Lu Yao was so angry that he roared repeatedly: "Fire the command arrow, fire the command arrow!" He couldn't care so much, so he first called the ambush soldiers to attack.

Two command arrows shot up into the sky, one red and one green, which stood out in the night sky.

Wu Shaoyi smiled and said: "Want to call for reinforcements? Hahaha, General Pei has called for you!"

Lu Yao was shocked.

Among the three generals who met in Xianling Village, Pei Xinyong was the most calm and steady. If he had not been dedicated to promoting the meeting, Lu Yao and Wu Shaoyi would never see each other.

Why did Pei Xinyong completely fall in love with Wu Shaoyi in half a night?

This doesn't make sense!

Or maybe the two of them had already agreed to team up to deal with him?

If this is the case, then the nine hundred people he brought into the mountain were not too many, but too few!

The combined forces of Wu and Pei totaled 2,600 to 700 people.

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on Lu Yao's back, and he said hurriedly: "I just want to stabilize the dog officer, and wait for you to come up and worship the flag together. He is going to Xiazhou to be promoted to the general manager. If we take away his official seal, we can live freely in Xiazhou. No more need to do it. Hiding in Tibet! I can make a blood oath with my ancestors, and the benefits will be shared equally from now on, without any evil intention!"

Wu Shaoyi chuckled: "Kneel down and surrender, to show your sincerity. When we capture the dog officer, we will certainly be fair to you!"

Lu Yao was furious: "Bah, don't push yourself too far!"

I have tolerated it over and over again. When did I ever receive this kind of bird-like attitude? The person named Wu still doesn’t know what to do! He rolled his eyes and shouted again: "Young boys, go to the lake to unload the boat!"


The two groups of thieves started fighting among themselves, and the officers and soldiers immediately retreated for fear of being burned.

Fortunately, when Wu Shaoyi saw Lu Yao, she bit him and beat him hard, not even bothering to give a little to the officers and soldiers out of the corner of her eye. Obviously, in his opinion, internal thieves are ten times more hateful than external enemies.

What's more, these two people had a deep hatred in the past, and the more suppressed they are, the easier it is to explode.

He also issued an order to "kill the Lu thieves", so his men also caught the Lu family's army and killed them, but they did not pursue the officers and soldiers very much.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the officers and soldiers retreating without a fight.

He Chunhua had already ordered everyone to stay alert, and now before dawn, all the carriages, horses, and luggage had been tied up. Some had not been untied at all, and some had been re-reinforced and renovated overnight. Even the household items that Mrs. Ying had just used were put back into the boxes and tied tightly back to the cart.

Even the horses were fed with fodder and water, and had enough strength to be harnessed to the cart.

As fighting broke out in the village, He Chunhua decisively ordered: "Retreat to the west!"

More than 400 people and carriages immediately set off towards the mountain road west of the village.

Of course the officers and soldiers would not deliberately make any noise, but the villagers had ears and eyes and were not dead. As soon as they saw them getting ready and setting off, they immediately came over and cried: "Master, please take us with you!"

He Chunhua had already prepared for this, and the officers and soldiers pointed forward: "As we retreat, everyone lines up front and back, and each row cannot exceed three people!"

"You can ride horses, but not cars!"

Despite repeated assertions, there were still villagers who threw all their belongings into the cart, pulled the cart with horses and headed west. As a result, they were stopped by officers and soldiers, and the two sides got into a quarrel and then physical conflict.

He Yue, Zeng Feixiong and others were all very busy. He Lingchuan had no choice but to rush over and said: "Abandon the car and go on the road, or stay with the car and don't stand here blocking the road!"

These horse-drawn carriages and ox-carts are not small in size, but the mountain roads are narrow and can accommodate two vehicles at most. If they stop them like this, the official cars will have to leave, and the civilians will not be able to squeeze in.

The car owner said angrily: "The officials can leave too, why can't we!"

"That's right, all your belongings are in the car. Do you want us to drink the northwest wind when we go out?"

The two sides started pushing and shoving again.

He Lingchuan raised his hand and pulled the man at the front from the carriage, and raised it in front of him: "If the officers and soldiers can cut off the rear, can you? Whoever of you can use weapons to cut off the rear will be able to pass!"

He asked the person in his hand sternly: "Can you?"

The man was stunned, his neck seemed to be stiff, he did not dare to nod, but he was unwilling to shake his head.

We are all good citizens, so what qualifications do we have to fight against murderous gangsters? Don’t forget that the gangsters had massacred a hundred villagers in public before, and there were many powerful men from the village protection team among them!

By the way, these are not ordinary gangsters, but the remnants of the rebels who have been fighting with the officers and soldiers for many years, and have once attacked the city, looted the territory, and killed many people! They have a lot of fighting experience, so what can I do to fight with them?

"If you can't fight, get off your horse and walk! If you can fight, get your family in the car and stay behind!"

After He Lingchuan drank like this, and someone behind him was pushing forward and screaming "The gangsters are coming", the civilians in the car didn't dare to be stubborn anymore and got out of the car and ran forward.

If you don't run at this time, when the gangster catches up, you will block the knife for the faster runner.

The officers and soldiers pushed the villagers' carriages aside, leaving a passage open for civilians to run through. In this way, people are walking half way and cars are walking half way.

Pretty orderly.

Soon, He Lingchuan also saw the gangsters rushing to the west of the village and breaking in the door.

He couldn't tell whether these people were Wu's or Lu's men. Anyway, taking advantage of the situation and robberies was their specialty. Especially when Wu Shaoyi's men took a look, they realized that their number was far greater than the opponent's, so victory would be a matter of time. Some people began to use their crooked ideas to rob them as soon as possible.

Robbery is all about quick hands and slow hands.

Yesterday evening, Lu Yao killed people and occupied the village. Before he could loot it, the officers and soldiers arrived behind him. In order not to reveal their secrets, the Lu bandits did not rummage around, thinking that it would not be too late to defeat the officers and soldiers, so the furniture and livestock that the villagers could not take away in a hurry are still at home.

When everyone saw this scene on the mountain, they were not angry but happy.

The gangsters are busy breaking into houses and looting, so they can buy precious time to retreat.

However, against the wishes of the people, more and more gangsters are still eyeing the mountain road to the west.

Some of them followed Lu Yao's orders and wanted to capture He Chunhua, but the other half were attacked by Wu Shaoyi's men and had to retreat while fighting -

Some retreated to the east, but some retreated to the west, which happened to coincide with the retreat paths of officers, soldiers and civilians.

Zeng Feixiong and others were rushing back and forth to give orders, which was very inconvenient.

But no one made any request to He Lingchuan. Even Mrs. Ying just said to him: "Go to the front and help your father."

The front of the line is the safest. After seeing the lottery given by Shui Ling, no one blamed him.

He Lingchuan looked at Zeng Feixiong's back and secretly clenched his fists.

Shui Ling's prophecy lingered in his mind. If his catastrophe really happened tonight, he shouldn't show off at this critical moment of life and death.

But what if not?

Next time, and the next time, will he back down?

If the great calamity comes ten years later, will he have to retreat for ten years first?

It's easy to hide behind others, but are you sure that the butcher's knife will not be raised to your head in the end?

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