"What else?" Lu Han inspired him, "If I want to curse you, what else do I need to know? There are so many people with the same name, so if I curse the wrong person."

"Birthday and horoscope?"

"Yes, it's your birth date, plus the name given by your parents, you become you." Lu Han said with a smile, "So I just need to go to the account and change my name to He Chunhua, and then change the birth date into his, and then go to Xia If you become an official in the state and pick up the kite money, that damn thing will shine! Well, it’s not easy to change your birthday. You have to create a completely reborn ceremony to deceive the heavens, but it’s not like no one has done it before. I still have some. way."

He snapped his fingers: "No matter what, we have to get the official seal and documents. When we go to Xiazhou, you may have to call me -"

The men all said in unison: "Congratulations, Sir!"

Everyone laughed, and then the gangster asked cautiously: "Then, do we still have to take action tonight?"

Originally, General Lu said that he would let these officers and soldiers go their separate ways tomorrow morning.

"No!" General Lu waved his hand and said boldly, "Hold your troops and no one is allowed to make the first swing!"

Everyone was stunned. Aren't they trying to steal official documents? This is no longer a fight.

But soon a confidant reacted: "General Lu wants to postpone this battle to tomorrow. It is best for Wu and Pei's teams to come as well."

"The soldiers that Gouguan can bring out for long journeys are all carefully selected and strong men, and may have battlefield experience. He also has the order of society, and the army enjoys the blessing of Yuanli. It is not difficult for a team of 300 people to exert the strength of 400 people. Combat strength." General Lu said calmly, "Even if we can eat them all, I'm afraid the loss will be huge. If we face the people named Wu and Pei, we will suffer a loss. It's better to wait for everyone to gather together and take down this group. Wouldn’t it be good for the dog officers and soldiers to raise the flag with blood sacrifice?”

His subordinates even claimed so.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside, like many people shouting.

The last thing Lu Han wanted at the moment was an accident. He threw down the duck legs, wiped oil on his trouser legs, and strode out.


Fatty Wang entered the room and sat on the bamboo chair by himself.

The bamboo chair creaked and screamed, unable to bear the heavy weight.

Facing dignitaries, this action was very rude, but he didn't care so much. He glared at Zhu and cursed: "Are you stupid? Go and get me...and the young master a glass of water."

You can't get angry at a bastard, but it's okay to scold "your" woman, right?

Zhu turned around silently, but before she took two steps, the fat man reached out and patted her on the back of her mound: "Hurry up."

Zhu looked back, and the man's violent, bear-like eyes made her extremely uneasy.

He Lingchuan smiled: "It seems that you have been studying for a few years, and you still know how to make a wall shine."

"Ah, um." Fatty Wang said silently in his mind. Don't be angry. He will just pull out this kid's tongue later. When the time comes, you want to make barbecue or spicy braised food, whatever you want!

He Lingchuan changed the topic: "Are you working with Boss Lu?"

"Ah?" Fatty was surprised, "Ah, no."

"Then how many years did Boss Lu go out before he came back?"

The fat man was at a loss for words. There was no answer to this question at all: "I don't remember, why are you asking these questions?"

"I think Boss Lu is a person with a story." He Lingchuan shrugged, "Then let's change the topic. How long have you been married to Mr. Zhu?"

Years of hard work and exposure to the sun and wind have made Zhu's skin black and her cheeks red. But if you look closely, you can see that Zhu actually has delicate eyebrows and a slim figure.

"She?" The fat man was caught off guard by this twist, "She's been here for several years."

"How could she marry -" He Lingchuan gestured to him, "—you? No offense, but you two really don't look like a good match." The two of them were like flowers embedded in cow dung, or jade embedded in mud.

Fatty Wang's face turned red, not from shame, but from distension.

"There are so many men in the village, but she falls in love with me. She won't marry unless I am!" He said sternly, "Isn't it possible?"

"Okay, okay, I just don't know what she wants from you. Does she like to sleep or not take a shower?"

"I have money!" The fat man squeezed his words out from between his teeth, "I went out to work hard in my early years and came back after saving money!"

He Lingchuan sighed, murmured a few words, as if a pearl was covered in dust, and then asked: "How many children do you have?"

"...Two." Why did this kid come here to cause trouble? Are you attracted to Zhu, or are you hooked up with her?

Fatty Wang had just been furious and didn't think much about it. Now that his anger had subsided, he began to feel something was wrong.

"Where is the child?" He Lingchuan glanced into the inner room, "I don't think I saw him."

There was no sound at all in the inner room.

At first glance, this fat man had a firecracker personality that couldn't stand anger, but he was humiliated repeatedly and even to the extreme, and it didn't even explode. He Lingchuan guessed that these guys were really thinking about making a move later in the night.

The fat man choked up, why was this man's questions like cannonballs, one after another, urgent and fast, it was really difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, he was a little quick-witted and said vaguely: "I sent it to a relative's house in the town. I'll play for two days and then come back."

He was afraid that He Lingchuan would ask "which relative" next.

Fortunately, it didn't.

At this time, Mrs. Zhu came out with a pot of boiling water and two wooden cups, and poured water for each of them.

He Lingchuan didn't drink, and neither did Fatty.

Because he suddenly thought that some farmers kept rat poison in their homes, saying that it is most poisonous to women's hearts. If this woman falls into the water...

"You have a rest, I'll go back to the room. If you need anything, call me." The fat man was feeling angry, and turned to Zhu with a bad expression: "Come on, come into the room with me."

Let's vent our anger on this little girl first. Now that he is the "head of the family", no matter how he torments his women in his own territory, the kid named He can only listen.

As soon as he stood up, the chair creaked again, as if he was glad that it didn't fall apart. Zhu looked at the chair and knew that the end of following him into the room would be even worse than this chair.

what to do?

The only savior is the He family boy in the room and his personal guards.

She was feeling anxious when He Lingchuan's voice came from behind Fatty: "By the way, Fatty Master, what's going on with the Shuiling tablet?"

The direction was too strong, and the fat man had to turn around: "What's wrong?"

"Drawing on water, the water spirit you worship is the spirit in this lake, right?" He Lingchuan pointed to the big lake outside, "What is the original form of the water spirit you have here?"

"Ah, yes." The fat man couldn't answer this question, but the woman behind him kept her mouth shut as tightly as a clam shell. "Why are you interested in it?"

Since the Shui Ling Temple has been built here, it means that the local Shui Ling Temple has been officially canonized and established. But the types of monsters can be said to be all kinds of strange. Unless the locals know, outsiders have no way of knowing what the original Water God is.

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