After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 999 How many second mothers are there?

Everyone was shocked: "How could this happen!" The young man wanted to go into the wolf's den alone?

Wan Qifeng said: "Whether you follow or not, the result will be the same. Since we are negotiating, we must show sincerity."

Bailong people cannot refute.

Wan Qifeng looked at them and sighed secretly. Since the wharf and warehouse did not explode, and the owner of He Island faked his death, the explosives arranged by his side have probably been dealt with by the other side. How can he still have any leverage?

The word "negotiation" is only meant for the clan members. After much thought, he realized that he had no other way out and could only ask the island master for mercy.

This is really the most helpless and embarrassing thing to do.

But both Qiu Hu and other residents of the archipelago said that the island owner was very reasonable. He and the four hundred tribesmen did not make any move tonight. If they had a good talk with each other, there might not be no hope.

Let's give it a try, or the fish will die and the net will be broken.

Even if you die, you must die clearly.

Ye Qing's gourd hit the spider demon, and he also issued an order, shouting "take it" twice, but Zhu Erniang's stocky body remained in place and did not disappear.

How is this going!

The poison specially prepared by Frostleaf Grandmaster was clearly still in effect, and the spider demon couldn't move at all.

Why can't he collect it?

Hou Er behind him suddenly said: "Knock the little spider off its back!"

Could these things be interfering? Everyone took action and dragged down several little spiders.

Ye Qing tried again, but still couldn't collect it!

In other words, either the magic weapon is wrong, or the spider demon is not "immobile" at all!

Is it waiting for everyone to fall into its trap?

The sweat on Ye Qing's forehead suddenly broke out, and he quickly said: "Back up, back up!"

Everyone had been cooperating on the battlefield for a long time, and immediately retreated upon hearing the sound, without any hesitation.

But at this time, in the direction where everyone was retreating, two handfuls of spider silk silently shot out from the shadow of the tree, hitting the backs of two teammates.

That was a powerful blow, but it didn’t work!

Ye Qing's men had a wild wolf with shiny and thick hair, but the spider silk that was said to be non-sticky hit the wolf's hair and actually slipped off.

Bega's team knew very well that they might have to face Zhu Erniang's spider army. The stickiness of the spider silk was extraordinary, so they smeared a special oil on themselves in advance, which could not be washed away with water and was extremely slippery.

No matter how sticky the spider silk is, it won't stick to grease.

"Behind!" These two teammates reminded everyone.

But as soon as they turned around, they found that there was a flash of green light on their bodies, and they felt very refreshed.

Then, that layer of carefully applied grease just disappeared!


The other party actually cast a cleaning spell on them?

In ancient times, this was a little skill that everyone knew about as a practitioner. It was not offensive but very practical. You could just clean up clothes, accessories, and clean the house, so you didn’t have to sweat profusely from doing housework.

But in this world, who would waste their precious energy on hygiene? Disciples are all responsible for their work.

Because it had no lethality, everyone's protective energy was not even activated. But the mud and branches stuck to their bodies during the fight were cleaned cleanly along with the grease.

The person who used the cleaning technique was of course Zhu Erniang. It shot out two clusters of spider silk and dragged it back with two different targets.

The two men reacted quickly. Not only did they scream loudly, they also slashed backwards with their swords.

But the spider silk's toughness is amazing, and they lack vitality, so they can't stop cutting it no matter how hard they cut it.

Ye Qing and others turned around in shock, only to see a huge figure appear out of nowhere in the woods, pushing their two companions down and wrapping them into white cocoons.

The movement was extremely skillful and had a cruel beauty to it.

The companion was bound and had no power to resist.

A mountain-like body shape and a bright star map on the abdomen...

Who else could it be if it wasn't Zhu Erniang?

But, but, how could there be two Zhu Erniangs!

Everyone subconsciously looked at the giant spider that was working, and then at the dull Zhu Erniang behind them.

I can’t say that there is no difference, I can only say that they are exactly the same, but, but...

Ye Qing suddenly realized: "What we just dealt with was a spider slough! Let's do it again!"

Why is the "Zhu Erniang" in the rear so dull and dull, so easy to deal with?

The best explanation is that it is just a relic!

Yu Zecheng has been following Zhu Erniang for a long time, and everyone has also observed that the way it moves its entire family is to fill several remains with offspring, thereby controlling the spider's slough to move forward.

However, the way the spider descendants control the spider slough is very dull, and it is impossible to open and close it like Zhu Erniang. At best, it can only stop and go, but has no ability to attack.

Yu Zecheng originally planned to launch an attack when Zhu Erniang moved next time, but unexpectedly it came to the southern island to build a nest, and was protected by He Lingchuan, so it never left.

Now Zhu Erniang is using spider sloughs to deceive them!

Ye Qing and others had just seen the giant spider appear, and it was pulling out its eight legs very quickly. They rushed to rescue He Lingchuan, and there were a tidal wave of disciples and disciples around them. They rushed forward as if they were desperate. Without even thinking, they decided It is Zhu Erniang.

Except for the target Zhu Erniang, where could such a big spider come from on the islands? Who can control so many burrowing spiders?

I never expected that this was an empty shell!

As for why the empty shell's actions just now were so smooth——

Ye Qing thought of the scene when Zhu Erniang moved. It would be great if the spider slough filled with countless small spiders could stand up and walk. It was like walking like a zombie.

Who knew it could run so flexibly!

Sure enough, Zhu Erniang has been showing her weakness to her enemies and misleading them.

It used the spider slough to deceive the Bega people's eyes, causing them to operate as fiercely as a tiger, and the firepower was concentrated and poured out, but when they took a closer look...

All on empty targets.

Ye Qing's worry is that they don't have much special poison in their hands.

Goshawk fights rabbit with all his strength, let alone facing a big monster like Zhu Erniang? Ye Qing was worried that the medicine was not effective enough. In just that moment, almost ten out of ten of the toxins produced by Shuangye Guoshi were used up.

How effective can it be to use the remaining two or three points to deal with Zhu Erniang's body? His heart beat.

But this worry cannot be known to others. Captain Yu is not here, so he can only direct everyone to attack again.

The teammates behind him quickly made hand seals and threw a stone ball at Zhu Erniang.

The stone ball was less than the size of a hand and shimmered in light green, but as soon as it touched the ground, its size expanded rapidly. After just two breaths, it transformed into a stone python that was ten feet long and had a waist as large as a round table!

This treasure is called "Kun Lao" and is made from the aging heart of the mountain. It can sit on the ground and take shape according to the user's wishes, releasing the power contained in the heart of the mountain.

Although the stone python was huge, its movements were very agile. It jumped on the ground and immediately pounced on Zhu Erniang.

The cave spider had a poisonous sting, but the stone python was not afraid; Zhu Erniang's offspring still attacked like a tide, but they could not hurt the giant python at all.

The latter ducked twice in a row with lightness far exceeding its own weight, and then sprayed spider webs at it.

The web behind the burrowing spider is incredibly sticky and tough. It should have stuck it to the ground, unable to move, but the stone python rolled to the ground and sank into the ground, leaving the web behind.

After a few breaths, the stone python emerged from another patch of ground and took out Zhu Erniang again.

As long as the target is tightened, others will find a way to capture it.

Just as Ye Qing was about to step forward, two handfuls of dark red spider silk suddenly fell from the cliff and silently stuck to the back of his neck and back.

He only felt a coldness and sticky feeling on the back of his head, and his body was filled with mist.


He stabbed the knife into the stone wall with his backhand to fix himself.

But the opponent's strength was astonishing. With a sudden tug, Ye Qing's knife pulled out a bunch of sparks from the stone wall.

During the body turn, he looked up and saw a huge body, a round abdomen, a bright star map on the abdomen, and eight long spindly legs...

Another, another Zhu Erniang?

Ye Qing's mind went blank. The spider demon that caught him was so agile and powerful that it couldn't possibly be a spider slough.

Was his previous conclusion wrong?

How many Zhu Erniangs were there at the scene?

Then, the size of the spider demon expanded rapidly in his field of vision.

"Captain Ye!"

Other teammates screamed, and two people rushed over to rescue him. There was a brush in the jungle behind the boulder, and another black figure jumped out, like a stone thrown out by a slingshot, and knocked the two men away with a bang.

The two men came and left even faster. Before they had time to scream, they were knocked off the cliff.

Under the dim light, the new monsters joining the fight also revealed their true appearance:

It had broad shoulders and a broad body, and was wearing bronze armor. Just looking at its back, the Bega people thought it was a bronze-armored warrior summoned by the opponent. However, when this thing turned around, it turned out to be a giant ape that was more than ten feet tall. Its fangs were turned out, its face was like a demon, and its blood-red eyes shimmered in the dark night.

Like humans, its key parts are protected by thick armor, but these hundreds of kilograms of thick armor do not hinder its movements at all.

As soon as the giant ape came out, it headed straight for the stone python.

Among the opponents Zhu Erniang has experienced, this stone python's attack power is not strong, but the stone shell is hard and it is not made of flesh and blood. It is not afraid of spider poison, strong acid, and is not afraid of spider webs.

Zhu Erniang actually encountered an enemy that couldn't even be restrained by a spider's thread twice tonight.

Once entangled by the stone python, it cannot free its claws to attack the Bega people.

The more Zhu Erniang beat her, the more frightened she became. The Northern Demon Kingdom has indeed understood its habits thoroughly, and the weapons they take out are not earth-shattering, but they are all aimed at it.

As expected of a monster country, the analysis of monsters is deeper than that of humans.

Having lived to its age, of course it is clear that the more powerful a magical weapon is, the better. It just needs to be in line with the principles of mutual generation and mutual restraint and be effective.

After all, in the current environment, the more powerful the magic weapon is, the more energy it consumes and the less durable it is.

Had it not been invited by He Lingchuan to settle in the Yangshan Islands, its current fate would have been dire.

At this time, the ghost ape rushed out from the diagonal stab, grabbed the stone python's big head, and dug out its two glowing green eyes.

"What's the use of picking at the eyes!" The little monkey was still too young. Zhu Erniang rushed over and picked up the stone python's tail, making it completely leave the ground. If it couldn't escape anymore, she pointed, "dig its core!"

It has rich fighting experience, and it can be seen at a glance that the stone python can borrow strength from the ground, so it is easy to deal with it by isolating it from the ground.

Before he finished speaking, the giant python coiled around the ghost ape and tightened it hard.

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