After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 112 Her true identity

Soon, He Lingchuan escorted Fatty Wang into He Chunhua's temporary residence, where there were also two guards left by He Chunhua.

The mistress of the house was also there, watching several people trembling.

He Lingchuan asked her: "The man in this room before was also a bandit?"

"The child's father was killed, and the thief who killed a thousand swords pretended to be him to spy on you." This was not the only thing the thief did to her. The hostess shed tears, "Please save our lives, sir!"

He Lingchuan sighed: "Go inside and lock the door. What happens outside has nothing to do with you."

The hostess nodded silently, turned around and walked into the main room. Everyone heard the sound of metal locking the door.

He Lingchuan put Fatty Wang and Mrs. Zhu in the kitchen. The five of them guarded the door and window, and they all clenched their weapons.

Not long after, footsteps sounded outside.

He Lingchuan listened carefully. There were many people and their steps were not hasty. It was obvious that the people walking over were very steady and not panicked.

More importantly, he also heard the small steps.

This is Mrs. Ying’s pace.

He opened the door immediately and stood out.

Sure enough, He Chunhua returned with his wife and children, followed by guard Zhao Qinghe.

The other person was named Mo Zhe Jingxuan, and He Lingchuan also recognized him. He was the aide his father brought back from Blackwater City.

Everyone was startled when they saw He Lingchuan opening the door. He Chunhua breathed a sigh of relief: "You're back, okay, okay!"

There had just been a fight at the lake, and he was worried about his eldest son who had never shown up.

Then everyone entered, and the guards were stationed around to ensure the safety of the noble lord.

Mrs. Ying asked her eldest son, "Where were you just now?"

"I prepared a gift for Dad." He Lingchuan said, leading his father inside, pointing to Fatty Wang on the ground, "This Fatty is a figure next to Boss Lu, and his status is not low among the bandits. He stayed in Zhu I'm still worried about not being able to get it back, but there happened to be a war at the lake..."

Hearing that the fat man was someone close to Lu Han, He Chunhua loosened his frown, patted He Lingchuan on the shoulder and said, "Well done!"

"He has initially confessed that the bandits took over Qianteng Town the day before yesterday, and now they have more than 200 accomplices in the town."

"Accomplice?" He Chunhua was stunned.

"The interrogation was interrupted just now. I can still..."

Before He Lingchuan finished speaking, He Chunhua interrupted: "No need. Leave this to me from now on."

He sent someone to interrogate Fatty Wang, and Mrs. Zhu, who was in the kitchen, hurried out.

There were six or seven people standing in the small dining room. She walked straight to He Chunhua and knelt down with a plop:

"Master He, save me!"

This was so unexpected that even He Chunhua was stunned.

Mrs. Ying stepped forward to help the woman on the ground and whispered, "Get up and talk."

"My name is Zhu Xiu'er, and I am the granddaughter of Zhu Xiyan, the minister of Taipu Temple. I was drugged away at the Huachao Temple Fair in Xin'an seven years ago and sold to a wealthy businessman in Qianhai. His wife was jealous and sold me here privately."

She rolled up her sleeves, and there were mottled old wounds on her thin arms, like those left by whip ropes: "I was chased after I ran away several times, so I left these. The other scars are in hidden places and are not easy to show."

Everyone looked at each other, speechless for a moment.

After a while, He Chunhua whispered: "Master Zhu lost his granddaughter seven or eight years ago and searched for it for a long time without finding anything. This matter was widely spread in the capital, and the Xin'an County Magistrate even lost his official position. However, how do you prove that you are Zhu Xiuer?”

This "you have to prove that you are you" problem is the most worrying.

However, Zhu Xiuer was obviously prepared. She turned around and pulled up her hair to show everyone the mark on the back of her neck: "This lotus-shaped red mark has been there since the mother was born. When my grandfather saw it for the first time, he said that when I grow up, Such as lotus orchid; my grandfather is good at wine and always warms wine under the cooling rack in the backyard.”

She paused and said, "I can tell you everything that happened when I was young. I can verify everything."

Seeing her fluent response and clear conscience, the staff said to He Chunhua: "Sir, this matter is very easy to verify."

He Chunhua also nodded: "Okay, you come with us."

Mrs. Zhu was overjoyed and bowed deeply: "Thank you, sir!"

"You have helped us a lot, and we have to thank you very much." He Chunhua waved his hand, "Otherwise, the bandits would still be plotting against us secretly."

He glanced at Mrs. Ying, who understood, stepped forward to take Zhu's hand, and pulled her away to talk.

After hearing that her husband and mother-in-law were killed, and her two children were kidnapped by bandits as hostages, Mrs. Ying sighed: "These villains should all be brought to justice."

He Lingchuan took out a green apple and started to chew it: "Fa Zheng? Zheng Fa doesn't care about these things. Evil people can only be punished by evil people."

Ouch, why are the apples in the mountains so sour? He held his cheek and felt that his teeth were falling.

Mrs. Ying glared at him.

Comfort, this is comfort, what does the brat know?


After the bosses on both sides nodded, the officers, soldiers and defeated troops quickly retreated to their respective areas. The former occupied the east of the village, and the latter occupied the west of the village.

In fact, He Chunhua also wanted the other party to release the residents in the west of the village safely, but Lu Yao was not stupid. He knew that these were good hostages and refused to agree to anything.

Upon hearing the news, the villagers in the west burst into tears.

Lu Yao didn't care at first, but the loud crying made him upset, so he waved his hand: "Tell them to shut up, or else they will cut their mouths and drink."

He had done this in the past, but now that the officers and soldiers were on the opposite side, it was too irritating.

At this point, he looked around: "Where's the damn fat guy?" Usually he didn't need to say anything about such annoying little things, so Fatty Wang was the first to rush out and settle it.

Of course he couldn't see the fat man.

Several gangsters were making a fire to grill fish, and Lu Yao took a sip of wine. Although he had just had a fight, he was in a good mood.

Previously, I was always worried that this group of unreliable men would reveal their tricks and be discovered by the officers and soldiers; now it's better, everyone no longer pretends, and they have established a village alliance and everything is fine.

Someone nearby advised me: "General, drink less wine, in case they attack at night."

Lu Yao laughed: "Them? Attacking? Don't praise that dog officer too much!"

He wiped his mouth and said: "When the official goes to Xiazhou to take office, these three hundred people are his entire team, just like you are to me. Without these direct relatives, he is unfamiliar with the place in Xiazhou and knows nothing about anything. It’s easy! Not to mention losing half of it, even if it’s only 30%, he can’t afford it! Do you think he wants to get on the road earlier, or attack us at night?”

"Of course I want to escape earlier." Another person flattered, "That dog officer's knowledge and courage are far inferior to our generals. Besides, he is just a passing officer. Why should he mind local affairs? Just tell him that he can be safe in the morning. If we part ways, he will definitely not do anything at night!"

Lu Yao narrowed his eyes and put down his wine glass: "The queen of the fourth watch has stepped up her guard and cannot let them escape. By the way, where did you say Wu Shaoyi and Pei Xinyong's team went?"

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