After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 105 How to prove that you are you?

She looked extremely frightened, and even her body was trembling. The man couldn't tell whether she was really stupid or pretending to be stupid. After all, he had seen village women with weird brain circuits. He could only threaten in a heavier tone: "Remember, both of your children are in our hands! If you dare to approach that family again, I will kill a child to show you!"

Zhu said tremblingly: "Don't, don't hurt them!"

"Be honest and obedient, and I will release you all tomorrow morning!" After the coercion is over, the temptation must be followed decisively.

Zhu nodded wildly.

At this time, the pebbles on the village road were being stepped on, and several people came over. The leader waved to Mrs. Zhu: "Hey, Mrs. Zhu, what a coincidence?"

The two of them turned around and saw that the person who came was none other than He Gouguan's eldest son, followed by two personal guards who followed suit with great style.

Seeing his playful smile, Mrs. Zhu was so happy that she almost shed tears, but she still had to hold back and smiled at him: "Hello, Mr. He."

"I went for a walk after dinner, and I ended up here before I knew it." He Lingchuan stepped forward naturally, "The scenery in your village is so beautiful. Do you have time to take a walk with me?"

"I..." Zhu was about to speak, but the fat man couldn't stand it and hugged her to his chest, "This is my wife."

He Lingchuan pointed at him and asked Zhu, "Is this an outsider?"

Zhu's eyes rolled, but she didn't say a word.

Before the fat man could get angry, He Lingchuan yelled at him: "It's just a joke, don't take it seriously. What do you call me, brother?"

"King." The fat man remembered Lu Han's explanation and twitched his lips, "Master He has arrived, and the wall will shine."

"From the location of your house, you can see the lake view, which is very good." He Lingchuan turned around to comment, and suddenly threw a shiny silver object over.

Fatty Wang subconsciously took it in his hand, only to realize that it was an ingot of broken silver weighing five cents. This?

"You're lucky, I'm staying here tonight." He Lingchuan put his hands behind his back and raised his chin, "Why don't you go make the mattress and quilt?"

Fatty Wang's eyes twitched and he was stunned. Based on his usual temper, he might have exploded and chop off his head with one knife!

But Boss Lu said, you have to endure it!

He forced himself to hold back his breath and said, "Isn't your accommodation already arranged?" It was Boss Lu who arranged it himself.

"It's too far. It's inconvenient to chat with my family." Ever since he knew that the guy in front of him was also a bandit, He Lingchuan paid attention to the residence arranged for him in the village and found that it was the farthest place from the residence of He Chunhua and his wife, with one west and one east, exactly opposite.

These guys want to divide and kill them.

"What, you think it's too little?" He Lingchuan saw the fat man standing there, grabbed a few more pieces of silver, and stuffed it heavily into his hand.

It is such a virtue to reward the waiters in the theater. As soon as he stuffed it in, the veins on the fat man's forehead jumped twice.

He Lingchuan was secretly on guard, but this guy tightened his chin, obviously suppressing his anger again, and said in a harsh voice: "Come in."

He also wanted to drag the kid into the house and beat him up, but there were two personal guards following him closely. He wasn't afraid that he wouldn't be able to defeat him, but he was afraid that the noise would be too loud.

When can we kill all these bitches!

He turned around and entered the house. Zhu glanced at He Lingchuan and followed him in. Only then did He Lingchuan see the undisguised fear and anger in her eyes.

These men pretending to be villagers are bandits, so she is a good citizen, right?

He Lingchuan looked around and found that there were idle people everywhere, either holding their rice bowls to cook, or sitting at the door picking their feet and blowing in the wind, all staring at him intentionally or unintentionally.


Boss Lu was sitting at the village chief's house, chewing on duck legs.

The ducks raised by Xianling Lake all grew up eating local waterweed snails. There is a thick layer of white oil under the skin. They are roasted on the fire. After a while, the golden oil comes out together with the aroma. Sprinkle some pepper and rub some Salt, just eat it in big chunks.

Boss Lu also looked at the village chief and his family. The old man, old lady, and a few stinky men were nothing to look at, but the grandchildren who had been taken away by the gangsters were all three or five years old, so young that they looked like they could squeeze water out of their hands.

Thinking of those children, the meat in his mouth tasted even more delicious.

He was enjoying his meal when a minion slipped in and said to him: "Boss Lu, I heard something! That dog officer named He is going to Xiazhou to take up his post as the general manager."

"What manager?" Lu Han didn't pay attention at first, but he soon got over the taste and his eyes suddenly lit up, "You mean, the manager of Xiazhou?!"

"Yes, that seems to be the case." The man said, "I heard it from the female relatives of their officers and soldiers."

During this trip, some members of the He family's personal guard group still brought their families with them. After all, after traveling thousands of miles away, there may not be a chance to return to Blackwater City again in the future.

Lu Han slowly opened his mouth and looked up to the sky with a big smile!

Just when he laughed, he suddenly remembered that the quiet night in the mountains was too far away to scare the prey, so he suppressed it, causing a muffled sound in his chest.

The confidants standing beside him looked at each other, wondering why the boss was so happy.

"General, is this a fat sheep?"

"More than just fat?" Lu Han's eyebrows were filled with excitement. "I remembered that he introduced himself to his family earlier! This guy is the prefect of Qiansong County. He has been in the border area for more than ten years. It is estimated that not many people will recognize him when he returns to the mainland officialdom. He. Oh, the distance from Qiansong County to Xiazhou is more than 1,800 miles? "

Everyone shook their heads.

"People in Xiazhou have never seen this new general manager!" Lu Han couldn't help laughing out loud, "If I go to Xiazhou with his documents and official seal, I will be the new general manager!"

"There is no end to the road. I still have to decide my life and death tomorrow. I don't want God to give me a way out!" Lu Han clicked his tongue twice, "I will decide on this official position! His mother-in-law looks at it. It looks tender and tender, and those two bastards also look like they have tender skin and tender meat!”

He licked his lips, and everyone burst into laughter. But soon a question came up: "The dog official still has the Sheji Order. You want to risk, no, take his place, but what should you do if you can't get the Sheji Order?"

"Who says it can't be produced? Do you know the basis of the Sheji Order?"

Of course the men shook their heads. Everyone knows that the Sheji Order is generally designated by the royal court, and the officials and generals holding it have Yuanli to deploy. Because of this, officers and soldiers have a natural suppression effect when fighting against bandits and rebels——

It’s not that you can definitely win.

"Designate the official position, and then designate the person." Lu Han said matter-of-factly, "Getting his documents and official seal is equivalent to getting his official position; as for people, the trouble is troublesome, but it is not impossible. I will do it today. Let me tell you the secret."

He patted his subordinate on the shoulder: "How can God decide that you are you?"

How do you know I am who I am? The subordinate thought for a while, pointed to his nose and asked: "Name?"

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