be very interested: "Tell me about it?"

"There are many winds and waves in the outer sea, so it is not suitable to take a boat. If..."

Before Yu Zecheng finished speaking, Wang Fubao strode in from outside and whispered in He Lingchuan's ear.

He Lingchuan immediately showed a bit of surprise, and then pondered.

The news brought by Wang Fubao was a big surprise tonight:

Wan Qifeng is outside asking to see you!

Tonight, He Lingchuan first captured Wan Qisong and then blocked Yu Zecheng. It was considered as a strategizing plan. Only the whereabouts of Wan Qifeng's four hundred people were beyond his expectation.

Wan Qifeng did not follow his uncle to cause trouble.

Is this an internal conflict between uncle and nephew, or is there another plan?

Unfortunately, it happens to be now.

He Lingchuan looked at Yu Zecheng who was in the chess game. This man had just held the black horse on the beam, and then looked over with stern eyes: "Master He has no skills, do you still want to guard the chess game?"

If this kid is in trouble, he is happy to see it happen.

"What are you talking about, Mr. Yu? How can you be so indifferent as a distinguished guest like you? Play chess, play chess!" He Lingchuan turned around and said only one sentence to Wang Fubao, "Let him in."

After a while, Wan Qifeng strode into Nuanxiangzhai.

The interior is as warm as spring, and you even have to open the windows to welcome a few rays of cool breeze. It is a completely different world from the miserable wind and rain outside.

Wan Qifeng was soaked all over, and the water droplets on his forehead rolled down to his chin, but his back was straight and he walked with ease, not caring about his own embarrassment.

"Congratulations to the island master!" He naturally recognized He Lingchuan.

But he only said these three words, and Island Master He waved his hand at him: "Stop it."

He Lingchuan didn't look at him at all, he just stroked his chin and watched the chess game, thinking hard.

It's a critical moment again. What’s the next step?

After a while, he took Bai Zi and took two steps forward.

Yu Zecheng immediately rolled the dice and saw that the landing points were three and four. He couldn't help but laugh: "Master He, you are unlucky this round."

You need to roll dice to play Shuanglu, so luck is also an important factor.

Shipping heroes is not free.

Yu Zecheng picked up his black horse and knocked off the white stone in front of He Lingchuan: "It is destined in three minutes. Sometimes all the tricks are in vain."

"Ah, what a dark horse." When he said this, He Lingchuan looked at Wan Qifeng.

The man frowned and just refused the hot tea brought by the waiter.

Yu Zecheng continued: "How about we talk about cooperation matters again?"

"Okay." He Lingchuan patted the top of the chess piece, "But my place is too far from Bejia, even Dushan Port. How can we cooperate?"

Yu Zecheng asked him: "Have you been to Dushan Port?"

"I landed there." The easternmost port on the Bejia coastline is Dushan Port. He Lingchuan took a boat eastward from Yuan Kingdom and passed through Dushan Port. The ship stayed there for a day, loading and unloading cargo and replenishing water. He also went ashore to visit.

"Dushan Port is more than twice as busy as Blade Port." Yu Zecheng raised his head, "Twelve hours a day, there is a constant flow of ships, and thousands of sails are racing at any time."

He Lingchuan nodded. He had also witnessed it with his own eyes and knew that Yu Zecheng was not exaggerating. The busyness of the external ports shows the prosperity of foreign trade. The prosperity of Dushan Port is just the tip of the iceberg of Bejia's economic strength.

"But you don't know that official ships and tribute ships account for 30% of them."

He Lingchuan suddenly said: "That's ignorance."

He was just a passerby in Dushan Port and could only see the superficial prosperity.

"If Yangshan Islands cooperates with Bega, the route from Bega Port can be extended here."

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