After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1217 The outcome is determined

What a huge waste it would be for such a treasure to fall into the hands of a living person!

But the young man opposite smiled at it: "Luo Shengjia was defeated by me. As its subordinate, you were defeated twice in a row. You don't have any self-awareness at all?"

defeat? Xuanlu Ghost King's first reaction was disbelief.

Few people know that there are two ways to inherit Luo Shengjia, one is to defeat the original owner to win the armor, and the other is to choose another owner of the armor.

Xuanlu Ghost King tried both methods, but Luo Shengjia did not like it and still liked the original owner.

It always believed that the young man in front of it was the lucky one chosen by Baojia.

But now the other party is saying that he defeated Luo Shengjia in an upright manner and took it?

If this is true...

There was a chill in the ghost king's heart.

While talking, the two of them fired several shots at each other. I don't know if it was because of secret fear, but Xuanlu Ghost King felt that his opponent's power was getting stronger and stronger. Although he was not shocked to the point of numbness, he still had to push away He Lingchuan. The attacks are becoming more and more strenuous, and the force coming from the opponent's gun is like ocean waves, each wave is stronger than the last, and it is so powerful at the back that it is really difficult to block it.

Xuanlu Ghost King was angry.

Although Qi Tianbo is also a general, his strength and physique are not as good as those of his opponents. It can stimulate the potential of the skin, but it is bound to be affected by the upper limit of the skin.

The opponent is indeed powerful, and one should not have this kind of practice since he was born in his mother's womb; but Qi Tianbo's body also limits his performance.

After another swipe, He Lingchuan took advantage of the empty space in Xuanlu Ghost King's chest to bully him up.

Xuanlu Ghost King couldn't catch the gun in time, so he drew a knife with his backhand to block it.

With a bang, sparks flew everywhere.

Only then did the battle enter into hand-to-hand combat.

He Lingchuan didn't give it any more time to react. He pressed his left wrist and the folding knife popped out and went straight for his opponent's neck.

The right sword of the folding knife was broken by him in Qiling. Before it could be reconnected, He Lingchuan was wearing the left sword all the way. He also practiced playing with it before finding a new owner.

When you first use this strange-shaped weapon, you might hurt yourself if you're not careful, but once you get used to it, it's really fun and exciting.

Even the serrations on the blade can be folded and retracted according to the owner's wishes.

Xuanlu Ghost King had to abandon his spear and raise his hand. Only then did He Lingchuan see that he was wearing a set of black arm shields on both hands. The fine lines on them were an inconspicuous light gold color, and they glowed slightly when they blocked the folding knife.

He Lingchuan had personally experienced the sharpness of the Folding Knife, and it was on par with the Fusheng Knife. The fact that the arm block can stop it shows that it is also extraordinary.

Four or five dead soldiers nearby rushed up and beat He Lingchuan to relieve the pressure on Xuanlu Ghost King.

In He Lingchuan's view, they were all connected by thin black threads, and the other end was of course tied to Xuan Lu, but he pretended not to notice it.

He was familiar with the attack methods of the dead soldiers when he fought with Nangong Yan. He knew that these guys focused on coordinated attacks, but their individual performance was not impressive. This showed that Xuanlu Ghost King's control had its limitations.

Fu Liushan's voice came from not far away: "Be careful behind you!"

The ground trembled, and the six-tusked giant elephant also rushed here.

He Lingchuan put too much pressure on the ghost king, and the little evil ghosts drove giant elephants to the savior.

It was also the first time for Xuanlu Ghost King to encounter a weapon like a folding knife, and he thought it was just the serrations on the blade that were special. Xuanlu Ghost King blocked it twice and his shoulders were sawed. When Fu Liushan was refining the "Ghost Poison Ointment", He Lingchuan took it over and used it without hesitation, smearing it on his folding knife. The poison spread to Qi Tianbo. Although the Ghost King was not expelled like other little ghosts, he was still wincing in pain.

The two sides exchanged blows a few more times, and the Ghost King gradually became familiar with the offensive routine of folding and lifting the knife. He Lingchuan slashed at its head again, but it could block it with a swing of its sword. However, this time, the knife finally popped out silently, like a poisonous snake showing its fangs, bending at an unexpected angle, and drawing a perfect arc behind his head.

He Lingchuan shrank his left arm and retracted his teeth——

A flash of blood suddenly appeared, and the head was sawed off on the spot!

Seeing this scene, the surrounding Situ officers and soldiers could not help but cheer loudly: "The enemy commander has fallen, the enemy commander has fallen!"

Situ Yu, who was not far away, turned around when he heard the sound and couldn't help but close his eyes.

My best friend who has been a classmate for many years, alas.

But he knew clearly that Qi Tianbo's soul had long since dissipated, and what He Lingchuan had killed was only the skin of Xuanlu Ghost King!

Amid laughter, He Lingchuan casually threw the Fu Sheng Dao and interrupted the general's flag.

The outcome is decided!

"Xuanlu has been beheaded!" Situ Yu turned back into a calm commander and shouted as soon as he opened his eyes, "Xuanlu Ghost King is dead. The generals will obey the order and attack at full speed!"

The soldiers understood and shouted with all their strength: "Xuanlu Ghost King is dead!"

Hundreds of people shouted, and their voices echoed in the valley.

Qi Tianbo was beheaded, and the nearby Bixia people could see it. The ordinary soldiers didn't know that this was just the skin of the Ghost King. When they saw that the leader had lost his head and the flags of the generals behind him also fell, they all said it was over.

Originally, Xuanlu Ghost King had ordered a retreat, but now that the general was killed, where else could this battle start?

Nearly a thousand people cheered, dropped their enemies and ran back.

There is no structure when running, and those who fall behind often have to pick up the slack for others.

The two lieutenants of Bixia urgently ordered to intercept and chop off several heads, but it was still difficult to restore the situation.

No matter how noisy the battlefield is, He Lingchuan's attention is always on his opponent. Qi Tianbo was beheaded and his skin lost all vitality. Xuanlu Ghost King must not be able to stay any longer——

Folding the knife is not a life-changing thing. Although it is smeared with ghost poison ointment, it does not have the power to cut off the soul.

He Lingchuan also knew that it was not dead, because a dozen strong corpse puppets were still fighting. After Qi Tianbo lost his head, the movements of more than a hundred dead soldiers only paused slightly, and then continued to kill.

Sure enough, as soon as Qi Tianbo's body hit the ground, a wisp of black smoke jumped out from it, drifting to the rear under the cover of the night and the chaotic crowd. No matter how talented the Ghost King is, he still needs a suitable carrier in order to give full play to his abilities.

He Lingchuan was waiting for this opportunity.

The floating knife comes out, lightning and stone fire.

Nearby soldiers from both sides heard a piercing scream, which shook their hearts and souls.

The sword energy was like a rainbow, twisting the black smoke into pieces.

The Ghost King was beheaded to death? So simple?

This time when I met the Xuanlu Ghost King again, the divine bone necklace remained silent and neither glowed nor heated. It seemed that swallowing the clone of Nangong Yan last time was enough, but eating it again this time would make it taste boring.

Otherwise, if it were judged by it, He Lingchuan would be able to know whether the Ghost King was still alive or not.

Now, he can only use other methods. He Lingchuan took another look at Qi Tianbo's headless body and was about to put it into the storage ring.

Well, it sure doesn't work.

As we all know, ghosts and spirits cannot be stored in ordinary storage spaces, unless they are undersea trees or Juluo trees.

In other words, the wisp of black smoke that just escaped was just a clone or a cover-up. Xuanlu Ghost King's true body was still barely hidden in Qi Tianbo's skin.

He Lingchuan came out of Fusheng and suddenly cut the head on the ground in half.

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