After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 104 Everyone finds a way

"Two hundred bandits impersonated the villagers, and their leader, General Lu, hid their weapons in the water temple."

The handwriting was very sloppy, obviously written in a hurry.

He Lingchuan took the paper and smelled it, smelling rust: "It's blood."

The few words are easy to understand, but the content is very scary:

The villagers are disguised as gangsters, and their leader is General Lu. They hide their weapons in Shuiling Temple.

Mrs. Ying gasped when she saw it, grabbed He Chunhua and shouted in a low voice: "Master!"

The panic is undisguised.

Are they really so unlucky that they occasionally stay overnight in the wild and end up in a wolf's den?

This information is very explosive. He Lingchuan saw that his father and brother had serious expressions on their faces, and rolled his eyes: "Dad, it's better to strike first! There are only 200 gangsters here, let's kill them by copying them!"

"Stupid!" He Chunhua glared at him, "She said two hundred means two hundred? She said a gangster means a gangster? Can a village woman's words count?"

He turned to his personal guard Zhao Qinghe and said, "Sneak into Shuiling Temple. If there are weapons hidden, check the quantity."

Zhao Qinghe nodded, pushed the door open and left.

This man is of average height and appearance, and is considered ordinary among the crowd. If He Chunhua hadn't selected him into the guard, He Lingchuan would never have seen this figure.

Uncle Hao was away, so He Chunhua left such an important matter to him, which showed that he understood and felt at ease with him.

He Lingchuan once again found that he still knew too little about his father.

Mrs. Ying whispered: "I think that guy named Lu has fierce eyes. He doesn't look like a good person!"

He Lingchuan thought to himself, just now you wanted to go to Shuangyuetan with others.

But he didn't have the guts to say this.

About a quarter of an hour later, Zhao Qinghe came back with an ugly face: "The guardian of the temple went to pee, so I took the opportunity to sneak in and take a look. There were several boxes hidden under the altar table and inside, blocked by cloth curtains. They were all full of There are roughly one hundred, forty and fifty knives and axes. They have been used to sharpen and kill people. They are very energetic!"

This can prove Zhu's blood letter. After all, how could a village that farmed and fished have so many murder weapons?

Zhao Qinghe added: "By the way, the Shuiling tablet was indeed broken into two halves."

Mrs. Ying's face turned pale: "Since you are a gangster, why don't you run away when you see the officers and soldiers, but you pretend to be a villager and stay?"

This is also the question of everyone present.

There are quite a few mysteries in Fairy Village.

"No good intentions." He Yue looked at his father and brother, "Zhu said there were two hundred gangsters. No wonder there are so many strong men in this village."

"They refused to say anything. They were obviously waiting for an opportunity to strike." He Lingchuan's face changed slightly and he asked his parents, "Have you ever drank water in this house?"

"As soon as we entered the door, the master handed him water. I asked him to pour the severe fever and monitored the whole process." The housekeeper Lao Mo said, "The servant girl is cooking in the back, and I am also watching in the kitchen. There should be no problem."

He Chunhua pointed to the blood book and said, "What I care about is this. Is 'General Lu' a personal name, or does it specifically refer to a general named Lu?"

The meanings of these two are very different.

There are hundreds of people, all kinds of people. The bandit leader is addicted to officialdom and likes to be called general. This is not too...

Phew, something's just not right.

"There's only one way to know." He Lingchuan stood up, "I'll go find Mr. Zhu."

"She must also be under surveillance." Mrs. Ying asked curiously, "How are you going to find her?"

"I found it just by taking a walk. The village is so big, how long does it take to go from east to west?" He Lingchuan smiled, "Besides, I remembered which house she entered before. It's not too far from our place, just across the street. There are more than a dozen thatched houses.”

Call him meticulous, call him careless; call him careless, he even cares about where the young lady lives. Mrs. Ying could only sigh: "Be careful!"

She rarely showed concern to He Lingchuan, who felt warm for no reason and nodded.

He Yue said: "These people are standing still. Either they want to poison us, or they want to sneak attack while everyone is asleep in the middle of the night! It's dark already, we might as well strike first and capture Lu Han."

He Lingchuan waved his hand: "Don't be impatient for a moment and wait for me to come back."

No one was in the mood to eat now, except He Lingchuan, who was eating with chopsticks like flying chopsticks, picking up rice and vegetables, and was enjoying himself. After the brutal bloody battle in the dream, his mentality in dealing with the crisis became much calmer.

Mrs. Ying sighed: "You can still eat it." This child is really big-hearted.

"It might be a big job later. If you don't eat well, how can you have the strength?" He Lingchuan finished his meal in less than half a cup of tea. Then he wiped his mouth and stood up: "I will go, but things will change if I am late."

He Chunhua looked at his back and nodded, sighing again. Just as he was about to greet his wife and children to continue eating, someone announced that Zeng Feixiong was here.

As the leader of the Guards, Zeng Feixiong has to come regularly to report on his work.

He was indispensable for tonight's incident, and He Chunhua immediately called Zeng Feixiong in.


Zhu's house is in the west corner of the village, which is actually not close to the accommodation of He Chunhua and his wife.

The husband died in a mysterious way, and the mother-in-law went crazy when she woke up, crying and laughing at the same time. Of course, the gangsters couldn't leave a crazy woman to attract the attention of the officers and soldiers in the village. They also killed her with a knife, threw her body into the lake, and let her stay with her son.

The father-in-law was so distraught that he was taken away along with the young children.

Therefore, she was the only one left in the Zhu family.

She walked back with her head lowered. Two officers and soldiers came over and asked her for a glass of water.

These soldiers live in barns, unlike the officers who live in private houses, so it is not that convenient to drink hot water. He Chunhua has asked the village chief to arrange drinking water for everyone, but it has not been done yet.

Drinking raw water can easily cause illness, so it is best to boil it. Only in the wild, drink raw water as a last resort.

"Wait a minute, I'll boil the water." She took some water to the kitchen and boiled it, so that the officers and soldiers wouldn't have to go through so much trouble. You have to wait to get a sip of hot water, and most people don’t have that time.

She would never miss this opportunity: "It doesn't matter, I will use it at night."

While waiting, the officers and soldiers stood in front of the house. Perhaps they saw her good looks, so they chatted with her for a few more words, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

But Zhu knew that the bandits around her were paying attention to her every move, and it was not a good opportunity to ask for help or give hints at this time.

She was secretly worried and was thinking about some roundabout way when several urgent whistles came from not far away. The two officers and soldiers heard the sound and went back to do their business. They didn't even have time to drink water.

Zhu was extremely disappointed.

At this moment, a person suddenly emerged from the shadows behind the house!

Zhu was so frightened that she almost screamed. The man held her mouth and nose with great force and whispered: "Shut up, or I will break your neck! Do you understand?"

When he opened his mouth, his bad breath sprayed on Zhu's face. When she looked up, she found that this man was a fat, muscular man with a sinewy face.

Zhu nodded quickly.

The fat man let go of his hand: "What did you want to do just now? You wanted to warn the dog officer family, right?"

"No, no! That's not the case!" Ms. Zhu shrank her head, "The village chief and his minions have been bullying me, and they even beat me up three months ago. I, I just wanted to take this opportunity to make a comeback. tone."

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