After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 126 He doesn’t want to be that kind of person

Many people in this team had never drawn Shui Ling, but He Lingchuan knew that they would definitely die tonight.

Should they also give up and retreat?

He Lingchuan breathed out a long breath and called to Zeng Feixiong when he passed by again: "Just keep your eyes on the front, I'll take the lead."

Zeng Feixiong was sweating profusely and was stunned when he heard this: "Young Master?" Are you okay?

Although they also lived and died together in the desert, shouldn't it be better to leave such a professional matter to professionals?

Of course, in his haste, he couldn't think of anyone else who could take on this important responsibility.

"Don't worry." He Lingchuan knew that at this moment he could still pretend to be the boss in the team and watch others work hard for him. But at this moment, he remembered the team of fleeing civilians in Panlong's dream, and the guilty look cast by Liu Sanjiu as he fled for his life.

Who has no family, who doesn’t know the pros and cons, and who is not allowed to think about the future?

Liu Sanjiu was not wrong, but He Lingchuan never wanted to be this kind of person again.

So he smiled at Zeng Feixiong and said, "I have experience!"

He has good fighting ability, it would be a pity not to use it. But Zeng Feixiong wouldn't believe him completely, especially since the eldest young master claimed to be "experienced" and didn't know where to start.

He has never been on the battlefield, so where does he have any experience? Did you save it in a dream?

At this time, He Chunhua's voice came from the front: "It doesn't matter, let him do it!"

He's been paying attention here.

Now that the leader had spoken, Zeng Feixiong immediately threw out two people, one was Zhao Qinghe sent by He Chunhua, and the other was Mao Tao.

"Protect the young master!" He whispered and winked a few times, which meant that the two of them could act independently and did not necessarily listen to the young master.

The two nodded desperately.

Mao Tao was still a little worried: "Young master, do you really want to stay? But those two signed..." He was also present at that time.

"It's something that cannot be made accurately." He Lingchuan interrupted him and turned to Zeng Feixiong, "Protect my family!"

"It's my duty!" Zeng Feixiong hurried back to the front team and disappeared after a while.

There were more than 400 members of the Guards Group and more than 200 villagers, totaling nearly 700 people, all running on the mountain road. Just hear a heart-rending scream, from top to bottom.

He Lingchuan looked up and saw that an unlucky guy missed the mark and fell.

Everyone was very impatient, and they finally stopped fighting and pushing after bloody examples.

This sound also woke up Zhu who was unconscious in the carriage.

She opened her eyes and was stunned for a few breaths, then suddenly covered her face with her hands and cried loudly.

Mrs. Ying patted her back: "Cry, cry, hey!" It seemed that Zhu's child was thrown down in this position.

"Blessings are unparalleled. Although we have lost our child, as long as we escape from here, you will be able to reunite with your loved ones soon. This is also a great relief."

She comforted her for a long time, and then Zhu's crying gradually weakened, and finally she choked softly.

Zhu's eyes were as swollen as walnuts, but her gaze was firm: "Your family has shown me the kindness of rebirth. When we return to the capital, I, the Zhu family, will definitely repay you!"

"Saving someone's life is a sign of good deeds. Talking about repayment is tacky." Mrs. Ying poured her a glass of water with her own hands. This was not a polite statement. In Mrs. Ying's view, Zhu Xiyan, the minister of Taipu Temple, was still in office, did a good job, and had the emperor's trust. However, the two grandparents had not seen each other for seven years, and the family relationship was still unfamiliar.

The most important thing is that Zhu Xiyan does not only have this one granddaughter.

So in the end will the Zhu family repay each other with a fountain or a trickle of thanks? She didn't have much hope.

Of course, all prerequisites are based on their successful escape from the traitors.

Mrs. Ying sighed, raised the curtain and looked outside. The carriages were all close to the inside, and the other half of the road outside was crowded with people. A few feet beyond is a cliff, which is very dangerous.

She listened to every word of the conversation between her eldest son and Zeng Feixiong just now, and felt a little emotional in her heart.

This bastard seems to have finally grown up a bit.

The mountain road was very rugged, and everyone had to hold up fires for illumination. In this way, the two groups of gangsters in the village soon discovered that there were a lot of torches on the west road, and it was obvious that people gathered there.

He Lingchuan and two lieutenants drew their swords and led more than thirty people and more than a dozen horses to cut off the rear.

The faces of the more than 30 support troops were all ugly, and some secretly regretted that they did not have a good relationship with their superiors, so they were pushed out as cannon fodder at such a critical moment.

Except for a fool like He Lingchuan who takes the initiative to flirt with someone, who would want to stay and end the relationship? If you let go, your life will be gone.

There is still a way to survive if you flee with the large army, but if you stay, you will most likely stay forever.

It wasn't that He Lingchuan didn't want to take more people with him, but the mountain road was steep and narrow, and there were so many people that he couldn't let go.

Of course, this kind of one-way terrain is not friendly to those who are escaping, and it is even more obstructive to the pursuing party. The sporadic gangsters who were chasing after them were all stopped by everyone. They either retreated in the face of difficulties or were killed with a knife.

It was not difficult at first, but as the chaos in the village broke out, more and more gangsters rushed to the west road. After all, judging from the comparison of numbers, Lu Yao's men had to fight one against five, which was too difficult.

After more than twenty people were chopped down, the Lu bandits quickly collapsed, and at least half of them instinctively fled westward. There were many people on this road, and as long as they passed most of them, they would be safe.

In contrast, the east side is the direction from which Wu Shaoyi's team rushed, and the entrance to the village is a place where there is a big fight. Idle people can easily be shot to death by random arrows.

Therefore, the pressure on He Lingchuan and others suddenly increased.

At this time, neither the officers, soldiers nor villagers had completely withdrawn to the West Road.

There are too many people, too many cars, and the road is too narrow!

If bandits sneak into the crowd, the consequences will be endless. He Lingchuan made a quick decision and pointed at the six or seven large vehicles that had not yet completed the drive: "We can't take these with us. We don't want them anymore. Unload all the cattle and horses!"

Qian's mother was nearby and was surprised when she heard this: "Young Master, these all belong to Madam!"

Upon hearing this, He Lingchuan breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good!"

Qian’s mother: “…”

"You only took the most valuable jewelry, it must only be a small box." He Lingchuan said quickly, "Throw the rest here, I have use!" People are going to die, why are they guarding these belongings?

Qian's mother couldn't disobey, so she had to find the jewelry box, get up and leave, and went to the front to talk to my wife.

Mrs. Ying frowned and asked her, "Is the eldest young master injured?"

"Ah..." Mother Qian thought carefully, "No, the eldest young master is very majestic."

Mrs. Ying lay by the window and looked back, not knowing what she was feeling.

Mrs. Ying's luggage cart over there has been unloaded and blocked in the middle of the mountain road.

Of course, He Lingchuan still left an opening to let his own people pass through.

The soldiers were in a hurry to close their mouths and kept urging the villagers: "Hurry up, hurry up, don't let me go!"

A panting villager ran over, wearing a thick leather hat, and without looking up, he ducked into the gap in the convoy with his head down.

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