It can also be seen from here that the people's livelihood in Jucheng is really poor. So many shops have closed down, and some have been vacant for a long time without anyone taking over.

Finally, the soul-capturing mirror gave an advance warning:

"There is a formation ahead, pay attention, there is a formation!"

There is a three-story shop thirty feet away.

This store has also closed down, and the sign has not yet been taken down. It was originally a cloth store. The downstairs is a store, the middle floor is used for who knows what, and there is an attic at the top.

From this attic, you have an unobstructed view, and you can easily overlook the county government office.

It was pitch dark inside and outside the store, with no lights on, just like the three empty houses He Lingchuan visited earlier.

But before He Lingchuan got close, a big man in black opened the door and walked out of the store, standing on the street and looking around.

This man had an expressionless face and a faint red light in his eyes.

He Lingchuan happened to jump into someone else's yard and stood still.

After a while, the man walked back to the cloth shop.

"What the hell, your senses are so sensitive?" He Lingchuan came here wearing the skin of Lord Boshan. Not to mention sneaking at night, even in broad daylight, few people could see the clues.

He thought about it, stopped approaching, and chose to release the eyeball spider——

This little thing can now act as he pleases, which is much more convenient than before.

He Lingchuan controlled the eyeball spider across the street, jumped into the cloth store, climbed along the outer wall to the wooden window, and then got in.

Its size is no bigger than a grain of rice, and the sky is dark, so it is not easy to attract attention.

It was dark inside the store, but this kind of spider had large eyes and excellent light-gathering ability. He could easily see two officials standing and sitting in the store, looking a little uneasy.

One of them whispered: "What happened in the government office?"

While they were staying here, they could also hear noises coming from the direction of the government offices and prison.

"It seems that someone attacked the prison and robbed the prisoners. The superiors just called for questioning. Are the prisoners still there?"

"Can the Situ family really attack Jucheng?" The officer who asked the question whispered, "There has been no peace for a few days."

"Can General Situ bear to watch his son beheaded and ignore him?"

"Who do you think can win?" the first guard muttered.

"It depends on who you expect to win." His companion sneered, "Gaopu is gone. If your heart is towards the Situ family, be careful-"

He raised his finger and pointed to the attic above, but he didn't finish his words because there were two more ooohs coming from above, as if someone was screaming, but his mouth was blocked, so he could only make this sound.

The floorboards also creaked and ash fell.

The two guards shuddered, swallowed, and fell silent.

The screams in the attic were heard one after another, low and terrifying. The two guards sat in the darkness, feeling terrified.

The eyeball spider immediately climbed up the ladder to the attic.

The light in the attic was not much better than downstairs. There was a man tied to a chair with his mouth stuffed with numbness.

His hands were tied to the armrests of the chair, and the nails on eight fingers were pulled out, turning into eight bloody holes.

The reason why I say eight fingers is because there is a big man in black in front of him, and he has just cut off his ring finger with scissors.

As for the last finger of his left hand, it had long been cut off.

This small pair of scissors was probably abandoned in a cloth store, but the scissors are as sharp as cutting cloth. The big man in black specially scissored his fingers in slow motion just to make him suffer more.

Blood gushed out like a fountain, dripping onto the dusty floor, then seeping down again.

The prisoner's head was covered with sweat, he stared until his eyes were split open, and his screams were all muffled in his mouth.

He Lingchuan used the eyeball spider's first perspective and could still recognize it at a glance. This was his old acquaintance, the former Lingxu City student Situ He!

The big man in black waited for him to calm down a little, then took out the numb core from his mouth: "Don't pass out in a hurry, we have a whole night to play slowly."

Situ He gasped for air, his face was pale, but he glared at him and said: "Ban Jing, you are also from Gaopu, and you were promoted by my father, why did you betray the Lord!"

Jucheng was captured a few months ago, and the defenders here had no choice but to surrender to the Bixia people.

If you don't surrender, you will die, Situ He understands. But as soon as he was transferred to Jucheng, Ban Jing came to torture him.

Why is this?

Ban Jing laughed, with a cold voice and a red light in his eyes.

"Ban Jing is my clone ghost slave, but I can answer your question: He will do whatever I ask him to do. This is called a man who knows the current affairs. A stubborn person like you has a tough mouth, and you will have to endure it before you die. All kinds of suffering."

Situ He said bitterly: "You are the Xuanlu Ghost King!"

"You got rid of my two clones, do you think I will let you go?"

"Every injustice has its own owner, and every debt has its owner. You helped the Bixia people torment Gaopu..."

Xuanlu Ghost King interrupted him: "No need to talk nonsense. I am keeping your tongue so that you can persuade Situ Yu to surrender tomorrow. If you are obedient, you will suffer less. If you are still stubborn to the end——"

It chuckled twice: "Your eyeballs are useless, I'll dig them out for you."

The pain of his broken finger made cold sweat flow from Situ He's forehead to his neck, but he still retorted: "Persuading my father to surrender? Ha, ha, is it like when you persuaded your father-in-law to surrender?"

He also knew about the several disgraceful experiences Xuanlu Ghost King had during his lifetime.

This sentence successfully angered the Ghost King. Its eyes glowed red, and it lowered its head and came closer to Situ He: "I like you kind and righteous people, who can keep me occupied for a long time. The last good man who stood firm and strong in front of me, I gave him a body of 206 I pulled out the bones one by one. He couldn't bear it anymore, but it was useless to beg for mercy. In the end, the soft flesh that couldn't be screamed was left. I kept it well with ointment, sprinkled some honey, and threw it in. Fire ant nest in the forest.”

He licked his lips and the smile on his face twisted: "Tonight is still very long. You must hold on and don't let me down."

Situ He's throat moved twice and he spat.

Xuanlu Ghost King easily dodged and stuffed the numb core back into his mouth. He found a spoon from somewhere and pushed it against his eyelids.

He was going to dig out these eyes very slowly and let Situ He suffer.

The suffering of a living person is the source of his happiness.

Seeing this, the Eyeball Spider sprayed out a stream of filaments and floated forward.

It wanted to swing around Ban Jing's neck, and then take a bite -

Just a small sip can inject venom into it.

Madam Zhu's upgraded eyeball spider can secrete very powerful toxins. The person bitten will feel as if the nerves in the injured area have been soaked in boiling water, making it hot and painful.

But before the eyeball spider jumped into position, Ban Jing noticed it and turned around immediately.

A red light flashed in his eyes, and something as big as a grain of rice could be reflected in his pupils.

Who sent this little spy?

As soon as the eyeball spider was discovered, it immediately turned around and popped back, stretched its eight legs, and slithered towards the wooden window.

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