Such a number of people has an advantage against the ambush at Shaoziyan. If they start with a sneak attack, they have a greater chance of winning.

Wu Shaoyi himself had 1,100 men, and he was more confident against Lu Yao and the coalition of officers and soldiers in Xianling Village.

Divide and destroy, this is the conventional strategy of military strategists.


At the end of the third watch, the two men's drinking conversation came to an end.

Lu Yao's face was red, and the cups and plates on the table were in a mess. He took another sip of wine, wiped his mouth and stood up: "It will be dawn in less than two hours, can Master He rest assured?"

He Chunhua was puzzled: "What are you worried about?"

Lu Yao chuckled, turned around and left. The official was still worried and insisted on dragging him to drink so that he would not have time to find his men to plot a raid. Little did he know that he had no intention of doing anything that night.

After drinking too much wine, his stomach was a little bloated. He found a place to put some water and asked his men, "Why hasn't there been any news from Wu Shaoyi?"

My subordinates didn’t know either, so they hurriedly asked around.

It wasn't until Lu Yao got impatient with waiting that he led a scout and trotted back all the way: "General Wu was greedy for alcohol. He only set out on the road after he sobered up. His stomach was not feeling well during the process."

Lu Yao frowned: "Why are you so depressed? That's not right."

He looked around and suddenly said: "Where's the fat man? Where's that damn Fatty Wang? Where did he die?"

Usually, Fatty Wang coordinates all this information and reports it to him, so why should he bother to ask?


Lu Yao drank the sobering tea offered by the villagers and applied a cold towel to his face. The heat in his head subsided, but the suspicion in his heart came up.

Something was wrong, Fatty Wang was always proactive, how could he disappear for most of the night?

Then I thought about He Chunhua inexplicably drinking with me for several hours. Could it be that he was trying to hide something? Lu Yao glared at his men: "Go, look for Fatty Wang. If you can't find them, I will eat you alive!"

Everyone dispersed.

Once a person's life is in danger, the efficiency of work will be extremely high. The gangsters gathered all the civilians in the east of the village and asked, "Who else will see our fat brother tonight, the one who lives in Zhu's house?"

I asked twice, but no one answered.

It seemed that he couldn't do it without giving him some motivation, so the gangster added: "Those who give clues can take back their children immediately!"

Only then did the villagers react, and they all thought hard.

There was a woman in the back row who thought about it for a long time, then suddenly gritted her teeth and said, "I've seen it before!"

"Oh?" The task assigned by the boss is almost completed, and the gangster is also very happy, "You, come out and speak!"


He Chunhua watched Lu Yao leave with a sneer on his lips.

Back on their own territory, the officers and soldiers were on alert, but the villagers were uneasy. He Yue was talking to Mrs. Ying, while Zhu Xiuer was looking out the window in a daze, not knowing what to think.

When Mrs. Ying saw her husband, she breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, the evil person didn't make things difficult for you."

"He forgets what he's doing when he drinks. He wishes the audience could be as big as possible." He Chunhua sat down. Seeing that his face was red, Qian's mother knew that he was too drunk, so she quickly got him water to wash up and gave him sobering soup.

"After I was warned by Flying Arrow, Wu Shaoyi's team did not move forward. Instead, they recruited the rest of the people from the bottom of the mountain." The guard came over to report, "But he has a spiritual pet that is extremely sensitive, like a mink demon. I went there for the second time. I was almost chased, so I didn’t dare to get any closer.”

He Chunhua was overjoyed: "God help me! With such a spiritual pet, it is more convenient than a scout. It couldn't be easier for Wu Shaoyi to find out whether the letter is true or false."

He Yue smiled and said: "It's not in vain that my father drank wine all night and is exhausted."

He Lingchuan walked out of the inner room and was startled when he saw He Chunhua: "Wow, Dad, your face is really red."

He Chunhua burped: "I haven't drunk like this in how many years! Even if I take the anti-alcohol pill beforehand, I'm still worried about talking nonsense and telling the whole story when I'm drunk."

Mrs. Ying felt distressed: "Lu Yao is a reckless person, how can you compete with him in drinking capacity!" Then she was worried again, "We have occupied the west of the village, other rebels will not come from the west, right?"

"Wu Shaoyi came from the east road, so he should attack from the east of the village and face Lu Yao directly."

He Yue said: "Wu Shaoyi stopped moving forward, probably because he wanted to join forces with Pei Xinyong. Since he is going east, Pei Xinyong will go west."

Mrs. Ying's face changed slightly: "Don't you just come to us?"

He Lingchuan was funny: "Shaozi Rock is in the west. Only Pei Xinyong intercepted Lu Yao's 700 ambush troops, and Wu Shaoyi dared to attack Xianling Village, so the west is very safe."

Mrs. Ying said "Oh", but she was not relieved until He Chunhua nodded.

Zhao Qinghe added: "To prevent accidents, I placed crying vine dolls in a hidden location on the West Road. If something passes by there, these little things will cry to warn; if something continues to pass by, they will continue to Cry." After that, he threw a few conical baubles on the table.

This thing looks like a hazelnut, and the lines on its skin look like a human face. It has eyes and a mouth, but the mouth is now tightly closed.

In the middle of the night, if there were creatures passing by on the west road, it could only be the human army.

He Lingchuan took one in his hand: "This thing looks like a hazelnut, can it be eaten?"

He just asked casually, but the guard actually answered: "Yes, but it is very bitter. It will ruin your stomach if you eat it."

He Chunhua took a look and said, "Is this what the great shaman gave you?"


He Lingchuan's heart was moved when he heard this. Are they talking about the Great Shaman of Zhaomandu? The great shaman whose name he only heard but never saw when he woke up?

At this moment, someone outside suddenly shouted: "Ms. Zhu, Zhu Xiuer, come out!"

This sound came from the east.

There was another change at this juncture, and everyone felt a thump in their hearts.

Mrs. Ying was shocked and asked Zhu, "Why are the gangsters looking for you?"

Zhu Xiuer shook her head to show her ignorance.

He Chunhua stood up and said, "Go out and take a look."

After everyone walked a few steps outside, they realized that Zhu Xiuer had not followed. Looking back, they saw that she was standing there, as if in a daze.

Mrs. Ying asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Ever since she learned about Zhu Xiuer's life experience, she had felt special pity for this little woman who was abducted and trafficked.

Zhu Xiuer shook her head again, lowered her head and followed silently.

The gangsters outside shouted three times before He Chunhua came out, stood on the west side of the center line and asked, "What's going on?"

"I won't tell you, an official!" the gangster said, "Who is Zhu Xiu'er?"

In fact, there were only three women in the group, except Mrs. Ying and Qian's mother. The one everyone turned to look at subconsciously was Zhu Xiuer.

"You are Mr. Zhu!" The gangster raised his hand and pointed to a higher place, "Look, what is that?"

The village is low-lying and becomes higher towards the west. The gangster was pointing to the winding mountain road to the west, which was at least fifteen feet above the ground, and there was nothing on the mountain wall.

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