After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 115 The other team signed the lottery

"But since yesterday morning, the connection between me and Master Shui Ling has been cut off. No matter how I call, it doesn't respond!"

"There is nothing I can do to help." The old man handed the lot back to He Lingchuan, "Besides, these two signs are designated as 'closed mouth'. There should be a reason for that. Lord Shui Ling often said that some secrets can only be seen but not told."

He Lingchuan waved the two sticks and asked, "Old Turtle made two new sticks specially for me. Didn't he ask me for anything?"

"Lord Shui Ling said, everything depends on fate."

Everyone let out a long breath. He Yue patted his brother on the shoulder and said, "Don't be discouraged. According to what Shui Ling said, although you took the lottery, it may not be a bad thing."

"No, no, Lord Shui Ling's lottery is very effective. He wins eight out of ten times." Old man Liu, as a former lottery interpreter, was too honest. "There are very few lottery tickets in this bucket. In the past ten years, only a total of Take out five. However, if you get rid of these two, the person who got the first two died. One was beheaded by the bandits, and the other was drowned by the flood. It is said that he suffered a lot during his life. suffering!"

The ancestral hall suddenly became as quiet as a cemetery.

"You put down a lot for me, and you gave me two at once, but you didn't answer the lot!" He Lingchuan's eyes were filled with anger, "What does this mean?"

He looked at Old Man Liu and sneered: "Is it possible that this old turtle is not dead at all and is hiding in some corner to make fun of us?"

Old Man Liu said dryly: "Then I don't know. The young man is just a temple keeper and doesn't know the situation in the lake."

He is a human, not a fish, so who knows what happened to Shui Ling?

"But Master Shui Ling said that those who get the lottery should be careful and take precautions. Maybe there is a glimmer of hope."

He Lingchuan only found it funny: "If it is effective, why can't it predict my final fate?"

Someone outside asked: "What's the final outcome?"

When everyone turned around, He Chunhua arrived, followed by two guards.

He Yueqi asked: "Why are you out too?" There was a lot of noise and thieves outside, so why did the whole family go on an outing?

"This is the busiest place in the whole east part of the village. Why don't I come and take a look?" He walked out and asked, and the patrolman said that all his family members were here. "What happened?"

"Brother asked twice about the lottery here, and both of them were negative." He Yue spoke eloquently and spoke clearly in a few words, "None of the others among us were so unlucky. The interpreter said that this was specially left by Shui Ling. For big brother."

"Did you sign it? Let me take a look."

He Chunhua took the two sticks and looked at them, frowning, but then he burst into laughter: "Do you think this is true?"

Old Man Liu immediately said: "Sir, you don't know something..."

He Chunhua waved his hands and said nonchalantly: "You don't know. My son has been watched by the great shaman of Zhaomandu since he was a child. He has long asserted that Chuan'er has both wealth and wealth, and has the power to reach the clouds, so he is a very lucky general. . It’s ridiculous, it’s ridiculous for you to sign a lottery!”

He stared at He Lingchuan: "Are you the Great Shaman of Xinzhao Mandu, or are you a mountain monster?"

He Lingchuan always felt that his father's eyes were extremely sharp.

"Great Shaman." That's weird.

"This is my good son!" He Chunhua patted him on the shoulder, "Besides, the water spirit tablet has been broken. The turtle demon is dead, can the signature still count?"

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Ying looked at the lot in her hand: "Ah, it's rare that I won the top lot." So it doesn't count?

He Chunhua took the lot from her, looked at it, and said with a smile: "No need to draw lots, I know that your luck will be bright and beautiful."

"Oh, sir!" Mrs. Ying smiled like a flower. "Would you like to try one too?"

The words came out naturally, and she suddenly felt speechless.

He Chunhua was not angry, but he refused resolutely: "I won't smoke! Anyway, I can't count."

At this time, Mao Tao asked Old Man Liu: "By the way, you said there were five out of the lot. Four of them are missing. What happened to the other one?"

He Lingchuan had two of them, and the other two were already dead.

"That was a foreigner. He left the next day after asking for a signature. I don't know what happened to him in the end." Old man Liu scratched the back of his head. "A few months ago, two foreigners came over, one old and one young, and they said they wanted to sign. Look at the place where Emperor Gaozu started his rebellion. The young man came to Shuiling Temple to ask for a fortune, but the old man said it was useless. The original words seemed to be, "Your destiny is not determined by fate." But the young man came secretly the next day and brought a fortune. The sacrifice was pushed into the lake. I told him that Shui Ling had already sealed it, but he didn't believe it, no matter how much he shook it, no sign came out of the bucket."

"The young man murmured to himself, 'Surely it's not up to God.' He left very disappointed. Who knew that after he left, I was just about to put the bucket back to a high place when a red stick suddenly fell out of it. I just assumed it was him who took it away.”

He Lingchuan turned around and asked, "Where is that lottery ticket?" The old man had said before that every lottery ticket that was drawn must be taken out and put away.

"Yes, yes." Old Liu went to the low room on the west side and rummaged around.

Soon, he came back with a red stick.

When everyone took a look, there was a line of small words written under the signature:

The yellow sand is so far away that it is difficult to realize one's great ambition...

Mao Tao looked angry and asked everyone's thoughts: "Where's the last word?"

What the heck, why is a section of the sign still burned?

The last word was burned out.

Old Man Liu was stunned: "Oh, last time I burned firewood, it fell into the firewood pile and almost burned up."

"What words were burned, do you remember?"

"No, I don't remember." Old Man Liu couldn't help but laugh, "There are 100 or 200 sticks here, how can I remember them?"

He Lingchuan suddenly asked: "What is this young guest's last name?"

"This, this..." Old Man Liu thought for a long time, "It's been several months. But his surname is not very common."

"But your surname is Nian?"

"Ah, yes, yes!" Old Man Liu was suddenly reminded, "It's Nian! Nian of Nian Gao!"

Mrs. Ying saw that her husband's face was not good, so she quickly gave a few copper coins to the old man: "Okay, okay, that's it for today. You can go back and rest first."

He Lingchuan silently walked out of Shuiling Temple and suddenly punched the small tree hard.

"Crack", the small tree broke in response.

He Chunhua followed closely and said solemnly to his eldest son: "Calm down! Chuan'er, sometimes things happen by coincidence, but it's just a coincidence!"

He Lingchuan was silent and looked ugly.

There is no doubt that the person who won the draw was Nian Songyu. It turns out that kid has been here too!

The vast yellow sand corresponds to the Panlong Desert.

Ambition is hard to achieve, well, the Nian family father and son do have a rebellious heart.

As for the last three words, He Lingchuan thought of the "God" who descended on Nian Songyu, and it seemed quite appropriate.

It seems that, at least in this question, the old turtle demon was right!

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