After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 998 The end of the road

Instead, the trestle outside and the empty warehouse under construction exploded.

No one is near these buildings and it doesn't matter tonight.

Who picks these places to explode?

Wan Qifeng closed his eyes and exhaled heavily: "Congratulations to the island master!"

The only one who can do such a thing is Master Hedao.

Wan Qisong was lying in ambush on Qingyun Road. He could not see the specific location of the explosion. He only thought that the gunpowder barrel buried by himself had been detonated in advance. The Bejia people probably planted spies here, but they did not know that the gunpowder barrel was put into it by the Bailong people. Which warehouses.

How could the people of Bega care about such trivial matters?

As a result, He Lingchuan took advantage of the slight mismatch in the cooperation between the two groups. When he saw the explosion at the dock, the entire sneak attack plan was also forced to advance.

The Bailong people took action, and the Bega people thought they had an opportunity, so of course they would also attack the Crypt Spider Queen.

Hasn’t this series of chain reactions begun?

Wan Qifeng lay on the top of the mountain, soaking in the rain, and figured out the key.

His confidants were still asking him: "Lord, what should we do now?"

They came in the rain, originally to support the tribe. But now there are few tribesmen visible on the pier, and Wan Qisong's team, which was supposed to arrive earlier than them, is now even missing.

The rain is very cold, but Wan Qifeng's heart is even colder.

Yeah, what to do now?

He hesitated for a moment and then ordered his men: "Send two people to sneak into the dock to find out the whereabouts of our people."

The two hundred people originally sent here should not have disappeared inexplicably.

"Find two more people with fast feet and walk along Qingyun Road."

The old uncle didn't come when he was supposed to, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

More than two-quarters of an hour later, the man who went to the pier to conduct reconnaissance had not returned yet. Instead, the elite men who went to the southwest beach to check the back road returned, bringing him bad news.

"The ghost is guarding the southwest beach?" Wan Qifeng murmured, "It seems that we have fallen into the trap a long time ago. We never came out from the beginning to the end!"

Yin Fei is here to cut off their retreat!

The trouble right now is that so many of them are stranded on Sodin Island and cannot return to the mainland or Baisha County!

After running around in the wind and rain for most of the night, everyone was wet and cold, and some people sneezed several times in a row.

It seems that the hurricane is heading towards the Yangshan Islands. On a stormy night, they had no shelter from the wind and rain.

No matter how determined these Bailong people are, they can't help but feel desperate at the end of the road.

Wan Qifeng saw the fear and despair in their eyes and looked solemn.

The hurricane will last for at least seven or eight hours, and the four hundred stowaways will not be able to leave without a boat. Once discovered by the escort, Qiu Hu will not give up.

If the owner of He Island arranged the explosion at the dock and lured the Bailong and Bejia people into action, his men should have been searching for the Bailong people all over the island.

More than 400 people gathered in one place. The target was too big and they couldn't go to brightly lit places. Can they really avoid being hunted by the other party?

Even if they can, even if the hurricane ends, they can't leave without a boat. How will the Lord Heda deal with them?

Haha, this is called catching a turtle in a urn, right?

Someone suggested: "Young Master, let's go to this pier to grab a boat and go to sea!"

Even if there are snakes under the water, they won't stare at the boats at Sodin Pier and refuse to let them go, right?

"Yes, as long as you move quickly enough, isn't it a trivial matter to seize a ship?"

"Before the escort can react!" A soldier echoed, "The ships docked at the eastern pier are all big ships. One ship can hold all of us!"

Wan Qifeng said quietly: "Which of you can sail a boat?"

As soon as the question came up, everyone was dumbfounded.

They lived inland and on horseback for the first half of their lives. They were strong in wielding swords and archery, but also in charge of boats...

Less learning.

The small boat might be able to hold up a little, but if you want to drive a large ship carrying two to three hundred people, you really know nine out of ten and know nothing about it.

Someone else suggested: "We can go to the southwest beach and find the boatmen."

"Even if there are people sailing, the big ships docking have already been parked in the dock. This is a hurricane day! Do you think they are still parked at the dock? The dock has been blocked with chains." Wan Qifeng shook his head, "We can't leave of."

Even if they can seize the boat and sail it, if they encounter strong winds and huge waves on the sea, they may be killed within a few miles.

Otherwise, why would all the seafarers come to Sodin Island to land? Isn't it just to avoid the wind?

So, what should we do? Everyone looked at each other and felt discouraged.

"Negotiation." An idea flashed in Wan Qifeng's mind, "Let's negotiate with Sodin Island!"

"Uh...what to negotiate with?" Do they have leverage?

"The powder barrels at the dock and warehouse are still there!" Wan Qifeng's eyes were clear, "As long as He doesn't want the guests to suffer heavy losses, this is a bargaining chip in negotiations!"

They didn't want to overthrow He Lingchuan, they just wanted to return to land after the hurricane. Isn’t that too much to ask for?

Then the next question is who to talk to.

If He Lingchuan had arranged all this in advance, then the possibility of Wan Qisong successfully killing him was very small.

He Island Master is still alive, "I have to negotiate with He Island Master."

Everyone groaned.

At this time, the spy who was investigating Qingyun Road came back, running out of breath.

They originally planned to ambush He Lingchuan on Qingyun Road, but now there are people coming and going, including patrol members and many business travelers.

The spy did not see Wan Qisong or more than a hundred tribesmen during the whole journey, but he accidentally heard people passing by talking about "Island Master...Island Master...Shuanglu".

The owner of the island is He Lingchuan. What does it have to do with Shuanglu?

The spy was also shrewd. He rolled his eyes and sneaked onto the boulevard during the patrol break of the escort team. He patted the two merchants on the shoulders from behind:

"Both of you!"

The two of them turned around and saw this tall man wearing a guard uniform smiling at them: "Huh?"

"You just said, what happened to the island owner?"

"Oh, the island owner was playing Shuanglu with others at the Hot Spring Villa. We watched two games in a row."

The spy was horrified: "What, when?"

"It's now. Then when?" The two of them looked back and pointed in the direction of the hot spring building, "You can see it if you go there."

The spy was stunned when he heard this, and rushed back to report Wan Qifeng.

When Wan Qifeng heard this, the last trace of luck in his heart disappeared.

Sure enough, the island owner had been digging a hole for their uncle and nephew, but the old uncle immediately jumped in.

I don't know whether the old uncle is dead or alive now, so Wan Qifeng is not optimistic about his prospects.

He lay on the top of the mountain, looking down at the brightly lit dock.

Suoding Island is the most important external port of the Yangshan Islands. The owner of the island must not want anything to happen here, so he set off a fake explosion in advance.

From this point of view, Wan Qifeng seems to have some leverage.

He took a deep breath.

Let's go and negotiate.

He said to everyone: "You stay here and wait for my signal. There is no need to follow."

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