After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 108 Sudden Fish Tide

His vision was blurred and his eyes hurt. The fat man subconsciously opened his mouth to scream, but unexpectedly a piece of bread was stuffed into his mouth, blocking his voice.

Then there was severe pain in the chest and abdomen, and the boy opposite punched him at least three times in half a breath!

These three punches all hit his diaphragm. The fat man felt that his vision went dark and he couldn't breathe.

He Lingchuan wasn't satisfied yet, so he took another flying kick and hit him right in the heart.

The pain in his balls made the fat man immediately cover his hands and fall to the ground, twitching all over. In the face of this severe pain, the stench didn't seem so terrible.

The guards were also smart, fearing that he would push the golden mountain and knock down the jade pillar, making a loud noise that would attract the attention of people outside the house, so they immediately supported him with their hands and pushed him to the ground.

The fat man's oily face was covered in sweat, but he couldn't scream.

He Lingchuan pulled out a silk rope from the storage ring and quickly tied his hands tightly.

This type is used by the city defenders to capture suspects. It is light, flexible and elastic. He Lingchuan not only prepared it in the storage ring, but also specially learned the corresponding rope fastening method before setting off, and tied it up quickly.

When the fat man came to his senses and tried to break free, the more he struggled, the tighter he got.

He still had a piece of flour cake stuffed in his mouth and couldn't call for backup outside the house. Moreover, the dandy second generation ancestor even pulled out a dagger and put it on his neck: "If he struggles again, he will first cut off his ears and then gouge out his eyes!"

The prisoners calmed down a lot.

He Lingchuan winked at the bodyguard, who then went to inspect the house. He came back shortly and said, "There were two people outside the courtyard. They asked me what happened just now. I told him that the young master drank too much... and they didn't raise any suspicion."

He Lingchuan kicked the prisoner on the ground: "It seems that you have good fighting ability, and others are very confident about him." Probably because this fat man was in the house, the gangsters didn't think much about it. Up two guards.

So it was right that he did not choose to fight the fat man directly. If the sound of fighting was heard, it would cause trouble. Not to mention that he could not beat him - this guy looked like a desperado at first glance, and his power to fight back was inexhaustible.

In any case, he and Zhu finally had a chance to speak directly. He Lingchuan breathed a sigh of relief, searched Fatty Wang, took away all valuable things, and did not forget to take the black thorn ring from his hand.


He Yue and Zeng Feixiong left the county governor and his wife's residence and walked to the lake.

He Chunhua had already revealed the situation to Zeng Feixiong, who was about to gather people and prepare secretly. "Why is the second young master also out? It's dangerous outside."

There are only twos and threes by the lake, and they are all bandits.

After being warned by He Chunhua, Zeng Feixiong now looks like a bandit to everyone.

He Yue was dissatisfied: "My brother came out just now, why didn't anyone say he was in danger?"

Behind him were two personal guards.

"Uh..." At first glance, the eldest young master knows how to take care of himself, unlike the second young master who shows off his weakness.

He Yue waved his hand: "Don't worry, it's just a joke. I can't always stay at my parents' place, it will arouse suspicion. I won't be too far away from you."

Teenage years are the age when ADHD occurs. He is a young man who always hides in his parents' house. It's so unnatural.

At this time, several villagers passed by, and the two stopped talking.

In this way, we walked all the way to the lake and heard the sound of splashing water.

He Yue looked into the lake and couldn't help but smile: "I hope this is not a water source for the villagers."

The water channel in this section of Xianling Lake is narrow, and the wetland has cut it into a secondary pool with a very small slope. The water surface was originally clean and calm, with only a few fallen leaves, but at this moment there were four or five soldiers splashing in the water, laughing and laughing.

In October, it was extremely cold in the deep mountains, but this team had been trekking for a long time, and a thick layer of mud was found on their bodies. When they saw the clear lake water, they couldn't help it. Besides, all the men are strong and strong, so what’s wrong with taking a cold shower?

Maotao is also among them. Although he was a bandit, he was good at sociability and seemed to hang out with other soldiers. When he saw He Yue and Zeng Feixiong approaching, he shouted an invitation: "Second Young Master, boss, come down quickly! It's so pleasant here, there are small fish pecking people in the water, it's itchy and refreshing!"

As he spoke, he opened his mouth and imitated the slurping gesture of a small fish.

The others laughed and imitated his example, and there were strange noises in the lake.

He Yueqi asked: "Do fish eat people?"

There are streams and seasonal rivers in Blackwater City, but there is no such vast lake.

"No skin broken, no bleeding, no pain." Mao Tao quickly fished out a small fish as big as a fingertip from the water, "Look, it seems to only eat dead skin."

"Okay, let's all get up. What does it look like to gather in a crowd and make noise?" Zeng Feixiong was worried and didn't want to spend more time with them.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Mao Tao suddenly hissed: "Don't talk, just listen!"

Everyone else was laughing at him, so Zeng Feixiong's expression changed and he said loudly: "Shut up!"

Everyone was quiet now, and He Yue also heard a strange noise.

Hissing, it sounds familiar, like the sound of blowing sand.

Maotao pointed to the open lake not far away: "It came from there!"

Not only that, the sound went from far to near, from small to loud, and it actually came towards the shore.

Now everyone can also see that the water is boiling, and there is a white wave rushing towards it.

Zeng Feixiong's expression also changed, and he shouted: "Get out of here!"

Unfortunately, it is still a step too late.

Only two soldiers climbed up, and the white waves rushed over.

First, two palm-sized fish jumped out of the water and hit Maotao on the face, knocking him unconscious.

Then five or ten more fish jumped into the auxiliary pool.

Then twenty, thirty...

One hundred, one thousand...

The fish jumped into the auxiliary pool and still wanted to do it. It jumped to the shore with all its strength.

Only then did everyone see clearly where the white waves were on the lake. They were clearly countless schools of fish jumping crazily!

Several soldiers can't care about the top, but they can't.

The fish that pounced in were of all sizes and types, ranging from as small as the length of a tail finger to as large as seven or eight feet.

Others laughed: "It's extra food, late night snack is coming tonight!"

There was a big eight-foot-long fish that flopped onto the sloping bank and couldn't get up. It just struggled in the mud and made everyone's heads and faces covered with mud and water. The soldiers were not surprised but delighted: "Is this a fish king? It's enough to feed dozens of people."

There were live fish jumping around everywhere on the shore and in the water, and they looked like they weighed at least a thousand or two thousand kilograms.

Villagers and soldiers not far away heard the sound and rushed over to watch. However, only the soldiers went into the water or caught fish on the shore. The villagers watched the excitement from the side and kept at least four to five feet away from the water.

He Yue noticed this keenly and thought: Could there be some danger behind it?

He suddenly remembered the broken water spirit tablet recorded in the blood book.

This crazy fish tide is obviously abnormal. Could it be related to it?

He shouted loudly: "Come up here, stop fishing!"

Just then, a man ran through the long grass, rushed down the slope to the lake shore, jumped into the water with a thud, and sank to the bottom.

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