After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 107 Sister-in-law is knowledgeable and courteous

"Because the village chief said he wants to seek justice from you."

"Me?" The fat man couldn't believe his ears, "Looking for justice from me?" Is the old man tired of living?

"Yes, aren't you Zhu's husband?" He Lingchuan said with a smile, "Go find him after the village chief tells you to come back."

The fat man absolutely refused to leave the house at this time, but he was not stupid either. He figured out the problem immediately and looked at Zhu sideways: "Tell me, what's going on?"

In fact, this approach has violated Lu Han's instructions. The latter's original words were: Let the villagers have less contact and talk less with the officers and soldiers, so as not to reveal their secrets.

But now, he felt that if he said one more word to He Lingchuan, he might lose control.

The fat man turned his back to He Lingchuan and gave Zhu a warning look.

Zhu's face was expressionless: "The god of the lake is a spirit turtle. I heard that he is at least three hundred years old. There is a small sacrifice in Xianling Village every three months and a big sacrifice every year. The turtle only allows villagers to enter the lake to fish once a week. , Do not use fine mesh, but it will ensure the safety of human beings in the water and a good harvest. By the way, the spirit turtle is also good at divination. In the past, villagers went to Shuiling Temple to ask for fortune. "

"In the past?" He Lingchuan became interested and temporarily changed the topic, "What about later?"

"There were too many villagers asking for lottery tickets, and some even came from hundreds of miles away to disturb Shuiling Qingxiu." Zhu replied, "Shui Ling expressed his dissatisfaction to the village chief in a dream, and the village chief hung up the bucket to prevent people from asking for votes. Even if some villagers secretly pray for it or put sacrifices into the lake, it will no longer work."

So this is an old turtle demon with a side job?

"Then what happened to the spiritual tablet today?"

"I passed by Shuiling Temple this morning and found that the Shuiling tablet was broken. The village chief thought it was me."

He Lingchuan was even more surprised: "Why did the village chief think it was you?"

"..." Mrs. Zhu was silent for a while and then said, "I was the only one passing by this morning."

The fat man said angrily: "So it's you, bitch, who caused me trouble!"

The villagers assigned to him by other companions were as docile as sheep, but he was the only one unlucky enough to be assigned a troublemaker.

He Lingchuan asked him: "Don't you go to the village chief to plead your case?"

The fat man had already thought about it: "The village chief is old. He has gone to bed now. I will go to him to argue with him tomorrow morning."

Zhu suddenly asked: "Could Shuiling's tablet be cut off by himself?"

He Lingchuan thought for a while and then said: "If it was broken by myself, it means something happened to Shui Ling, and he was either seriously injured or died."

He suddenly asked his bodyguard: "What do you think?"

The guard shook his head: "I don't even know."

The fat man frowned, pointed at the two guards and asked, "Wait a minute, they also want to stay here?" If they want to attack at night, the difficulty has increased now.

"Personal guard, do you know what personal protection is?" He Lingchuan was talking when two servants came outside, carrying bundles behind them. They saluted him when they entered the door: "Young Master, let's make the bed."

Although He Lingchuan didn't care, when Mrs. Ying was packing her home in Heishui City, she still ordered people to bring all the bedding for her two sons. The household items outside are dirty, so they are not as safe to use as the ones at home.

He Lingchuan took them into the inner room as if they were the master.

Fatty Wang saw these people coming in and out of the house, busy, as if he was an outsider, and couldn't help but sneer. This dog official family is so particular in the poor mountains and ravines, and they usually plunder a lot of people's wealth and wealth.

While the servant was making the bed, He Lingchuan asked him: "Where is the second child sleeping?"

Fortunately, this man knew that he was referring to He Yue: "The second young master will sleep in the second family's house in the south, next to the lake tonight."

The second child is also far away from him and his parents. It is difficult to say that this arrangement is unintentional. "Why are you sleeping so far away? Move him next to me! We will talk at night." He pointed at the farmhouse opposite. "I think this house is very nice and spacious."

He is the only one worthy of such a big guest. The He family are all very polite, except the eldest young master. The servants are also not surprised. After receiving the order, they will report to the butler Lao Mo. Anyway, it is the butler's idea.

He Lingchuan asked again: "Are my family members still in the house?"

"The Sheriff and his wife are here, and the second young master is out."

He Lingchuan frowned: "Where to go?"

The guard who stayed in the hall also said to Fatty Wang at this time: "Your family is in a poor situation, and the young master is willing to help. But he can't sleep when he changes places. Seeing that my sister-in-law is well-informed and polite, I wonder if I can chat with him." A few words?" After that, he put a piece of silver worth ten taels on the table.

Fatty Wang looked at this big piece of silver and didn't know what to say.

Does the puppy really like Zhu?

But he understood that these two people could never be alone, so he slammed the table and expressed just the right amount of anger: "What did you say! Take your money and get out!"

"Why are you so anxious?" He Lingchuan stood at the door of the inner room with his arms folded. "You can earn ten taels of silver just by saying a few words. You can show me this kind of good thing by holding a lantern somewhere else?"

The two servants behind him were very qualified and even closed the door behind him when they left Zhu's house.

"I don't allow you to stay here anymore!" Fatty Wang walked into the inner room, trying to take the opportunity to throw his bedding out.

Two guards in the hall quickly stopped in front of him: "Don't move!"

Fatty Wang couldn't bear it anymore and pushed the guard away with a palm.

No matter how dull he was, he still knew that He Lingchuan was suspicious, otherwise how could anyone talk nonsense like this?

What's the big deal about falling out? This little puppy covets someone else's wife. Shouldn't he be beaten? The logic is on his side. Even if He Gouguan wants to take sides, he still has to see what kind of place this is.

At this moment, Fatty Wang suddenly smelled a strange and extremely fishy stench!

It was so sour and refreshing that even if he covered his sweaty feet in airtight boots for ten days and then put it under his nose, it would not be even half as good.

Fatty Wang got sick. He bent down and said "Wow!" and vomited.

At this time, all momentum, posture, and wariness were thrown out of the window, and his body instinct was the most honest.

Another guard rushed up and hit the fat man hard on the back of the neck with the handle of his knife.

Logically speaking, he should have fallen to the ground at once.

However, this fat man, with his rough skin and thick flesh, was not knocked unconscious. Although he was still in severe physical discomfort, he rushed towards He Lingchuan, stretched out his two fat palms, and strangled his throat.

As long as he chokes this kid and turns around, using him as a human shield to block the front, the personal guards will definitely use the rat weapon.

The moment he rushed out, the ring on his ring finger even glowed with a faint black light. This ring is called the Black Thorn Ring, and is made from the tusks of the Black Thorn Boar. It not only strengthens the owner's strength and injures the opponent, but also adds poison to the wound. If not treated in time, the muscles and bones will quickly become necrotic.

But after all, he was angry, and his movements were half a beat slower. Mrs. Zhu had already grabbed the wooden cup from the table, and suddenly poured more than half of the cup of boiling water into his face.

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