After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 113 Putting Lots*2

"It's the bottom of the mountain. They want to go up the mountain tomorrow morning."

"Send someone down to deliver a message or lead the way, and ask them to come tonight! Just say that Xianling Lake will catch thousands of catties of fish tonight. We will make a whole fish feast and invite them to come and have a taste." Lu Yao said with a smile, "These grandsons can only eat some cereals at the foot of the mountain, but they can't swallow their saliva after hearing this?"

In fact, these people fled from Woling Pass to here, and they did not dare to let go of looting along the way, so as not to attract the attention of the local government and join forces to pursue cross-state pursuits.

Therefore, everyone's food has never been very good, and morale is low, and everyone is dejected.

"When delivering the message, make it louder so that more people can hear it. If Wu and Pei's men start making noise, they won't be able to go up the mountain later."

The "Rebel Army" suffered an unprecedented defeat, and the commander's prestige also fell to the bottom. In this situation, the main force was weak but the troops were strong, military discipline was broken, and it was difficult to control the subordinates. If soldiers are angry, encounter injustice, and suspect that your leadership is no longer good, they will easily mutiny.

At this time, the generals must consider the needs and feelings of their men. Otherwise, everyone will break up and everyone will run away. The worst situation is to kill the leader and seize power.

The confidant agreed and was about to do it when Lu Yao suddenly said: "Don't mention the officers and soldiers going up the mountain. Remember, remember!"

In extraordinary times, a defeated army has a psychological impact on officers and soldiers. If they knew that officers and soldiers were present here, Wu and Pei might not go up the mountain again.


There were many people in the room, so He Lingchuan came out to get some air and step on the nearby terrain again so that he could be familiar with it.

It's not peaceful tonight, this village is likely to be the next battlefield.

The previous hustle and bustle returned to calm, and Fairy Spirit Village was immersed in the evening breeze. If it weren't for the patrolling guards coming and going, no one would have expected that something big was about to happen in this small mountain village.

He walked past Shuiling Temple. The best building in the village was inconspicuous in the thick night. The ancestral hall is not big, but it is square and square with all four corners evenly spaced. It is in a good location, with the mountains behind it and the water facing the vast lake.

Then, he heard a "pop" sound, as if something was knocked over, shattered on the ground, and rolled twice.

He Lingchuan stopped and asked:


Shuiling Temple is quiet, only the door is open, like a wide mouth.

Is there a gangster hiding here?

He Lingchuan looked around, asked the patrolling guard for a torch, pressed the handle of the knife and walked in.

What are you afraid of? Shuiling Temple is in the east of the village, which is now the territory of officers and soldiers.

The ancestral hall is not small, with a worship hall in the front, a meeting place in the back, and the low rooms on the left and right are the residences of the ancestral hall people and places where things are stored.

Previously, the bandits hid weapons under niches and took them back after drawing a clear line with the officers and soldiers.

He Lingchuan walked around the temple holding a torch, but there was no one there, not even any living creatures.

There were footprints all over the ground, which should have been left by the bandits earlier.

Then, he saw a bucket of sticks falling on the ground in front of the niche, and the sticks inside were scattered everywhere.

The sound he heard before was probably this thing falling to the ground. Which cat probably did it?

He Lingchuan remembered what Zhu said, that the fortune-telling in Shuiling Temple was once very effective. If there are too many people asking for it, the water spirit will be overwhelmed, so people are not allowed to ask about bad luck.

He subconsciously wanted to pick up the bucket, but halfway through bending down, he suddenly felt something was wrong:

What am I doing?

The water spirits are all gone, but you still need to pick up wool?

Besides, the old turtle didn't do divination for people when he was still alive.

He Lingchuan was about to straighten up when he suddenly saw a stick stuck in the carved gap of the altar table, right under his nose, aimed at his nose.

Almost pointing it to the face.

The stick was so red that even in poor lighting, it was difficult for him not to notice it.

He pulled the stick out casually and found that it was not stained with blood, but covered in red paint.

Looking at the small print on it again, He Lingchuan secretly cursed at the bad luck.

There are two words at the top of the signature:


then he saw

The dove occupies the magpie's nest and makes wedding clothes for others.

He Lingchuan's hands shook when he saw this line of words clearly.

Ignore the latter sentence for now, but the four words "dove occupying the magpie's nest" were like thunder, striking the deepest part of his heart.

He is a soul that belongs to another world, but he has taken over the body of "He Lingchuan". Isn't it just like a dove occupying a magpie's nest?

He Lingchuan raised his head and looked at the shrine. Is Shui Ling really dead? It doesn't look like it.

Or is it just a coincidence that the sign fell out?

Suddenly there were footsteps from behind, and He Yue's voice came: "Brother, what are you doing?"

He Lingchuan turned around and saw Mrs. Ying, He Yue and Zhu walking over, followed by Mao Tao.

"Why did you come out?"

"The prisoner you captured is being tortured in the kitchen now. I can't bear this." Mrs. Ying looked at the bucket on the ground, "Are you asking for a fortune?"

"This lot bucket has been sealed a long time ago." Mrs. Zhu also saw the lot in He Lingchuan's hand and couldn't help being surprised, "How could the young master get this lot!"

The sign at Shui Ling Temple in Xianling Village was blood red, and she could recognize it at a glance.

"Did you sign the lot?" Both Mrs. Ying and He Yue were startled. Mrs. Ying grabbed the lot and He Lingchuan didn't even react.

"What does it mean?"

Mrs. Ying couldn’t understand.

He Yue leaned over and read it again, thought carefully for a long time, and shook his head.

Maotao picked up the stick on the ground and returned it to the bucket. He Lingchuan reached out to him: "Give it to me."

Zhu immediately said: "Young Master, Shui Ling is dead, so asking for a fortune will not work."

He knew it, but he wanted to try again. He Lingchuan held the bucket and muttered something, then shook it vigorously a few times.

Snap, a stick flew out.

Before it even landed, everyone could clearly see its color——

Blood red blood red.

He Yue picked it up first and read out loud by the light of the torch:

"My body is like a cage, and this hatred cannot be eliminated until I die!"

Another draw!

Everyone looked at each other, He Lingchuan looked ugly. Isn’t it enough to win one of these damn things?

What does it mean to be caged?

Zhu Xiuer watched from the side and felt that this lottery really suited her current situation, but why did Young Master He win the lottery?

What does a free and domineering person like him have to do with the "cage"? Not to mention the hatred that will last until death.

"I've never heard of anyone being so unlucky." Mao Tao couldn't help but said, "Young Master, is there something wrong with this barrel?"

He Lingchuan clenched his fists. The local Shui Ling himself had encountered an accident. Is it still useful to ask for a fortune?

Was this someone trying to trick him secretly?

He Yue took the lottery bucket and said, "I'll give it a try."

Mrs. Ying was afraid and held down her precious son's arm: "Don't! This thing is so tight."

"The art of divination is inherently mysterious." He Yue said with a smile, "Don't worry, mother, my luck has always been good." After saying that, he shook it a few times.

A stick fell to the ground. It was a bamboo stick of original color.

He Lingchuan picked it up and took a look, and he won the lottery.

"Hey, yours is pretty good."

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