After the immortal disappeared

Goal 116: Eliminate evil and overcome disaster

He Chunhua seemed to hear his thoughts, and then advised: "Taking a step back, even if Shui Ling has some skills, it can't always hit the mark."

He Yue heard this sentence when he came out, and said quickly: "Exactly. The temple official said just now that Shui Ling still makes mistakes sometimes. Maybe it is in trouble, and it can't even tell the bad luck?"

"It makes sense." He Lingchuan took a long breath, "No need to persuade, I understand."


"I said you don't need to persuade me!" He Lingchuan interrupted him sharply, "Leave me alone!"

This is in line with the character of the eldest son. He Chunhua was surprised, but Mrs. Ying who came out said, "How do you talk? Yue'er also kindly advises you!"

He Lingchuan turned around and left.

He Chunhua waved his hand as a peacemaker: "Okay, okay, he is in a bad mood, don't argue with him."

He Lingchuan was also upset.

He remembered what Nian Songyu said before his death: "You are not far from death!"

At that time, the so-called "god" possessed Nian Songyu and finished the last sentence for him. He Lingchuan always thought it was Nian Songyu's death curse and didn't take it seriously.

But what if the "god" sees something?

The god originally wanted to possess him, He Lingchuan, but was knocked out in the illusion of the sea of ​​consciousness.

That changed illusion, and the street corner in the illusion, and the glowing mark in the broken wall of the street corner...

Even the so-called "gods" were driven out of his sea of ​​consciousness by unknown forces. He has not forgotten this scene!

Is this the power of disaster?

Can these past events, plus the two lottery numbers given by Shui Ling today, be connected together?

He Lingchuan felt a sense of urgency that he had never experienced since time travel, and He Lingchuan was in a state of confusion.

At this time, a guard ran over and reported to He Chunhua.

After hearing this, He Chunhua immediately called to his eldest son: "The intelligence review has come out! Chuan'er, come here."

He Lingchuan had no choice but to walk back.

"Look at the environment around you. The most important thing right now is to annihilate the gangsters! Besides, if you are really in trouble, maybe tonight. The gangsters are asking for their lives. Isn't this a big disaster? As long as we successfully leave the fairyland Linghu, the problem will be solved!”

He Chunhua pressed his shoulder and said, "Chuan'er, you have to believe in me, you have to believe in the Great Shaman, do you understand?"

He Lingchuan looked at him and took a deep breath: "My son understands."

If only it were that simple.

"The water spirit is pretending to be a ghost, and it must have a purpose." He Chunhua said solemnly, "It won't do this for no reason. If you believe it, you are just arrogant."

He Lingchuan nodded.

So He Chunhua called everyone back to the main room.

On the way back, all He Lingchuan could think about was, if the "big bad" sign revealed by Shui Ling still worked, would it mean that like Nian Songyu, he would end up in a tragic death in a foreign land?

If there is still a glimmer of hope, how can we grasp it?

From today on, he must always take care of his own life and find a way to untie the bad luck that is entangled in him-if it really exists.

The most terrifying thing about Shui Ling's prophecy is that it tells travelers traveling at night that there must be a deep ravine ahead, but it doesn't tell how far it is.

Then every step he takes from now on will be on tenterhooks.

Alas, before leaving Blackwater City, he should pay a visit to the Great Shaman of Zhaomandu. Maybe he could gain something.

It was just that as a time traveler, he felt guilty and wanted to stay as far away from this mysterious old man as possible.

Gurgling sounds came from the kitchen one after another. The soundproofing of the cottage was very poor. Even if Fatty Wang was gagged, everyone could hear his groans of pain.

This fat man is really unlucky.

Not long after, the sound of splashing water came from the kitchen.

Then the personal guard Zhao Qinghe walked out of the kitchen and said: "Sir, the situation is not good."

He Chunhua found a chair and sat down: "Let's talk."

"Two days ago, these bandits did capture a town nearby, but it was not Qianteng Town, but Desheng Town! It was only forty miles away from Xianling Village. Moreover, there were not two hundred bandits stationed in Desheng Town. People, but 1,200 people!”

One thousand and two, so much! Everyone was moved, and He Yue murmured: "It's almost catching up with the regular army."

He Lingchuan originally thought that having two or three hundred would be enough to support the sky. Two to three hundred tough bandits faced off against the Hometown Protection Group. If they launched a sneak attack, they would have a great chance of winning.

Who would have thought that the total number of gangsters in Desheng Town and Xianling Village is almost 1,500!

Let alone a mere town, if these gangsters had some discipline and fighting ability, they could steal the city——

An ordinary city can be caught off guard, as long as these two necessary conditions are met.

However, these two sentences are just an appetizer, and the following information is even more sensational:

"They are from Buxin. They are heading south from Woling Pass today. They are not ordinary bandits, but rebels who have defeated their army!"

The three keywords of Woling Pass flashed through He Lingchuan's mind like lightning.

The He family has encountered so many troubles, but in the final analysis, they can't get around Woling Pass!

This group of people turned out to be rebels who had escaped from the battlefield at Woling Pass.

The true battle situation at Woling Pass was only learned after he returned to Blackwater City from Panlong Desert. The officers and soldiers won, the rebel leader was killed, and the rest fled.

It happened that at this time, Da Sima rebelled in the capital and tried to usurp power.

Of course, the officers and soldiers at Woling Pass had to return to the army immediately and King Qin had no choice but to leave the escaped bandits alone.

Woling Pass is less than 200 miles away from here. Calculating the direction, maybe it is on the retreat route of the defeated army.

This all fits the bill.

Zhao Qinghe added: "Boss Lu is not called Lu Han, but Lu Yao."

When the name was mentioned, He Chunhua immediately jumped up and said, "You mean, the rebel leader Hong Xiangqian's left-hand general Lu Yao?"

"Yes, it's Lu Yao!"

He Chunhua paced back and forth in the dining room with his hands behind his back.

It was rare for others to see him so excited. He Lingchuan bumped He Yue with his elbow: "How many generals do the rebels have?"

He Lingchuan had heard of the name Hong Xiangqian. He was the leader of the rebel army who traveled thousands of miles north to conquer Woling Pass in two years and became famous as Dayuan.

Folks in the northern and western parts of Yuan Kingdom described this man as a cruel and vicious rebel leader with a green face and fangs. They said that he drank human blood and skinned human beings, and that wherever he went, there would be thousands of miles of drought.

This is of course the need of Yuan Wang Ting to fight for public opinion. When He Lingchuan heard this, he wondered if this person was the reincarnation of Han Ba?

As for the people under Hong Xiangqian's command, He Lingchuan himself only had a vague idea, and his lack of common sense was revealed at this time.

He Yue whispered: "There were four when the army was raised, fourteen at its peak, and only five left the battlefield after the defeat. General Lu Yao of Zuozhang is worthy of the four words 'extremely evil'. He is truly The ogre likes to fry and eat the hearts of children under five years old, and it is said that he has published a cookbook, "Fifty Ways to Cook Two-Legged Lamb."

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