Because of the fear of falling rocks, the village was built far away from it.

However, after the other party pointed it out, everyone discovered that the small section of the mountain road was illuminated by two torches. There were four gangsters standing there, holding two children in their arms.

The child is very young, only about four or five years old.

The gangster on the east side of the boundary asked Zhu Xiuer: "Are those two your children?"

Zhu Xiuer had already widened her eyes and looked at the two children intently, but now she shook her head vigorously: "No! No!"

"No?" the gangster laughed, "Then it has nothing to do with you."

He Yue also saw something was wrong and said anxiously: "Wait a minute, you can't..."

Before he finished speaking, the gangster raised his hand and made a gesture.

Hearing two childish screams on the mountain road, his accomplice picked up the child and whisked him out!

That is a cliff fifteen feet deep!

Zhu Xiuer screamed, rolled her eyes, and fainted.

Zeng Feixiong caught her and handed her to his men to hold her steady.

He Chunhua said angrily: "This is unreasonable! Children are innocent, and your hatred and hatred are going to harm the world!"

"Children are innocent?" It was Lu Yao who answered the question. This man walked out from behind the house and looked at him with a sneer. "It seems that Mr. He also knows that this woman is not innocent. Mr. He, let me ask you. You and I clearly agreed. What do you mean by secretly taking my people away from me?"

He Chunhua's heart sank. As expected, Lu Yao found out that Fatty Wang was missing, and took his anger out on Zhu Xiuer. This bandit leader is too cruel. After finding out that he was being tricked, he would kill someone to vent his anger without saying a word!

"The fat man was about to attack the Zhu family before we stopped him. This happened before the boundary was drawn." He Chunhua raised his head slightly, "You killed her child because you didn't want the lives of your men?"

"Why not?" Lu Yao snorted, "Bring him back, or I will kill you all right now!"

"Hey?" He Chunhua suddenly put up an awning with his hand and pointed behind him, "What is that?"

"Master He, don't talk about him." Lu Yaopi smiled but didn't smile. How old is this trick for a kid to play?

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, his subordinates screamed "Ah--" not far away, full of pain.

At the same time, the sound of piercing the sky also sounded behind Lu Yao.

He did not turn around immediately, but squatted down and then turned around. A giant ax appeared from nowhere in his right hand and stood in front of him.

The ax area of ​​​​this weapon is almost the same as that of a short shield. Although it is far less exaggerated than the Mengshan ax that He Lingchuan saw in his dream, when Lu Yao curls up, the ax can at least block the vital points of his upper body and knees.

There were two "ding, ding" sounds, and the arrow hit the axe, missing.

Another arrow passed silently from above.

If Lu Yao turned around directly, the arrow would be fed into his throat.

This "pin"-shaped arrow technique seems a bit familiar... Lu Yao's eyes flashed sharply, and he yelled: "Stop, I am Lu Yao! Don't fight against your own people!"

Unexpectedly, at this moment, He Chunhua also shouted: "Rebels! General Lu, take down the rebels quickly!"

More than a dozen officers and soldiers shooters immediately appeared above the houses in the west of the village closest to the dividing line. They were lying on the roof, firing arrows in the same way, and trying to show off the attackers.

He Chunhua shouted, hugged his head and ran back, but his body glowed with a light blue light.

That was the halo initiated by the Sheji Order.

In an instant, all the officers and soldiers glowed like this.

Seeing this, the attacker no longer suspected anything.

In addition to the officials appointed by the royal court, who can use Yuanli?

As soon as He Chunhua retreated, Zeng Feixiong and others immediately stepped forward to cover, blocking several arrows with Gang Qi.

Everyone greased their feet and slipped away quickly. Lu Yao's men didn't even have time to react, and they had already retreated to the back of the house.

Only then did a team rush out of the darkness and flood into the Fairy Village!

There are no stars or moon tonight, and there is no light at all in the wilderness. This team didn't even light a torch.

In addition, the incident in the village attracted everyone's attention, and Lu Yao's sentinels didn't even notice that this team had already arrived in front of the village!

Seeing the man at the front, Lu Yao said with a sharp voice: "Wu Shaoyi, are you crazy? How dare you shoot me!" He turned back and pointed to the west of the village, "Where is your target!"

"You are the one who will be shot!" Wu Shaoyi laughed, "Come on, brothers, kill this treacherous villain!"

He gritted his teeth as he said these four words. In the past, Hong was pressing forward, but he couldn't deal with Lu Yao, but the hatred between the two parties became deeper and deeper. In the end, they just hated each other? Now that I see him again, I feel so angry that I can't stop it!

He was good at using long spears. Because of the attack on foot, he gave up the long pole on his horse and replaced it with a short spear. At this time, he didn't say anything. He aimed at Lu Yao's eyes and stabbed him, so fast that he raised an afterimage.

Lu Yao naturally raised his ax and shield to block, but by the third time he had blocked it, he had already raised it in front of the door. The opponent's spear tip lightly touched the edge of the giant axe, flicked it, and the gun body curved inward, actually bypassing the axe. , piercing his eyes like a poisonous snake!

This is Wu Shaoyi's unique skill. He claims to be a dragon to explore the sea, and he has harvested many lives of officers and soldiers with it. Fortunately, Lu Yao and he were once in the same camp, so he understood this clearly and tilted his head sharply to avoid the fate of being blind.

However, the sharp energy released from the gun tip was like a needle. Although it did not touch the skin, it still made a long wound under his eyes, which was as deep as the bone.

Lu Yao shouted "Ah" and pulled out the shield with his backhand.

Wu Shaoyi didn't dare to take a hard hit and took two steps back.

Lu Yao was instantly angered. He didn't even wipe the blood from his face. He rushed over and slashed vertically and horizontally with three axes. He cursed: "I kindly asked you to come over to join us. I kindly asked you to come over to beat the officers and soldiers. What the hell are you doing?" Do you know that if you fight in a den, your brain will be eaten by a dog? "

"You ambush 700 people at Shaoziyan, do you have good intentions?" Wu Shaoyi was too lazy to tell him more, and just ordered his men, "Kill, kill all of Lu Yao's men!"

Seven hundred people? When Lu Yao heard these words, he was excited and suddenly understood.

Oops, I fell into the trap of that dog official!

"This is a countermeasure! I used those seven hundred people to ambush the dog officer!" He shouted hoarsely, "Young men, take down the dog officer!"

When he saw Wu Shaoyi behind him, there were more than two hundred people. The Lu family army surrounding him was more than enough to fight three against one, and he was furious: "Why don't you also bring all the troops!"

"You ambush 700 people first, so don't blame me for leading them all!"

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, and the battle between these two generals has become fierce from the beginning. In just a few words, Lu Yao's face was hurt. There was a hole in his cheek and two bloody wounds on his right leg. This was done deliberately by the opponent to slow down his mobility; but his counterattack It was so fierce that Wu Shaoyi didn't get any relief. He suffered an ax wound on his left arm, almost cutting off a tendon, and a heavy shield blow on his chest, which broke at least one of his ribs.

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