After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1218 A great victory

Killing people and stabbing corpses, this action seems a bit cruel to others.

But both he and Fu Liushan saw a black light leap out from the head, like an eel leaving the hidden reef and flying close to the ground toward the nearby dead man.

At this time, the giant tusked elephant also arrived, raised its front legs, and trampled on He Lingchuan's head.

The little black light turned around temporarily and stopped looking for dead soldiers. It focused on rushing towards the giant elephant.

This corpse puppet was the most tall in the audience, with rough skin and thick flesh. If Xuanlu Ghost King could hide in, the Fusheng knife might not be able to stab it due to its limited length.

At that time, He Lingchuan had to avoid being trampled by the giant elephant, and Wu Guang was about to escape when a suction force suddenly came from the side and pulled him back hard.

As soon as Fu Liushan saw the black light escaping, he grabbed his magical weapon blower and sucked it hard twice - only then did He Lingchuan know that this thing could actually increase the suction power - Fu Liushan's hand movements were not delayed Running very fast, he almost slid over, grabbed the blower, pointed it at the black light, and sucked it hard.

This thing is like a level 14 tornado against ordinary ghosts. It usually sucks it in with a swoop. It is certainly not powerful enough to deal with the ghost king.

But now the Ghost King has been weakened several times. He lost several clones and was poisoned by the ghost poison ointment on the folding knife. He just found the strength to confuse He Lingchuan and pretend to be beheaded to death. So at this moment, he actually It was really blocked by the blower.

If it were humanoid, it would be equivalent to tripping and stumbling, then immediately regaining its footing and running forward. In just one breath, Wu Guang regained his speed and rushed towards the giant elephant puppet again.

However, the battlefield was changing rapidly, and this short breath was enough for He Lingchuan to do anything.

He aimed at the Ghost King and threw the Fusheng Dao without thinking.

For this reason, he did not even avoid the giant elephant's tusks.

The giant beast swung its head, and its pointed tusks comparable to spears pierced He Lingchuan, moving in and out.

Fu Liushan was shocked when he saw this. Isn't this the end? !

But He Lingchuan's figure disappeared immediately, and the tusks pierced into the air without even being stained with blood.

Oh, a vision?

Fu Liushan only had time to take a quick glance, because the Fusheng knife made a small spin after being thrown, bypassing the thick legs of the giant elephant, and then caught up with the black light——

It was like a slow-motion playback, and Fu Liushan could even see the path it cut through the black light.

An unwilling roar sounded in his ears: "No--"

When the Fu Sheng Dao flew back, the Ghost King's shouts stopped abruptly.

The dead soldiers on the battlefield suddenly stopped, no longer swinging their swords, and looked confused on their faces; more than a dozen corpse puppets also stopped attacking and fell to the ground one after another.

In the eyes of He Lingchuan, Fu Liushan and others, all the black lines on the bodies of the dead soldiers disappeared, and the little devils responsible for driving jumped out of the corpse puppets and fled out of the valley without looking back.

They originally obeyed the Ghost King's orders and were also the ghost soldiers who were escorted into battle. Once Xuan Lu died, they had no fighting spirit at all, so of course they followed their instincts and ran away.

Xuan Lu was beheaded and Captain Shi's team disappeared. The generals saw that the defeat was irreversible, so they took the lead and retreated faster than ordinary soldiers.

From this moment on, the Bixia army was truly defeated.

Situ Yu was in high spirits, and he raised his arms and chased the poor bandits for more than ten miles to the north.

The remaining Bixia army fled into Jucheng in panic. Situ Yu gave up and walked several times outside Jucheng to show off his power and return with a great victory.

In the mirror world of the Soul-Taking Mirror, Captain Shi's army killed many Tin Woodmen and finally found the exit, but the Situ family's army came towards them.

When the soul-capturing mirror is placed still, the world in the mirror can be opened for people to enter and exit.

Several hours had passed since the night attack launched by Xuanlu Ghost King. Captain Shi was not a fool. He understood everything as soon as he saw the Situ family's troops coming in, all of them bloody and full of murderous intent.

In the Golden Plains, victory or defeat is a common occurrence for military strategists. Captain Shi didn't want to fight to the death. When he calculated that the number of enemy troops far exceeded his own, he surrendered happily.

In this battle, the Situ family won a complete victory. The Bixia people suffered more than 900 casualties, and Captain Shi's 700 people were basically made prisoners. In the end, only a few hundred people were able to escape back to Jucheng.

Situ Yu brought the body of his best friend Qi Tianbo back to Yaopo and buried him with dignity.

He Lingchuan did not participate in the last few pursuits.

His target was originally only Xuanlu Ghost King.

Dong Rui wandered out from nowhere, ignored others, and directed the ghost ape to find the corpses on the ground and pick them.

He seemed interested in these things. Others thought they were ugly and weird, but Dong Rui dug out and touched them, and even wanted to dive into the belly of the giant elephant to see what was going on.

He Lingchuan walked over and said, "These things are similar to your works."

They are all grotesque deformities.

"Like? Are you insulting me?" Dong Rui frowned coldly, "How can this rubbish be compared to the work that I have worked so hard on?"

"No, of course not." He Lingchuan touched his nose. Apart from anything else, although the shapes of the ghost apes and bat demon puppets are also very weird, they are much more symmetrical and coordinated than these corpse puppets.

Compared with before, Dong Rui's aesthetic standard has been improving. This is called the person who is close to the vermilion and is red.

But the dozens of demon puppets on the ground are still a patchwork of weird things.

Fortunately, there were so many of them that Dong Rui guarded them like he was guarding a treasure house. He dug around and dug around, and he could always find usable materials.

He Lingchuan asked him again: "So, these corpse puppets are also related to that thing?"


Fu Liushan also happened to come over: "What riddles are you playing?"

What do these ugly corpses have to do with?

He could only tell that these things should have been monsters when they were alive, and their moral conduct was not low. I don’t know why he became like this after death, or did he die after he became like this?

"You came just in time." Dong Rui waved to him, "These corpse puppets, do you think Xuanlu Ghost King has been hiding in the Howling Forest?"

"That's right." A little evil spirit slipped out of the ditch and tried to escape. Fu Liushan sucked it into the blower, "When I was, I chased a man-eating monster in seven or eight years ago. Howling in the forest, he was almost trampled to pieces by that zombie."

He pointed at the giant elephant corpse: "Yes, that's the one."

He Lingchuan pondered: "Xuanlu has been entrenched in the Howling Forest for hundreds of years. It cannot be ruled out that it occasionally goes out, but where did you get so many corpses of the big monster? And all of them are weird."

"I have thought about this problem before." Fu Liushan shrugged, "Combined with the appearance of Xuanlu Ghost King itself is an anomaly, the answer to the mystery may lie in the Howling Forest."

Dong Rui was studying the giant elephant corpse. He wanted to pull out a whole white vein from its long nose, but He Lingchuan stopped him and said, "Leave this to me."

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