After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1201 Almost got cheated

With a few bangs, the strong wooden door of the prison began to burn, and arrows shot into the prison through the window exploded, igniting the hay inside.

From where He Lingchuan stood now, he could still see the fire in the prison rising suddenly and getting brighter and brighter.

"I've been to this city before. The walls are three feet high." In the woods outside Jucheng, Fu Liushan asked his teammates, "How long can you hold your breath while running?"

Everyone looked at each other and they all thought it was at least two hundred breaths. Practitioners have long breathing and strong cardiopulmonary function.

So Fu Liushan sent a talisman to everyone else: "Wear the clothes of the Vishay people, and then wear this ghost talisman. Remember to hold your breath before wearing it. Ordinary people will not be able to see you, just like you can't see ghosts." . But as long as you exhale, the invisibility effect of the spell will disappear, and it will take five breaths to activate it again, so——"

"We have to hold our breath and climb through the city gate and enter Jucheng. There may be an ambush in the city, so don't be careless when entering, and don't step on the soft ground." So as not to leave footprints.

They were at the south gate, and a guard said: "If we enter from the north, there is a row of low houses behind the city gate where we can stay."

"You know, don't the Bixia people know?" Fu Liushan glared, "Get ready, wear the talisman!"

Everyone quickly put on their Bixia military uniforms, took a few long breaths, held their breath, put on their talismans, then quietly approached the North City Gate and climbed up.

The vision after wearing the talisman is very strange, showing a thick gray-white color, but it is not blocked by the darkness and can see extremely far.

Is this the vision of a ghost?

There are guards on the city walls coming and going, occasionally walking around.

As several team members were about to pass through them, a bright light suddenly flashed in the city, and then someone shouted loudly!

"Enemy attack!"

"on fire!"

The city wall guards immediately started running and rushed to the other side to look at the inner city.

Fu Liushan himself was almost hit, and the guard's big mouth almost kissed the back of his head. He was so frightened that his body tilted, and the man rushed over, brushing his shoulder, and brought out a gust of wind.

What a risk, the secret was almost exposed!

What kind of enemy attack, why did it happen at this time?

Besides myself, who else would come over in the middle of the night to cause trouble?

The other team members were also very obedient, dodging here and there. Although there were dangers, they didn't actually hit anyone.

But the team looked down and saw that there was a long array of developing lights.

Are they getting by?

Everyone looked at each other and finally went to see Fu Liushan together.

Fu Liushan also hesitated. This developing lamp could even reveal real ghost shadows. The ghost shadow talisman they posted was of no use. Once it was removed, it would reveal its identity and trigger the ambushes in the city to come out.

But if they don't go down and hold it all in one breath, they will also be discovered.

What should we do? Should we go back the way we came?

Just when he was feeling embarrassed, the gatekeeper shouted a few words, and the soldiers on the top of the city dispatched more than thirty people and lined up to go down the wall.

Just as the staircase entrance was shrouded in the shadow of the city gate tower, Fu Liushan had an idea and made a gesture to everyone:


Everyone sneaked into the shadows, and it wasn't until the last Pixia soldier in front walked down the city ladder that they took off the ghost shadow charm and followed closely!

What's so great about the developing array?

They are wearing Bixia military uniforms, and they have to walk through this formation in a bold manner!

When passing through the formation, everyone's hearts were in their throats, fearing that there would be a shout from behind and arrows would rain down.

Fortunately, it didn't.

The team kept their heads down and followed the alley.

Fu Liushan quietly used a "ghost vision" spell, and he could even see the crowds of people behind the low house.

Living people have Qi, and the Qi and blood of soldiers are stronger than ordinary people. This is how ghosts see people. Fu Liushan can discover the so-called "popularity" by simulating "ghost eyes".

Sure enough, there are a lot of people lurking here!

Fortunately, they sneaked over. If they showed up, they would probably be swarmed and chopped into pieces.

After following the troops in front and turning a few corners, the team put on their ghost charms and quietly left the team. They walked through the deserted streets and slipped behind a row of stores before letting out a long sigh of relief.

Phew, it’s revealed.

"There is indeed an ambush!"

"What happened in the city?"

Another team member said: "I heard from the guards that the place where the flames were blazing was in the direction of the county government office."

"Hey? Is there anyone who can take action before us?"

Everyone looked at Fu Liushan, who was panting the most: "What are you looking at me for? I didn't do it. Did your general send another man?"

I’m old, it’s so tiring to hold my breath!

Everyone can only shake their heads, they don’t know.

"Master Fu, what should we do now?" Someone asked, "The fire is soaring into the sky. Even if we rush to the prison, the county will be prepared."

"Since there is an ambush, your young master may not be thrown into prison." Fu Liushan was very calm. "It is a good thing that someone will try and make mistakes for us and draw the attention of the officers and soldiers for us."

Those unscrupulous people almost tricked them just now!

There was a sudden attack and fire everywhere, and there was a sudden scream in the prison.

Soon some guards opened the cell door and rushed out in a hurry.

The officer outside said angrily: "Where are the prisoners? Don't burn them all to death!"

So a bunch of people cheered and went in to escort the prisoner.

The high courtyard of the prison was soon filled with prisoners, about seventeen or eight in number. But He Lingchuan looked through the firelight and saw no familiar faces.

Situ He either hasn't been rescued yet or was unfortunately shot to death by him, or he's not being held here at all.

Ahem, he thought the former possibility was very small.

At this time, someone below was already shouting: "Tower, Tower is shooting!"

They have realized where the arrow came from.

The people in the tower climbed up to the roof to take a look, and saw only three dead bodies and three repeating crossbows. Where were the others?

No, I fell into a trap!

The man climbed down from the tower and rushed to the office to report.

This is what He Lingchuan has been waiting for.

When the messenger passed under the tree, a spider as big as a grain of rice fell down and landed on his shoulder.

It was as light as nothing and did not attract his attention.

The eyeball spider crawled into his collar and lurked.

As a result, He Lingchuan quickly stole the conversation in the official office.

The officer reported the situation on the tower, and the county magistrate appointed by the Bixia people asked the guards on the side:

"Is there any news from the death row?"

With just these words, He Lingchuan knew that Situ He was being held elsewhere.

"not yet."

"Send a signal and see how they respond." The prisons were all burned down, and the county magistrate was certainly not at ease with the death row prisoners serving as bait, fearing that this was an enemy's attack.

"Yes." The guard responded and ran back.

The eyeball spider jumped hard and landed on his clothes.

It followed the guard and ran to the second floor of the official office.

Then, the guard took out a mirror and flashed it to the south.

Very rhythmic.

This is a signal.

To prevent the other party from not receiving it, he sent it several times repeatedly.

However, although the buildings in the south woke up from the darkness and turned on their lights, there didn't seem to be any flickering signals sent back.

The guard was not in a hurry and just took out two straw knots from his arms and placed them in his palms.

About ten breaths later, one of the grass knots suddenly broke on its own.

The guard immediately carried it downstairs and presented it to the county magistrate: "Sir, only one straw knot was broken, and the death row prisoner is fine."

This kind of grass knot is called "Qianqian Knot". He Lingchuan has seen it from Wan Qifeng. Every time he refines it, a pair will be produced. They are within ten miles apart. As long as one of them breaks, the other one will also break.

It couldn't be more convenient for simple messaging.

But it can only do the simplest communication, such as answering "yes" or "no".

He Lingchuan guessed at just one glance that this set of communication probably used two pairs of Qianqianknots. If one pair was broken, it meant that there was no problem, and if both pairs were broken, it meant something was wrong.

The county magistrate relaxed after hearing this.

The soul-capturing mirror said dissatisfiedly: "Oh, the other side is not using a mirror to illuminate the message. How can we position it?"

"They used thousands of knots instead of mirrors to reflect light, just to avoid being discovered." He Lingchuan's eyes flickered as he stood on the tree and looked south.

The Vishay people's caution was beyond his expectation. But it doesn't matter, his plan can be revised at any time.

"But the distance reflected by the mirror is not far, the second floor of the official office is not high enough, and there are several trees outside blocking it. The flat and short buildings to the south cannot receive this signal at all."

Under the cover of darkness, he began to sneak south.

"So the officers who hold death row prisoners have to stand at a high position to observe the reflection of the mirror." He Lingchuan continued to analyze. He had just been to Jucheng yesterday and had some impressions of this place. "The streets and alleys in Jucheng are very narrow, uneven and winding. It is so winding that it is inconvenient to transport troops. The county magistrate will not hold the condemned prisoners too far, so it is convenient to send troops back and forth to take care of them, so it should be within 150 feet to the south at most."

"Even if we narrow the area to 150 feet, there are still many houses, okay? How to find them?"

He Lingchuan explained: "We ate pan-fried cakes in the south yesterday. We know that most of them are bungalows and houses. The only places with a higher view are..."

The soul-capturing mirror responded: "Tower, inn, warehouse, shop!"

Officials are unlikely to hold death row inmates in private homes or operating inns.

There are no high towers in Jucheng either.

Then there will only be warehouses and empty shops left?

He Lingchuan jumped on a big tree again and looked to the south: "Jucheng is a small town. The government offices are so bright and noisy that ordinary residents will get up to see what's going on. We were in the south yesterday. Most of the shops are in front of The house behind the shop is for people to live in.”

"So - our target is a three-story or above warehouse or shop without lights within 150 feet south of the county government office!"

Since these officials secretly detained prisoners on death row, they certainly did not dare to turn on the lights at will.

Other residents light lamps, but they may not dare.

Narrowing the scope further, it becomes very specific.

The soul-capturing mirror helped the owner search together, and soon shouted: "Nana, look to your left, there is a three-story small building that is dark!"

He Lingchuan sneaked over and found that this was a closed inn, with half of the signboard missing.

He asked the mirror: "Have you felt the formation or barrier?"


"Then it's not here." He didn't even bother to go in and turned around to find the next target.

Time is precious.

He Lingchuan was also unlucky and failed twice more, one was a broken warehouse and the other was a vacant carriage and horse stable.

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