After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 102 Big fish come out of deep water

He Chunhua nodded: "Old Mo is going to do it." The village had just finished harvesting the wheat, and they had built a hill behind the village. I thought there would be no shortage of food for the time being, so it would be no problem to provide them with some hot food.

Mrs. Ying looked at the pancakes on the table. Although it was freshly baked and still had a slight wheat aroma, the pancake was too thick, the edges were a little burnt, and the center was a little white. It was obvious that the hostess had no intention of making it properly.

And there is nothing in this pancake, no sesame seeds, no chives, not even oil.

Uninvited guests, it seems, are not welcome.

Mrs. Ying smiled and said to the owner of the house: "You haven't had dinner yet? We don't take up your family's food rations. Just give us some hot water."

The man stood up and walked to the kitchen: "I'll get water."

The water in the pot was hot, and the man wanted to pour it into a cup, but the housekeeper Lao Mo refused to let him go: "Pour it back to the boil and wash the pot clean." After that, he took out a small bunch of copper coins and said, "I'll borrow your kitchen again. "

The man was startled and had no choice but to comply. After all, a normal villager would not struggle with money.

Lao Mo immediately followed him, scooping water from his vat, filling the pot, and setting the fire, monitoring the whole process without blinking an eye.

Qian's mother, who was accompanying the team, also came in holding a bag. "I asked the hostess and she gave me some fruits and vegetables."

She is the old lady brought by Mrs. Ying from her natal family, and she has been taking care of the He family's daily life. Although the title makes her look older, she is actually only in her early forties.

She borrowed the man's kitchen to wash rice and cook. She looked like she was going to make several dishes, a pot of hot soup, and even rice dumplings!

Rice, oil, dried fruits, and dried meat were all brought from Heishui City. The rice wine was bought from a large restaurant in the last city. It is said that it is very famous in the local area. Once it is cooked, the sweet aroma of rice wine fills the whole house.

The man on the side looked dumbfounded: "Oh, Mr. Guan is so particular about food and drink?" Dog official!

"Is that possible?" Qian's mother only replied.

The man couldn't wait for the next step, so he had to ask: "Then where are you going?"

Qian Ma opened her mouth to speak, but Lao Mo nudged her with his elbow, and the latter shut up.

There was nothing he could do here. The man was worried and returned to the main room. Seeing that there were no guests here, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Where are they?"

The woman said in a trembling voice: "Come out, they want to go out for a walk."

The cottage was too small, and the four members of the He family, all adults, could not fit in, so the He brothers were assigned to another farmhouse.

After dinner, He Yue walked to the lake and stretched: "We have never had such a wide water surface there. It's really refreshing."

After squeezing in a cramped carriage for most of the day, when I stood by the vast lake, my mind broadened.

He Lingchuan picked up a pebble on the ground and floated it on the lake.

The pebbles bounced one, two, three...

He Yue also got playful, grabbed a pebble and blew on it.

He Lingchuan laughed at him: "You can't do it!" This little nerd had never practiced any outdoor skills.

He Yue glanced at him and shook his hand to fight.

The pebbles clung to the surface of the lake and jumped four times in a row.

He Lingchuan smiled slightly: "You are lucky."

"This is not luck." He Yue picked up another stone, weighed it in his hand, and struck it out.

This time it was actually six drifters.

Not to mention that he was surprised, He Lingchuan was stunned. "When did you practice secretly?"

"It's a small skill, do you still need to practice?" He Yue's smile was somewhat complacent, "Just choose some flat rocks and put your strength close to the lake."

He Lingchuan shrugged: "You're right. It's not fun, so I won't play anymore."

This brother gets anxious when he loses. Just as He Yue was about to retort, the lake water made a loud splash and created ripples.

There are probably big fish down here.

Both brothers were startled, then looked at each other and smiled.

He Lingchuan suddenly fired two stones at the bushes on the shore.

"Ouch" was heard twice, and two or three people came out from behind.

He Yue stopped smiling: "What are you doing?"

"Relieve yourself." The three of them were all dressed as villagers, and one of them even pulled up his pants, "What are you doing here!"

He Lingchuan looked at them and said, "I thought you were hiding here and listening to us talk."

"What are you talking about?" These people sneered a few times, and Shi Shiran walked past the He brothers.

The village chief responded to the request of his housekeeper, Lao Mo, and asked the women in the village to cook hot food to supply the army. Of course, the village does not always have food for three or four hundred people, so the He family's personal guards volunteered to go to the warehouse to carry wheat and grind it.

Therefore, there are many people at the lake at the moment.

He Lingchuan looked at those figures and said slowly: "These guys' eyes are flickering, and they look like they have evil intentions."

He Yue smiled and said: "They are just villagers. In my opinion, no one looks like a good person."

"Who the hell is peeing by the lake where they get water for cooking?" He Lingchuan sneered, "These people seem to be coming from downstream around the lake, why did they come to Fairy Village in the middle of the night?"

"Maybe I just came back late." He Yue looked at the lake and frowned, "After you said that, I don't want to drink water anymore."

At this time, He Chunhua and his wife walked over from the opposite side, followed by several personal guards behind them.

Dad is indeed cautious in a foreign land and never forgets to protect himself. He Lingchuan came forward and said, "Dad, are you two so free and ambitious?"

"The meal is not ready yet, let's go out and get some air." There were no villagers nearby, so Mrs. Ying could finally speak freely, "The smell in the house is strong, and the bedding probably hasn't been washed and dried for several days."

"Food?" He Yue subconsciously looked at the lake. Is he using the water in the lake to cook? He doesn't want to eat.

Under the bright moonlight, something dark seemed to emerge from the lake.

Before he could take a closer look, the thing sank again.

Mrs. Ying also saw it and asked in surprise: "What is that?"

"Big fish come out of deep water." He Chunhua said with a smile, "Xianling Lake has been around for too long, so it's not surprising that there are so many spiritual creatures in it."

He looked at his two sons: "Did you know that Great Ancestor Yuan raised his troops on the banks of the Fairy Lake and established great achievements step by step, which led to the huge territory of the Yuan Kingdom today?"

Of the two sons, one nodded and said he knew, and the other was surprised: "Oh, is this right here?"

"It's by the lake, but not here." Someone answered from the side. The He family looked back and saw that it was Lu Han, the village chief's nephew, who was here.

The strong man was very enthusiastic: "If the official is interested, I can lead the way. The scenery there is unique, there is a wonder of the double moon, and literati often come to visit."

"Shuangyue?" Mrs. Ying was a little interested. He Chunhua looked around, "Where is the village chief?"

"He is feeling a bit unwell due to the cold and has asked me to entertain you all." The strong man turned around and said, "Let's go here."

"No, the food in the house is almost ready, and it's late. It'll be the same if we go and see him tomorrow morning." He Chunhua shook his head, "I think Mr. Lu talks well and doesn't look like a villager."

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