After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 127 He seems to have changed

Zhao Qinghe had quick eyesight and grabbed him out: "Want to run away?"

The man's face was covered with sweat: "Master, I'm in a hurry!"

"You were the one who asked your accomplices to throw the child down the mountain, right?" Zhao Qinghe's eyes were vicious.

The man waved his hands repeatedly: "It's not me, it's not me!"

He Lingchuan tilted his head and saw the face clearly through the firelight.

This person was unable to pass the test, and suddenly pulled out a dagger from his waist and stabbed Zhao Qinghe in the ribs.

This movement was extremely fast. Just as Zhao Qinghe was about to block, he saw a cold light flash in front of him, and then——

Then the gangster in front of him flew out sideways and fell off the cliff.

All that was left was a long scream.

Zhao Qinghe was stunned for a moment, and then turned to He Lingchuan after feeling his heart: "Thank you, young master!"

A small hole was poked through the light armor on his side, which shows how hard the opponent used it. If He Lingchuan hadn't seen the opportunity early and kicked the man down the mountain road, Zhao Qinghe would probably have lost the prize.

"No thanks, come and move it quickly!" After the last old man was driven up the mountain, He Lingchuan ordered everyone to close the carriage, surround the original gap, and then carry Mrs. Ying's box up to hold it in place.

This box is full of sundries, things that Mrs. Ying has been reluctant to throw away after more than ten years of marriage. Before closing the lid of the box, He Lingchuan also saw a mahogany mirror. The mahogany wood was old and the silver ornaments embedded in it had faded, but the surface of the mirror had been wiped very brightly.

Hey, this seems to be one of the dowries that Mrs. Ying kept at the bottom of the box.

He Lingchuan picked it up and stuffed it into his arms.

Maotao and others also saw his intentions and actively cooperated. Therefore, although they were fighting against the tide of bandits, the speed of blocking the road was quite fast.

This road was narrower than the river bed that He Lingchuan was guarding in his dream, and it only needed to cross two carriages to make it tightly blocked. Young Master He, who has experienced this before, is even more comfortable in conducting.

The cars and the boxes on them have become veritable objects, each weighing no less than seven or eight hundred kilograms. When the officers and soldiers saw that this method of delaying the enemy and saving their lives was promising, they immediately worked harder.

He Lingchuan rolled his eyes: "Remove the wheels."

The car bearings here are equipped with wheel bearings, and the wheels can be removed by removing them.

Everyone did as they were told, and the carriage completely lay on the road.

He Lingchuan got a few more carriages and stacked them up, and then tied the upper and lower carriages together with the thick ropes used to bundle the boxes. This formed a high and heavy roadblock, and then tied the other end to a few trees on the roadside. , which makes it even more difficult for bandits later to break through the roadblocks.

Of course, the bandits would not sit still while everyone was doing their thing, but the terrain was difficult to defend and difficult to attack, and several desperate attacks were blocked by He Lingchuan and others. Of course, all the officers and soldiers were injured. One unlucky one was even stabbed in the abdomen by a spear coming from the opposite side of the carriage while tying up the carriage. He was injured on the spot and his waist was bleeding profusely.

When others were trying to stop the bleeding, He Lingchuan quickly stuffed a little Shituo powder into his mouth: "Swallow it, it will relieve the pain."

The medicine Liu Baobao gave as parting gift finally came into use.

Then, He Lingchuan found a soldier to help the wounded mount their horses, and went to chase the large army.

There are military doctors in the team who can stop the bleeding and save his life.

He Lingchuan said loudly: "It's just a mob on the other side. If you all guard your positions, they will definitely not be able to get through!"

At this time, Wu Shaoyi's bandits were chasing their opponents and began to focus here. Bandit Lu was so anxious that he scratched the car, but he couldn't pass it.

So the officers and soldiers behind the vehicle formation and the gangsters in front of the vehicle formation began a desperate tug-of-war.

The gangsters wanted to push away the car formation, but He Lingchuan and others refused to give in.

Across the carriage, the two sides could see each other's eyes turning red.

"Hold on!" He Lingchuan shouted, "Don't stand out and just be okay!"

Zhao Qinghe and others don't quite understand what "gou" is, but they absolutely don't want to stick their heads out at this time.

The more agile gangsters would of course want to climb over the carriage and jump over, but with the help of swords, guns and axes, the difficulty of this would increase by more than three to five times?

Two gangsters were hit by spears from behind the car and fell off the cliff screaming.

Those who can jump over cannot escape the obstruction of He Lingchuan and others.

A few knives per knife, very fast.

Anyone with a brain will know that this road is dead, so they should quickly go down and find another way out.

When the officers and soldiers achieved the first victory, they could not help but feel confident and cheered loudly.

Soon, Wu Shaoyi's bandits also chased to Xishan and began to encircle and suppress Lu Yao's men.

Although there were two rows of carriages in the middle, the random arrows fired from the bandit army had no eyes. A long streak of blood was wiped out on He Lingchuan's forehead. If the arrow had been tilted even half an inch further, it would have hit him right between the eyebrows.

Damn, so dangerous.

He didn't want Shui Ling's prophecy to come true tonight.

He Lingchuan grabbed a shield and put it in front of him, and the others did the same.

Soon, the sounds of weapons clashing and screams at the other end of the car formation weakened.

Wu Shaoyi's team is close to victory.

Of course they also noticed the officers and soldiers behind the vehicle formation and had no intention of letting them go.

Originally, there were two groups of enemies in Xianling Village, Lu Yao and officers and soldiers.

The officers and soldiers greased the soles of their feet and ran away without helping Lu Yao, which does not mean that Wu Shaoyi's team will be arrogant.

At this moment, a whistling sound came from the Fairy Village.

When the Wu bandits in front of the car formation heard this, they turned around and ran towards the village.

Obviously there was a situation there that required them to get back on defense.

The front of the car formation quickly stopped, with only a few gangsters still looking around.

There were seven or eight gangster corpses lying on the ground. Mao Tao, Zhao Qinghe and others were panting and gave He Lingchuan a thumbs up: "Young Master, your method of turning waste into treasure is really good!"

The two of them stayed to control the situation and protect He Lingchuan's safety. Zeng Feixiong, who assigned the task, did not think that He Lingchuan could take the lead in this task.

Turning the abandoned carriage into a roadblock was a perfect fit on such a narrow mountain road, as it was adapted to local conditions.

Zhao Qingheyuan also thought about it, but besides the eldest young master, who would dare to throw away Mrs. Ying's box and carriage at will?

However, such an arduous task of cutting off the aftermath only cost one person serious injuries and seven minor injuries. How could Zhao Qinghe dare to imagine this?

"Do you still need to praise me?" He Lingchuan glanced sideways at them, "Look at how big your breath is, your physical strength is too weak!"

I think back then, he was bleeding on the riverbed for two full hours. The situation was more dangerous than this, and the torment lasted longer than this!

But he also kept in mind that this was reality.

You can die and come back to life in a dream, but in reality you only have one life.

He must not let the old turtle's prediction come true!

Mao Tao looked at him, always feeling that He Lingchuan seemed to be a different person during the battle, fierce, calm, and commanding.

Although the two had adventures together in the Coiling Dragon Fantasy Land, He Lingchuan at that time was good at acting according to the situation and avoiding the enemy's sharp edges. He had never been as responsible and courageous as he is now.

Is this the handsome young man he knew?

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