After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1001 The Second Form of Lord Musu

There are many kinds of monsters in the Northern Monster Kingdom, and of course there are also plants that become monsters. The most famous person in the world is King Baoshu, but two or three thousand years ago, Zhu Erniang had heard the name "True Lord Musu"!

That is also a demon fairy, a demon fairy that is very difficult to deal with.

It turns out that this thing also survived and fell into Bega's arms.

Although the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is declining, monsters like Zhu Erniang can still survive. The Nine-Death Resurrection Grass, which is famous for its tenacity, has not disappeared, which seems to be no surprise.

But for well-known reasons, what the Bega people brought was not its true body, but the bone buds on the Nine Deaths Resurrection Grass. As long as the draft falls to the ground, it can turn into a temporary clone of Lord Musu and possess part of his combat power.

Of course, this method of fighting is also very spiritually intensive.

At this time, the spider demon sisters were quarreling on the channel: "Let's go! What are you two doing here, and there is no treasure to guard behind you. The clone of Zhenjun Musu must have a time limit!"

"You know again?"

"You drag him away, and you will win when the time limit is up!"

"Are you good at fighting or am I good at fighting? Bega's methods are all tailor-made for you. They know you will definitely run, Zhu Er run!" This is the aunt, "I won't run!"

Ye Qing was running around fighting and said casually: "Hou Er, bee venom!"

Their mission remains unchanged, still to capture Zhu Erniang. Although such a giant ape appeared out of nowhere and disrupted the plan, with the help of True Lord Musu, the mission was still expected to be completed.

Hou Er and him are old comrades-in-arms, and we usually cooperate well on the battlefield. But this time he shouted twice, but Hou Er didn't give any response.

Ye Qing knew something was wrong. He looked back and saw that Hou Er was nowhere to be seen.

The battle was so fierce, where did Hou Er go?

Ye Qing's heart skipped a beat because he glanced at it and found that the number of teammates was wrong!

A total of fifteen people from Yu Zecheng came to the Yangshan Islands. He took two guards to temporarily stay in Nuanxiangzhai. White Bird was killed by He Lingchuan, so there should be eleven more people who came to the east of Sodin Island to fight!

Including six humans and five monsters.

But Ye Qing took a closer look now and saw that there were only five companions left!

Five others disappeared without a sound, including the friend who was knocked off the cliff just now and never showed up again.

He immediately shouted: "Everyone, be careful, there are others in the dark..."

Before the word "ambush" came out, the back of his neck felt soft and sticky again, and was sprayed by spider silk.

Come again? These little spiders really can’t learn well!

Ye Qing swung his knife back, trying to cut off the spider silk.

However, this time it was like cutting on maltose, it was astringent and sticky, and I couldn't pull the knife back.

When he turned around, he saw a round figure, eight long legs covered with burrs, and a beautiful star map on his abdomen...

Again and again?

This mirage's imagination is really poor. Is there no other template for mimicry?

Just as he was about to speak, another handful of spider silk sprayed out, sealing his mouth with precision.

The plump spider queen pounced on him and rolled him up into a big flower, her movements were extremely skillful.

Then, all that was left in front of him was a vast expanse of white...

Did his companions also disappear like this?

Ye Qing finally felt something was wrong.

The way this thing sprays its web is different from other burrowing spiders, and the strength of its web is also completely different. Could it be...?

Could this spider queen be real?

How many spider queens are there on the Yangshan Islands?

Such a powerful monster actually hides nearby and carries out a sneak attack regardless of his identity?

Don’t talk about martial ethics!

The spider queen tied him into a white cocoon and threw him back. A burrowing spider caught him and quickly carried him to a distant place.

The other Bega people finally realized something was wrong, looked back and chased after them: "Captain Ye!"

Two of them rushed too hard and hit something soft as soon as they entered the jungle and were bounced back.

It's a spider web.

The very thin and erratic spider webs are difficult to see with the naked eye in the dark jungle and among the messy branches and leaves.

Produced by the Spider Queen, these two people can't break free when they collide, like moths in a web.

Well, there are three left.

Of course, no one in Bega knew that it was Aunt Zhu who joined forces with the ghost ape to fight, and it was Zhu Erniang who was hiding and attacking.

The remaining three Bega people looked at the three big demons in the field, and then looked at each other, knowing that tonight's mission was a complete failure.

They turned around and ran away.

Zhu Erniang opened her legs and chased after him.

True Lord Musu ignored the variables here. After all, the commission he received was only to take down the spider demon and the giant ape.

The three little wooden men grew bigger and bigger, reaching the height of ordinary humans. The corpses of the burrowing spiders were beaten by Bega's team, and the wooden men could absorb nutrients everywhere.

After the Nine-Death Resurrection Grass becomes a demon, it can feed on the flesh and blood of living creatures and replenish itself.

However, after the wooden man grew bigger, the ghost monkey was happy, and the stick had a use. After being strengthened by Dong Rui, its sensitivity has been greatly improved, and with the eyes on the back of its head, it is not easily taken advantage of by the wooden man's sneak attack.

Mu Ren also knew that Aunt Zhu was tough, so he only targeted those big eyes.

The little spiders swarmed crazily on the ancestor's sister's forehead to protect this weak point.

As Bega's numbers dwindled, the spider army's numerical superiority began to show.

One of the wooden figures suddenly stopped and turned his head.

This action is like a person thinking.

Then it stood on the big rock and exploded with a large number of spores!

These spores are as thin as millet and have feathers. Once exploded, they float down the wind towards two targets.

The wooden man disintegrated on its own, but the spores rained down like a sudden yellow snow, with an incalculable number.

They are not affected by the weight of rainwater.

Some spores first encountered the corpses of burrowing spiders and Bega people on the ground, immediately got in and sucked the blood and flesh, and then grew stems, sprouted and branched...

There are also wounds on the ghost ape's body, and countless spores rush in and stick to them, even trying to get in through its mouth and nose.

These things sucked blood harder than anything else. The ghost ape screamed when it was sucked. Aunt Zhu lifted the spinner and accurately applied a set of thick spider web bandages to its wounds to isolate the spores from the wounds.

At the same time, it also weaved several large nets at an astonishing speed and hung them in front of itself and the ghost ape. Most of the floating spores were caught by it.

The dense web behind the burrowing spider can even temporarily block running water, so blocking most spores is not a problem.

But these spores actually flew upwards, trying to bypass the spider web and attack the two people.

On the ground, in just three to five breaths, nearly a thousand wooden men stood up - as agile as their parents, as lethal, and as capable of explosive reproduction.

The ghost ape saw that it was not good, and sprayed a few mouthfuls of green fire, destroying a large number of spores.

However, the number of spores was too much, and it was tired after spraying fire for more than a dozen times. Compared to the total amount, it did not consume much.

The wooden man on the ground fought with the spider army and grew rapidly with the help of flesh and blood.

While attacking Aunt Zhu and Gui Yuan, this group of wooden men hugged each other and took root on each other's bodies wantonly.

Soon, hundreds of wooden men grew into two giants, three feet tall but quite agile. The ghost monkey accidentally grabbed one of its legs and hit the wooden giant's arm with a backhand stick. The result was only a loud bang and several wooden tendons were broken, but the wooden giant's arm was not seriously injured.

It breathed two green fires, and the wooden giant was indeed burned, but the wound quickly secreted an amber-like liquid, preventing the flames from continuing to burn.

The two sides were wrestling, and it was difficult to tell the difference for a while.

But if this thing is allowed to continue to grow, even the ghost monkey will not be able to catch up with it.

This is the difficulty of Mr. Kuzuku. No matter if you are fighting alone, there is always a form suitable for dealing with you.

At this moment, Zhu Erniang, who was chasing the Bega people, came back from the bushes and was about to join the battlefield.

Aunt Zhu stopped it: "Don't come, you break the barrier!"

Zhu Erniang was startled: "What kind of barrier?"

"Windproof barrier!" Aunt Zhu was entangled by the wood demon and couldn't escape. She could only guide her sister by voice, "It's right under your feet, hurry!"

Zhu Erniang's eight legs groped for a huge boulder on the side of the road:

"This piece?"

"No no! In the opposite direction!"

The clone of Zhenjun Musu seemed to feel threatened, turned around and walked towards Zhu Erniang.

Aunt Zhu violently sprayed several mouthfuls of acid, and the giant ape hit it on the back of the head with a stick. Probably because his head was buzzing from the beating, the wood demon finally turned his head again.

Fortunately, this thing is just a clone, and its wooden head is far less powerful than the original one.

At this time, Zhu Erniang touched another big stone: "This one?"

The roadside is full of big rocks, so it’s really hard to find them.

"should be!"

Zhu Erniang asked it while pulling at it: "What do you mean should! Can you be sure?"

This stone is twice as big as the previous one and is buried deep in the mud.

The little spiders also swarmed up and took away the soil.

Aunt Zhu said quickly: "I'm sure, I'm sure, just lift it!"

The boulder came loose, and Zhu Erniang turned it upside down with a sudden force.


A strong wind of level 16 suddenly swept across the entire mountain.

The four giant beasts in the battle were caught off guard and were even blown forward and backward by the strong wind.

Due to their tonnage, they were shaken by the storm, not to mention those light and fluffy spores. They were swept up half the sky by the strong wind and disappeared in an instant.

Even the little wooden figures running around were blown away without a trace.

What Zhu Erniang pulled out was the wind lion guarding the mountain.

He Lingchuan once brought back several wind lion gods from the Piaomiao Sect. Some time ago, he ordered the craftsmen to draw the gourds and draw the ancient formations on the bottom of ordinary boulders, and then the Rongshan disciples would make some refinements.

For more than two thousand years, the Wind Lion God of Piaomiao Sect has been able to withstand the Ziwu Divine Wind underground. Needless to say, its formations are wonderful. But He Lingchuan also understood that the main reason why the Ziwu Divine Wind did not touch the wind lion barrier was that the mountain-protecting beast Da Feng Mo signed an agreement with the Piaomiao Sect not to harm the sect.

He Lingchuan did not sign such a protection agreement, so the high-imitation wind lion in the Yangshan Islands could not stop the Gang Feng of that magnitude, and it also required Xuan Jing to activate it.

But it doesn’t matter. No matter how powerful the hurricane at sea is, it is still qualitatively different from the Meridian Kamikaze. Besides, Piaomiao Sect's wind-proof formation has been verified and modified by several masters in Panlong City. It is quite energy-saving. Although it also consumes Xuanjing, the amount used is only about 10% of the ordinary wind-fixing formation.

A black crystal the size of a mung bean can maintain the barrier for twenty-six hours.

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