After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1223 Looking at the problem in reverse

But he didn't care, and He Lingchuan didn't take it seriously. They had all seen more horrific injuries.

The Ghost King Xuanlu disappeared, the strongest elite of the Pixia people were deposed, and the Situ family successively captured Baijian Town and Jucheng. This was the time when morale was at its peak. If they can't work hard at one go, when the Vishayans calm down, they will not be able to control the pace of the war.

"Besides, my family has no way out, so we can only fight bravely." If Gaopu is destroyed, Bixia will not let go of Situ's territory; if the Situ family doesn't fight now, Vixia will fight later.

He said that he had no way out, but his face was full of ambition. He Lingchuan played chess with him and felt that he was attacking aggressively today and was uncharacteristically open and closed.

It was obvious that Situ He himself was in a state of excitement, and his recent emotions were reflected in the chess game.

He Lingchuan reminded him: "For an injured patient, your body and mind are too excited, which is not conducive to recovery."

"Success or failure depends on one move. If you win, what does a mere injury count?" Situ He made another click, "If you lose, what does a mere injury count?"

Once he loses, there is a high probability that the whole family will fall to the ground. What injuries does he still worry about?

At this moment, the heroic spirit is gone. He Lingchuan nodded: "As expected of Brother Situ."

If you want to achieve great things, you must first put life and death aside.

In this regard, Situ He, a young man in his twenties, was actually much better than the 300-year-old Xuanlu Ghost King.

"My family is fighting this battle, and the outside world is not optimistic about it. What does Brother He think?"

Situ He has been dealing with He Lingchuan these days, and feels more and more that this person is unfathomable.

Is this the same person he used to drink with in Lingxu City?

At that time, he only thought that He Xiao had a beautiful heart and was upright and upright; now that he had been grinding and rolling in the millstones of war and walked back from a life-and-death moment, he realized that he had the dignity of a city in his chest and the dangers of mountains and rivers in his heart. Anyone who wanted to do anything Everything is accomplished.

He served as the special envoy of Chiyan as a commoner, but he was also a foreigner. He actually brought down Cen Boqing, the son-in-law of Da Sinong, and indirectly contributed to the downfall of Qingyang Imperial Master.

From this point of view, it seems that it is not difficult for He Xiao to sneak into the heavily guarded Jucheng and rescue him?

Was he ignorant or blind before? Not a single clue could be seen!

"If the level of Bixia's army is like that of the day when they besieged Rolling Stone Valley, then you will never have an overwhelming advantage in terms of numbers or combat power." He Lingchuan also didn't know the combat power of the Situ family's allies, so he could only make general assumptions. Analysis, "Winning or losing on the battlefield is nothing more than the right time, the right place, and the right people. You have the right time, and the Vishayans have the right place. The only remaining factor is the most critical factor, which is the 'right harmony.'"

"The Yao Kingdom is standing behind Bixia. You alone may not be able to compete." As soon as these words came out, Situ He's face became a little gloomy.

This is a heavy fact that cannot be avoided.

"So, other forces still have to fight for it." He Lingchuan continued, "They are just watching from the sidelines for the time being."

Situ He gritted his teeth: "They're all just on the wall!"

They agreed to jointly send troops, but when it came time to take action, they retreated. This bunch of forgetful fools.

It made his teeth itch just to mention it.

He Lingchuan understood his anger: sometimes it's not that the enemy is too strong, but that his teammates are too weak.

“It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.”

In the Golden Plains, you must have basic vision, otherwise how can you stand?

This is true for small people, and it is also true for small countries.

"If you want to win, the calculation is based on people's hearts." He Lingchuan has seen it clearly before, "You won Baijian Town and Jucheng, two major victories in succession. It was very exciting, so other forces agreed to jointly send troops at the beginning. This It means they are moved.”

Situ He nodded: "They have not dealt with the Vixia people. They have either suffered losses or fought in battles. When I talk to their leaders or monarchs, I can feel their disgust towards the Vixia people. It is simply beyond words."

If he didn't have this basic condition, why would he be a lobbyist?

He Lingchuan also made a move: "It doesn't matter if they are forced to retreat later. As long as their hearts flutter, the thought of fighting will always be with them. At this time, as long as you give them something else, they will probably join the war."

Situ He's eyes brightened slightly: "Brother He, please give me some advice."

"Hope, hope of winning." He Lingchuan said softly, "The Situ family must prove their strength to them."

People are willing to follow the strong because the strong has a greater chance of winning.

The Situ family must prove to all forces that they have grown into the backbone of the resistance against Bixia or Yao Kingdom.

"Prove that we can at least compete with the Bixia people." Situ He said firmly, "We still need a hearty victory!"

"The fact that the Yao Kingdom prevented the seven-way coalition from conquering Bixia shows that it is deeply jealous of the power you have created; on the other hand, as long as the coalition can succeed, it will not be easy for the Yao Kingdom to stop you." He Lingchuan had seen the sand table and knew The positions of these seven forces. If they could join forces, not only to deal with Yao Kingdom, but at least to beat Vixia until he was in agony, there would be no problem.

Otherwise, Bixia would not have rushed to arrest Situ He before, just to interrupt the Situ family's lobbying.

Situ He nodded: "When I went to persuade various countries, I found that even if they did not express their intention to join, they were still very interested in the commander-in-chief of the coalition."

A snake cannot survive without a head. The Seven Route Army must have a commander in chief.

With so many people, there must be someone who has the final say.

What a temporarily formed coalition like this fears most is lack of unity and hindrance.

And this situation must exist, it is inevitable, alas.

More than a hundred years ago, many countries encircled and suppressed the Yao Kingdom. Although they finally gained the upper hand, Yingren and the Luodian Kingdom temporarily rebelled, resulting in the final defeat of the Allied forces.

Situ He did not hide his disdain: "I can hear the voices of their minds making calculations."

"There has been civil strife in the Golden Gold Plains for many years, and people's hearts are scattered. If you want to make a difference in a place like this, the Situ family must work hard and put in more effort." He Lingchuan added, "Actually, they didn't join at the beginning, so they also had a problem with the Situ family. benefit."

"Please tell me." No one will refuse the word "benefits".

"As long as the Situ family and the two allies win a few more victories, they will be able to establish their leadership position in the alliance. By then, if other groups of people join in, they will have no choice but to accept the Situ family as the leader of the alliance. It’s not good to argue anymore.”

Those who joined midway certainly don’t have much say.

"At that time, there will be less noise in the coalition, less internal tension, and the status of the Situ family will be consolidated." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "Don't worry, the two allies who jointly sent troops from the beginning will be more determined. I support you. Even if other forces have some intentions, they will not be able to make a difference."

Because supporting the Situ family is to consolidate their own position in the coalition.

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