After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 103 Zhu’s secret message

Lu Han chuckled: "I've been doing business outside for a few years, and I've seen more of the world than my uncle, so it's not worth mentioning."

He Lingchuan interrupted: "What kind of business have you done?"

"I used to run a bodyguard agency in Yunyang City and escort goods for caravans, but within a few years the world was in chaos and I couldn't continue to do these jobs."

He Chunhua thought for a while: "Yunyang City? Yes, six years ago the rebels besieged Yunyang City and almost defeated it."

He Lingchuan said curiously: "The world is not peaceful, so your business should be more prosperous."

In troubled times, weapons are important.

Lu Han sighed: "Easier said than done?"

At this time, someone not far away called him: "Boss Lu!"

Lu Han said: "There's something going on in the village, I'll go there first."

As soon as he turned around, his smile disappeared.

"Supper is ready, let's go back." Mrs. Ying was very hungry.

Lu Han took four or five of his men and sat down on the bench in the grain drying field.

The place is empty and anyone approaching will be noticed immediately. On the contrary, it is a good place to talk.

"This dog officer is quite vigilant and refuses to follow me to see Shuangyue Bay." Lu Han chuckled, "What a pity."

To capture the thief, capture the king first. He originally wanted to take the official and his family to a remote place, with his sword raised and lowered, one by one, one by one... The women can be kept.

He asked his men: "What's going on with the cooking? He brings his own food?"

The owner of the house where He Chunhua and his wife stayed had a sad face: "The bread made by the mother-in-law in the house was not very good, and the official's wife refused to eat it. She brought her own maid and cooked several dishes with firewood on the stove, especially The wine is so fragrant." After speaking, he swallowed.

Lu Han had a long face: "You put the medicine in the water. They have to drink water, right?"

"I wanted to let him go, but one of their old servants made me seriously ill with a fever. He was just staring at me without blinking." His subordinates were also in trouble, "I can't do anything."

Lu Han hissed and turned to look at the other three people: "Do you have any good news?"

These three were the people He Lingchuan had beaten out with stones by the lake. Hearing the sound, he said, "Yes, the town has transferred seven hundred brothers over. They will arrive in a short time."

"It happens to be the fourth or fifth watch, and the officers and soldiers are all sleeping." Lu Han pondered, "Forget it, since we haven't exposed our secrets so far, we might as well not touch them."

Everyone wondered: "General, have you changed your mind?"

"I can't say I've changed it. I originally thought it would be best if I could kill the dog officer, and then his men would be scattered. If they can't be killed, let them go early tomorrow morning." Lu Han said with a smile, "We must distinguish the priorities, and we must not hinder tomorrow. Action. Brothers coming from the town, let them set up an ambush in case we have a conflict with the dog officer."

The four members of the He family walked back. He Yue was chatting and laughing with his parents, but He Lingchuan was thinking about Lu Han.

The last time he fought side by side with the Gale Army in his dream, one of the deep impressions left on him was that these warriors had a strong bloody spirit, which was a gift from hundreds of battles on the battlefield. The strange thing is that he actually felt such an aura in Lu Han.

The guy tried his best to suppress his aura. He said that he used to be a bodyguard, traveling all over the country and being a rough and tumble person.

Is this kind of profession necessary for killing people?

He Lingchuan raised his head to look at the sky, and then thought of the silent mountain forest before entering the village.

From that point on, something was wrong.

The He family had only walked halfway when they saw the village chief hurried past with his head lowered.

Didn't you say that the old man should go to bed early because he is not in good health?

Before he could finish this thought, a woman appeared on the side of the road and stopped in front of the old man: "Village chief, what do you want to say about the Shuiling tablet?"

The village chief was preoccupied and was stunned when he heard this: "This? Let's talk about it later!"

"Why are you talking about it later?" The woman said reluctantly, "You said in the morning that you would have to seek justice from my man tonight!"

Hearing the words "finding a man" and "wanting justice", He Lingchuan became interested and stepped forward and asked: "What is the water spirit tablet?"

"It's nothing." As soon as he interrupted, the village chief's face changed slightly, and he wanted to calm down the matter, "I guess it was hit by a wild monkey. It's a small matter, a small matter!"

He walked away quickly, not giving the woman a chance to get entangled again.

The woman sighed and was about to turn around, but tripped over a tree root and fell to the ground.

Bang, this time it was hard.

He Yue couldn't help but stepped forward to help her up and said, "Are you okay?"

"No, it's okay. Thank you, young husband." The woman whispered softly and bowed to him.

He Yue was suddenly startled.

He Lingchuan looked at the woman and smiled and said: "Look, when you speak, you must be organized and organized, unlike ordinary village women. Well, you look good. What is your surname and where do you live?" This woman also said Something weird.

Hey, he is getting more and more comfortable playing the dandy now, why is he so fat?

The eldest son acted like a playboy. He Chunhua lowered his face and said, "Chuan'er, don't be rude!"

The woman glanced at He Lingchuan and whispered, "My surname is Zhu." After that, she turned around and left.

After this small episode, the four of them walked back.

He Yue took two steps back, stood side by side with his brother, and whispered: "There is a situation."

He Lingchuan was stunned: "What?" His nerves were always tense.

"When this woman got up, she stuffed a paper ball into my hand." He Yue was a little surprised just now. "She covered it with her sleeves. No one should have seen it."

He Lingchuan laughed out loud: "There is a situation, maybe she has fallen in love with you!"

"Seeing as she is in her early twenties, maybe she would like a tender and delicious chicken like you!" He Lingchuan patted his younger brother on the shoulder, "Don't be afraid, young people have to face the difficulties - go ahead!"

He Yue's eyes were full of contempt: "Brother, what qualifications do you have to speak against me?"

The person who practices boy kung fu is the elder brother, not him!

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Ying turned around and glared at He Lingchuan: "Chuan'er, this is not Blackwater City, don't mess around!"

"I know."

The four of them could smell the aroma of food before they even entered the house where they were staying.

But He Yue couldn't care less about eating and went to the latrine to urinate.

He Lingchuan laughed it off, knowing that the second child wanted to take out the paper ball and look at it.

But just after he sat down and took two chopsticks with bamboo shoots in his hands, He Yue hurried in, leaned over and whispered to He Chunhua: "Dad, it's something serious!" After saying that, he handed the paper ball over, "That woman gave it to me just now. "

The owner of the house didn't know where he was at this time, and there were only four members of the He family in the dining room.

He Chunhua put down his rice bowl, picked up the paper ball and looked at it, his expression changed.

He handed it to He Lingchuan, then stood up and pushed the door open, telling his bodyguard Zhao Qinghe and housekeeper Lao Mo to come in. He also asked his bodyguards to pay attention to the surrounding area and not allow others to approach.

The hostess of the family stayed in the main house, separated from the He family in a small courtyard, and there were personal guards on duty here, so the family could talk safely in the dining room.

He Lingchuan took the note, and Mrs. Ying also came over. Then the two of them saw a line of red words on the paper:

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