After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1000 Everyone has his own plan

Originally it was going to hold Zhu Erniang like this, but now Gui Yusheng is suffering.

The ghost monkey's arms were bound, but he twisted two big palms from behind, and the joints were reversed at the same time. When the stone python bit the ghost ape's head and face, the latter grabbed its upper and lower jaws and tore them apart!

The python's mouth can be opened two hundred degrees, but it cannot withstand such manipulation. If one of them fails to hold it, the jaw will be torn off.

The giant ape reached into the bottom of its throat and dug around. The bronze gauntlets turned into sharp claws, and it suddenly grabbed something and pulled it out.

That light green heart of the mountains!

Without its core, the giant python could not even maintain its shape and instantly turned into a pile of rocks. The giant ape grabbed the heart of the mountain and rubbed it a few times, not knowing where it had gone.

Against an enemy with such dexterity and strength, the Stone Python pales in comparison. However, after Dong Rui picked up the monkey in Rongshan, he also carefully prepared and upgraded it.

Some of the precious medicinal materials and supplies that He Lingchuan found for him were stuffed into the ghost ape's belly so that it could survive tonight.

After just such a delay, the two Bega people's spells had already struck, hitting the giant ape's eyes with several bangs.

Even though it was protected by a helmet, it was still bruised and swollen from the smash, and was very angry.

The stone python was shattered, and the ghost ape took out a giant adamantine stick from nowhere and smashed it twice.

It's fast, it's violent, it's precise.

This stick is two feet long, almost twice the height of the ghost ape. It has dark gold lines all over the body and has no extra head - and it doesn't need to be. Because of the special material, it weighs an astonishing more than 880 kilograms. , it’s basically just one meatloaf when used to hit people, and you don’t even need to roll it out.

But the ghost monkey used it very skillfully, and danced vigorously.

It suddenly revealed such a murderous weapon, even Zhu Erniang was shocked.

This is the weapon that He Lingchuan bought from Platinum Island and gave it to Gui Yuan. It was originally a handy weapon of the giants of the East China Sea. How could ordinary people wield it?

But because of this, the price is quite cheap.

Gui Yuan couldn't put it down as soon as he got it. He even collected the magic weapon in one go without much effort, as if the golden stick was tailor-made for it.

This big monkey is actually quite methodical in fighting. Not only is he strong, but he also has the bloodline of the Bega military general family, a natural blood inheritance.

But Dong Rui didn't realize its potential in this area. It was Gui Yuan who watched Qiu Hu practice his stick and was so excited that he fought him for a few moves before He Lingchuan took him seriously.

The two Bega people were very agile and jumped ahead of time. Instead, the magician who summoned the stone python was swept by the wind of the stick and was knocked directly to the stone wall, vomiting blood.

The two men were in mid-air, and Gui Yuan turned around and breathed a mouthful of flames at them.

This is a new innate magical power that was not available when he fought with He Lingchuan last time. The flame is a strange bluish-white color, with a main stickiness. Once it sticks to a living creature, it will burn the skin and bones until it is burned into a pile of ashes.

This kind of flame can penetrate the protective gas, and the two of them rolled to the ground and screamed in pain after being sprayed.

It is raining, but the rain has no effect on Qinghuo.

To be honest, the average strength of Bega's team is very good, at least at an elite level. If Zhu Erniang is outflanked, the latter will be in trouble. But as soon as the giant ape with infinite strength joined the battlefield, he jumped around with this big stick, really sending everyone running around the place, and the original battle formation was broken up.

Their manpower and magical power configuration are not prepared for such a big guy!

The worst part was that there were several mistresses in the whole place, and none of them were idle, which made them a little confused.

Which one is true and which one is false?

The terrain on the mountain was narrow and there was insufficient room to move around. In the blink of an eye, another Bega man was beaten down.

On Ye Qing's side, the battle continued.

He was dragged by the spider thread. When he raised his eyes and saw another "Zhu Erniang", he immediately threw three round objects on the ground and shouted: "Welcome to the arrival of True Lord Mu Su!"

These are three dry and yellow plant balls, which look like fetal chrysanthemums, but they are all tied with red strings at the bottom. The ground has been wet by rain, and the ball is the first to hit the water. The compressed chrysanthemum petals immediately open, and the color changes from dark yellow to green in one second!

There was a soft sound, the three small balls disappeared, and something flashed in the air.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Qing felt a light touch on the back of his neck, and the spider silk was broken by a blow.

"Zhu Erniang" on the boulder was also attacked by a green shadow. The scene was particularly strange, like a whole curtain being torn apart...

Ye Qing took another closer look and was furious:

Standing on the stone is no "Zhu Erniang", but two horse-sized burrowing spider elites!

They were the ones who just shot out the spider silk and dragged Ye Qingsheng hard.

However, under the confusion and blessing of the mirages, everyone regarded them as Zhu Erniang, and people were in chaos for a while.

The two spider monsters were struck by green shadows and fell to the ground instantly.

"It's just a cover-up!" Ye Qing was determined and pointed at Gui Yuan and Zhu Erniang in the field, "Please take action and take down the two important criminals!"

Three green shadows flew over, leaving afterimages in the air so quickly that most people wouldn't even notice their existence without even blinking. Zhu Erniang worked hard to focus and finally locked onto these green things.

It turned out to be three ordinary wooden figures, only about half a man tall, with a handful of green leaves on their heads and red ribbons tied around their foreheads.

But Zhu Erniang was surprised when she heard Ye Qing shouting "Musu Zhenjun": "No! Retreat!"

It jumped back, its room-like body suddenly shrank to the size of a horse, and then a green shadow passed over it.

Zhu Erniang gave it a spit shot, and the thing turned and accelerated in the air and dodged.

The ghost ape also felt that something was coming. It was such a small thing that he couldn't hit it with a giant stick, so he just slapped it.

Pong, hit.

The green shadow was slapped ten feet away by it, but the ghost monkey also held his palm and screamed in pain.

A hole was opened in its palm, and blood was flowing.

The ghost ape has rough skin and thick flesh, and it will not be hurt by iron thorns in its palms. Now it was almost impaled by an unknown thing.

Zhu Erniang's voice came over: "You can't pick it up with your hands!"

"Hoar?!" Why didn't you say it earlier!

"The more injured you are, the stronger it becomes!" Zhu Erniang explained quickly, "Don't get hit by it again!"

As if to confirm its words, the green figure that hit the palm of the ghost monkey suddenly grew in size, reaching the height of an ordinary person's chest.

Gui Yuan grinned and said it lightly, such a thing that is faster than a sleeve arrow, why don't you try to dodge it?

"Musu Zhenjun's true form is the Nine-Death Resurrection Grass!" Zhu Erniang explained quickly, "It hasn't come in person. These are its clones. Don't get hit again!"

The Nine-Death Resurrection Grass is a unique spiritual grass that will naturally wither under the harshest conditions, run away with the wind, and take root again in places with rich soil and water.

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