After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 110 This woman gets weirder and weirder the more I look at her

Boss Lu got up from the water, still dripping with water, and grinned at He Chunhua: "Are you okay?"

He Chunhua nodded slowly: "Everything is fine."

Now that I have broken my heart, I won’t even pretend anymore. The two were bounded by the central axis formed by the line from the boathouse to the village chief's house. The east side was designated for the officers and soldiers, the west side was designated for the bandits, and the grain drying field and the granary were equally divided.

Within a quarter of an hour, everyone must return to their positions according to the boundaries.

From now on, as long as both sides do not cross the line, they will be able to coexist peacefully until tomorrow morning.

The bandits went into the water again and picked up the big fish. Boss Lu asked them to move the fish to the east boundary and said to He Chunhua: "This fish is very strong and delicious. I will give it to Mr. He to calm your shock!" After saying this, everyone greeted him. The bandits retreated.

In an instant, all the bandits in the open space at the head of the village were gone.

He Chunhua watched their backs with a solemn expression: "These bandits are not like ordinary grassroots."

He Yue felt ashamed and said, "It was me who was reckless and forced Vice General Zeng to act."

"Young and frivolous! You didn't even know the details about Lu, and you dared to take action?" He Chunhua glared at him, a little disappointed, "He is already on guard now to scare the snake. It's best for the gangsters' proposal of peaceful coexistence to be true, otherwise today There will be a bloody storm tonight!”

He Yue pursed his lips and lowered his head.

This kid's clothes were missing a big piece in the chaos. Mrs. Ying raised her hand to wipe the blood from his forehead and said very unbearably: "Master, Yue'er just wants to help..." Her husband rarely spoke so harshly to his son.

"Okay!" He Chunhua raised his hand to interrupt her, "Go back first and then make a long-term plan."


He Lingchuan pointed at Mr. Zhu and said to the fat man on the ground: "You and your wife really have no tacit understanding at all. She said that the Shuiling tablet was broken, but you are not surprised at all."

The villagers went out to work during the day and returned home in the evening. How could the people of Xianling Village, who depended on water, take such a big event as the broken Shuiling tablet indifferently? Even if Zhu didn't give He Lingchuan any spoilers in advance, based on this alone, he could tell that there was something wrong with Fatty Wang.

He Lingchuan then waved to Zhu: "Tell me, what's going on?"

Mrs. Zhu lowered her voice and said hastily: "Tonight these gangsters came to massacre the village, but you suddenly came. They stayed behind to pretend to be villagers, and snatched everyone's children, threatening our cooperation."

He Lingchuan sighed.

To be honest, before seeing Zhu's blood letter, at most he thought he had entered a dark village. The villagers had committed too many crimes, so he had a strong blood energy in his body.

Wherever there are illegal shops, there are also illegal villages. The businesses are all the same. Taking in tourists is fake, but killing people and robbing wealth is real. But most of this happens in remote mountain villages. The so-called poor mountains and harsh waters breed unruly people.

Of course, Xianling Village is surrounded by mountains and is rarely visited by caravans and pedestrians, so it also meets this geographical condition.

But he never expected that his opponents would be a group of bandits!

This is strange.

He had only been dealing with bandits on the Hongya Commercial Road for a year or two. He knew very well that these guys were extremely vicious towards civilians and businessmen, but they behaved like sheep in front of the regular army. He understood the essence of the people not fighting with the officials.

Are these ruthless bandits who are massacring villages in front of them out of their minds and going crazy? I heard that when officers and soldiers entered the mountains, they not only refused to escape, but also stayed and pretended to be villagers!

"What are they going to do?" This was the purpose of his risk to find Zhu.

Zhu shook his head: "I didn't say."

"Are bandits always rampant in your place?"

Zhu nodded: "In the past three years, bandits have entered the village at least nine times, but they always robbed the property and left. They injured two people last time. It's not like today's group of people who killed more than a hundred villagers. Even this The owner of the house was also killed."

He Lingchuan was slightly shocked: "Your husband is also dead?"

Her expression was too calm, and she didn't look like she had lost the backbone of her family. For ordinary peasant women, the sky falls when their husband dies.

"Well, he stole a small boat and tried to row it into the lake. However, the boat capsized after he had gone more than ten feet. It seemed that something dragged him to the bottom of the lake." Zhu's tone was calm, as if he was talking about someone else's disaster. Someone else’s husband.

"My condolences." She wasn't very sad, and He Lingchuan didn't need to comfort him, "Do you know where they hid the child?"

Zhu shook his head: "The children are not in the village, but they are safe. You might as well think about how to fight back first, these gangsters are difficult to deal with."

He Lingchuan looked at her carefully and couldn't help but said, "Aren't you afraid that gangsters will kill your child if you come to me to tell the truth?"

This woman looks weirder and weirder the more she looks at her.

Zhu didn't even roll his eyelids: "These murderers will not let us go after they kill the officers and soldiers. If I don't say it, everyone will die; if I say it, there may be a glimmer of hope."

This is indeed the truth. What is rare is that she can still analyze it calmly in the clutches of the enemy.

You must know that people are born with a sense of luck. Once you become a prisoner, the promise of catching the kidnapper is like grabbing the last straw, imagining that they will really let you live.

After all, for the desperate, the cruel reality is even more difficult to accept.

What's more, children are involved, and it's difficult for a mother to think calmly.

He Lingchuan slowly sat back and unconsciously pressed the handle of the broken knife with his right hand.

He had already smelled the smell of danger, and the coldness of the broken knife seemed to help him clear away distracting thoughts and think calmly.

Speaking of which, last time he fought fiercely in his dream for two hours, and when he woke up, he felt that the broken knife was more intimate.

In other words, the two are more closely aligned.

The only solution now is to get more information from the enemy.

He Lingchuan thought for a while, turned the fat man on the ground face up, and pulled out a dagger and put it at his neck: "I have something to ask you. If you dare to shout, you will die. Do you understand?"

The fat man nodded hastily.

He Lingchuan took away the noodle cake that blocked his mouth, and then asked him: "How many people are there among you?"

"More than two hundred." As expected, the fat man did not dare to speak loudly.

"more specific."

"Two hundred..." The fat man seemed to be counting, "Thirty-five people!"

He said quickly: "We have no ill intentions towards the officers and soldiers. We just hope that everything will be safe tonight and that we will go our separate ways tomorrow morning and have nothing to do with each other!"

He Lingchuan looked at him sideways: "Is this what you said, or did your boss Lu say it?"

"Boss Lu!" Fatty said quickly, "I heard what he said personally, and it's absolutely true!"

Zhu suddenly said: "Are you sure you didn't count the number of people wrongly?"

Fatty Wang looked at her: "We are the same group of people coming and going, how could we make a mistake?"

Zhu sneered: "But I was imprisoned in Shuiling Temple before, and I heard your companions talking beside the temple. It seemed that you had taken over the nearby town as your own."

Even the town was taken down? The expression on He Lingchuan's face turned solemn.

Generally, when bandits come down from the mountains, they just break into houses and rob goods. At most, they rob a person or something, and they rarely even kill anyone. Even the old-timers know the reason why leeks can grow another one after they are cut. Killing all the villagers is equivalent to cutting off the roots of the leeks. Who will harvest them next time?

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