After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1224 Old Friends and New Friends

"It won't be difficult for the Situ family to strike while the iron is hot and win a few more victories, right? We just need to maintain the current advantage." He said quickly, "Look, these wallflowers just joined a few days later, but the team is better to lead. Yes, it will relieve your worries.”

"Yes, that's right." Situ He clasped his hands and felt much more cheerful, "My father and I were depressed at first. We only felt that we were struggling to make progress and there were so many powerful enemies. We couldn't open up the situation anywhere. But after listening to your few words today, it seems that I have the advantage. As long as you survive this level, you have a chance to win!”

People are much more optimistic.

He gave He Lingchuan a thumbs up: "Brother He, you should be the lobbyist!"

He Lingchuan smiled and said, "I'm just presenting facts to make sense. Are there any fallacies?"

"No!" Situ He dropped a piece and pushed He Lingchuan's piece out of the chessboard, "Fly!"


The soul-telling mirror in his arms also asked: "Ah, yes, I also want to ask, why do you always say that I have the advantage?"

He Lingchuan smiled and said nothing.

Pessimists see all problems, while optimists see all hope.

There are so many things that must be done and so many enemies that must be dealt with. No matter what his mentality is, there is no room for retreat.

His own future will definitely be more difficult, a hundred times more difficult than the Situ family's current situation, but he can only push forward bravely and diligently.

Even if his side is completely disadvantaged, he must seize the only advantage from it, and then tell himself that the advantage lies in me.

This is self-suggestion and self-encouragement.

Because he can't lose!

Situ He said to him again: "The other two allies are coming to help, and we have to bear 50% of their food, weapons and arrow consumption."

He Lingchuan nodded: "Of course it should be. It seems that the Situ family has a very good relationship with them."

People respect the Situ family as the boss of the Allied Forces, and they help fight the war. Is that what it means to be the boss?

These two allies are not lions opening their mouths.

If you work hard in a war, you still have to risk offending Yao Kingdom and Bixia. Isn't it too much to take the opportunity to ask for two or three times the amount of money and food?

It’s only 50%, which is very benevolent and righteous.

At this point, He Lingchuan knew that the topic was coming.

Sure enough, Situ He hesitated, as if embarrassed to speak.

He Lingchuan lowered his head and did not look at him, but said: "Brother Situ, it doesn't matter. He will definitely help if he can."

Situ He then coughed lightly: "Even if there were two bumper grain harvests last year and the year before last, I'm afraid there are still some gaps if we want to support the Allied forces in defeating Bixia. And there are still many variables ahead, which are difficult to predict now."

The war machine uses money and food as fuel. Once it is started, the consumption is huge.

"My father once heard me talk about the Yangshan Islands, and he also knew that Brother He managed it very well. Therefore... my family would like to ask Brother He, can we use the property in the territory to exchange some money and food with Brother He?"

To put it simply, the Situ family heard that He Lingchuan had money and food, and wanted to ask him for help.

Can the so-called power of Yangshan Islands support the consumption of a war? Are the Yangshan Islands really powerful, or is He Lingchuan just bragging?

After all, bragging is a necessary skill to get around Lingxu City.

The Situ family can't be sure, but they must try.

To deal with a major war, we must recruit and use all available forces.

After all, He Xiao had already saved Situ He once. Helping once is still helping, and helping twice is still helping. One thing does not bother the two masters.

And He Lingchuan had been waiting for them to speak.

"Brother Situ, don't worry, I'm not like those unreliable small countries who only add icing on the cake." He reassured Situ He with just one sentence, "I both sigh and admire the fate of Gaopu country and the struggle of the Situ family. I am willing to do my best." Meager strength."

Situ He immediately stood up and bowed his head to him: "Congratulations, brother, you are so righteous, you saved my family from fire and water, how can Situ repay you!"

He Lingchuan held his arm again: "Just treat me as a shrewd businessman, and this time I will test my investment vision."

How to test it? Look at the attitude and ability of the investment object.

Situ He was rescued for only a day. At this time, he should have been lying on the hospital bed to rest, but he still had to drag his injured body to find him.

In order to carve out a better future, the Situ family also tried their best.

There is no problem with attitude, then it depends on ability.

They both laughed.

Situ He relaxed and was able to chat: "Oh, by the way, Brother He, do you still remember Yu Hai?"

He Lingchuan has a good memory. He also has a mirror with a better memory in his arms. He heard the voice reminding him: "That's it, that little official! You two go to the Dongmen Bistro to have a drink together, and then go to a cockfight!"

"Of course I remember. Brother Yu seems to have been born in the Shining Gold Plains. He is four or five years older than you and me. He served as an official under the Great Sinong of Lingxu City. He is a cheerful person. He often helps his fellow villagers. He seemed to have even done something about it at that time. What...can you do?" A person who comes out of the Shining Gold Plains has no foundation at all in Lingxu City. Yu Hai was able to serve as an official in Lingxu City based on his own ability. Even if his position was not very conspicuous, he was already a leader among his fellow villagers.

How many talented men and heroes wanted to find an official position in Lingxu City, but couldn't get it?

After Yu Hai settled in Lingxu City, he did not forget his origin and often helped his fellow villagers. Students from the Golden Flash Plains have just arrived in Lingxu City. Whether they are short of money or in emergency, they should just ask Yu Hai for help.

"Brother Yu formed his own hometown association in Lingxu City. The members are all from the Shining Gold Plains, and I am one of them." Situ He sighed, "Brother He is famous in Lingxu City for a while, but he doesn't understand remote small towns like us. clan.”

He Lingchuan smiled, knowing that they were the so-called "lower" among Lingxu students at that time, and they naturally had a tendency to stick together for warmth. As the saying goes, people are divided into groups. Even students with weak spirits all move in their own circles and rarely break boundaries.

Origin, background, and employment often determine their respective circles and status. It is difficult to break through upward.

"Two years ago, Lingxu City was in chaos. Brother Yuhai was forced to leave Bejia and travel to other places. He returned to Pei State seven months ago. His mother's family is the royal family. This time I lobby all countries to unite. In order to resist the enemy, Brother Yu volunteered to accompany me to see the King of Pei State, regardless of the troubles he was in, and he gained a lot of strength from it. "

"He is still loyal." He Lingchuan nodded, "But even he is back. Bega is really angry."

"It's a good thing to be back. Two years ago, many people were executed in Lingxu City."

He Lingchuan's eyes flickered: "Tell me, what trouble did Yu Hai get into?"

"It's not him, it's his family. I just heard about it." Situ He told everything he knew, and then sighed, "The Yu Hai family has experienced changes, and it has been implicated until now. He has been idle at home and cannot join the court. As an official."

The most important thing he and Yu Hai lacked was trouble, but now his family finally saw a little light.

A little bit.

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