After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 109 Take action in advance

Everyone was stunned.

The speed was so fast that I didn't even see who that guy was.

Several villagers who were leisurely watching the excitement stood up straight and whispered to each other: "Isn't it Boss Lu?"

The water soon returned to calm.

He Yue couldn't help but ask the villagers: "Is this normal?"

"It's okay." The villager replied, "Boss Lu is very good at water and will be up in a while."

He Yue grasped the key point.

There are strange things in the lake that surprise everyone, but the villagers only mention that Boss Lu has good water properties. In other words, they do not think that the strange things in the lake will pose a threat to Boss Lu.

Thinking of this, he turned to Zeng Feixiong and whispered: "Get ready to take action!"

Zeng Feixiong was surprised: "Now?"

"It's better to choose the right time than to hit the right time!" The young man was particularly determined. "He didn't bring a long knife when he entered the water. We are all here and there are only four or five bandits. It's a good time to capture him in one fell swoop!"

Zeng Feixiong glanced at the entire audience and found that the situation was indeed as He Yue said.

Usually, Boss Lu is followed by more than a dozen of his younger brothers. This village has become his home field, allowing them to come and go as they please. When the officers and soldiers are fully prepared and want to encircle and suppress them, they may not know where others are.

At this moment, he was in the water without a weapon. The boy on the bank looked like a novice, and neither of them could fight him.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is fleeting.

Zeng Feixiong nodded.

At this time, the officers and soldiers who had just entered the water had climbed up and put on their clothes. Some people wanted to fish again. Zeng Feixiong scolded them: "Stand still, what do you look like!" As he said this, he made a gesture.

Mao Tao was startled. This was a "get ready to take action" signal commonly used by bandits. Zeng Feixiong has been traveling on the Hongya Trade Road all year round, has killed numerous bandits, and is also proficient in the codewords of bandits.

Naturally, he also extended this approach to his troops.

So all the soldiers were startled when they saw it, stopped playing around, and then silently tightened their belts.

The weapon is on the belt.

There was a "splash" on the water, and a man and a big fish floated at the same time.

This person was naturally Boss Lu. He held a big fish in his hand and shouted to the shore: "Hey, everyone come down and help!"

The length of the fish reached an astonishing nine feet (three meters), it was dark blue in color, its body was as thick as a door panel, and it had long whiskers around its mouth.

Such an out-and-out behemoth was motionless in the water. It was pushed away by Boss Lu, and He Yue didn't see any injuries on its body.

Zeng Feixiong winked, and all the soldiers jumped down with him, shouting: "Coming, coming."

The villagers also hurriedly entered the water. More than a dozen people gathered around the big fish and tried to lift it ashore. The bigger the fish, the more delicious it is. Whether it is fried, fried or grilled, such a big fish is a must-have.

Zeng Feixiong grabbed a good seat as soon as he entered the water and stood next to Boss Lu. He just put it on his shoulder and it slipped away: "Oh, these scales are scratching people!"

The nine-foot-long fish has thick and hard scales but sharp and thin edges. It can be used as a planer when picked off.

Zeng Feixiong was facing Boss Lu at this time. He turned around and took out a short thorn from behind with his right hand and stabbed him directly in the ribs!

At this time, everyone was holding the fish with both hands, and Boss Lu was no exception. The hole in his ribs was naturally exposed.

The short thorn is only one foot and three inches long, but if it is stabbed firmly and deeply, it can directly pierce Boss Lu's spleen and punch out his lungs.

Once the spleen ruptures and bleeds, the person will easily fall into coma, and once the lung energy is released, he will be unable to exert any strength.

Zeng Feixiong's move was extremely sinister.

Seeing that the tip of the thorn was about to touch the opponent, Boss Lu suddenly dropped his left hand, grabbed his wrist, and then punched Zeng Feixiong in the face.

This guy's reaction is too fast!

Zeng Feixiong received Boss Lu's punch. Both of them were extremely strong. They fought in a stalemate for a few breaths. Their men realized something was wrong, so they picked up the guy and started to fight.

The scene was extremely chaotic for a while.

He Yue on the shore looked at it, jumped into the water without saying a word, took out a dagger from his boots, and greeted Boss Lu on the back.

A gangster hurriedly came to stop him. He Yue escaped the first time, but then he grabbed the corner of his clothes and pulled him back. He punched him in the eye, causing severe pain in his heart.

Maotao risked being chopped off and pulled him back: "Second Young Master, get ashore quickly!" His old man being here would only distract everyone!

At this time, He Chunhua and his wife also came after hearing the sound, and the guards arrived from all directions.

Similarly, the gangsters pretending to be villagers also tore off their disguises, took out hidden weapons from every corner, and rushed over with shouts.

There is a war going on in the water and on land.

Boss Lu had already fought against Zeng Feixiong. He was fighting a long knife with his bare hands. Although he was in the water, he became more and more brave as he fought. The fist as big as the sand bowl suddenly hardened like diamond rock. Zeng Feixiong's long knife struck it, and a long string of sparks came out.

Zeng Feixiong took a closer look and saw that the surface of the enemy's skin had turned into fish scales and even shone with a metallic sheen. In just two breaths, this change covered both of Boss Lu's forearms.

Even bare hands can be turned into weapons.

Boss Lu roared, a faint black light glowed on his body, and he hit several heavy punches in succession.

Zeng Feixiong knew that it was not appropriate to be aggressive at this time, so he had to block with his knife. It was as if he was facing a violent human-shaped bear. After receiving the fourth blow, there was a "dang" sound and the knife broke.

Fortunately, two personal guards rushed forward and blocked Boss Lu's final blow for him.

One was knocked to the bottom on the spot, and the other was knocked out of the auxiliary pool and fell into the lake outside.

"Stop!" Boss Lu shouted loudly, "Stop it, everyone, we don't want to fight!"

He Chunhua had already taken out the Sheji Order and was about to do something when he heard the words and said, "Can the bandits take their words seriously?"

"If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it a long time ago. Why don't you use this night to eat, drink and entertain me?" Boss Lu said quickly, "You are just passing by, and we have to go south. How about we live together peacefully for one night and go our separate ways tomorrow morning? ?”

We don't want to fight, so we just want to borrow the donkey from Poxia. He Chunhua quickly assessed the battle situation in his mind, thought for a moment and nodded: "Okay, truce! Put away your weapons!"

He Yue retreated to his side without saying a word, his face heavy.

Both father and son could see clearly that although they had the upper hand in terms of numbers and the bonus of the Sheji Order, they did not have an overwhelming advantage against this gang of bandits. The ferociousness of Boss Lu was even more unexpected.

Even if the officers and soldiers win in the end, the damage will be great. This bodyguard regiment was He Chunhua's family that worked hard in the north. Normally, he would feel distressed for a long time if one of them was killed, so how could he casually cause trouble here?

This sneak attack was considered a failure. Since both sides have reasons for not wanting to fight to the death, they should stop as soon as possible.

The bosses on both sides have spoken, and the subordinates have ceased their activities, spat at each other, and returned to their respective camps to heal their wounds.

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