After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1236 Busha Huating

In fact, as they approached the entrance of the cave, they could see the light coming from further inside -

Probably the moonlight shining in the sky.

There is no need to raise fluorescent spores here. The light from the light well almost illuminates the space behind the door, with only a few protruding rocks blocking the light.

He Lingchuan muttered: "It looks very simple."

After saying that, he winked at Dong Rui with his left eye.

The Broken Arm Ghost didn't understand, so he asked them: "The Ghost King has fled to the ground. Are you still chasing him?"


"Wait!" Dong Rui kept looking back at Crystal Mountain, his heart itching uncontrollably, and finally couldn't help but said, "Let me take a sample first."

"We don't have time..."

Before He Lingchuan finished speaking, Dong Rui shot a gray light at the Broken Arm Ghost, immediately penetrating its body.

It was startled, its shadow trembled, and it subconsciously turned around, only to see the gray light make a hissing sound, draw an arc in the air, and gently and skillfully get into the hole in the crystal mountain.

This is a living creature, Dong Rui’s bat puppet.

Everyone watched it go down the tunnel and into the Crystal Mountain, and then——

Got into the belly of a demon.

Dong Rui chuckled: "I guessed it right, the hole was made from its belly!"

He Lingchuan said with a straight face: "The Ghost King is about to escape! This specimen can't run away. Can't you come back and pick it up again?"

"It takes just a few breaths." Dong Rui rubbed his hands, "Fresh flesh and blood!"

This will be the freshest sample he has ever obtained, which will be of great help to future research.

"Are you okay?" He Lingchuan asked him every five breaths.

The three people, two monkeys and one ghost were all waiting eagerly.

When asked about the fourth time, the little gray shadow suddenly appeared again, and then flew back to Dong Rui's hands along the tunnel in the crystal mountain.

There was a large piece of tissue in its mouth, and He Lingchuan didn't know whether it was membrane or flesh, or whether it came from some weird part.

But Dong Rui took it in his hand and smiled with great satisfaction:


He Lingchuan said angrily: "Can you leave?"

"Okay, okay." Dong Rui carefully put the soft skin tissue into a wide-mouth bottle with a suspicious transparent liquid inside. "Okay, let's go."

The Broken Arm Ghost had been waiting impatiently for a long time, so he led everyone into the ceremony gate.

It also introduced: "This place is called Busha Huating, which is actually the corridor between the main gate and the Yimen."

Everyone looked left and right. Although it was close to the ground, it seemed to be colder here than in the depths of the underground palace.

He Lingchuan suddenly asked: "Is the main entrance still intact?"

"No, it has been broken a long time ago." The Broken Arm Ghost floated forward without looking back, "Quickly, go out through the main entrance and you will reach the ground!"

It slipped away too fast, Fu Liushan tightened the chain: "What's the rush? Slow down!"

The Broken Arm Ghost had already stood in the shadow behind the stone. Fu Liushan's tug was anything but gentle, and he failed to move it.

He felt as if he was pulling on a wooden stake stuck in the ground.

The Broken Arm Ghost has always looked like a candle in the wind, and the soul fire seemed to be extinguished at any time. Why did it suddenly solidify now?

Half of its face emerged from the shadows, with large eyes and thin cheeks. The light illuminated it pale and weird.

"Aren't you in a hurry?" The Broken Arm Ghost became impatient, "How can there be such an incompetent Celestial Master? Don't blame me if you can't catch up with the Ghost King!"

The tone of its voice was different from just now.

Dong Rui smiled and said: "You are more anxious than us."

The Broken Arm Ghost stared at the three of them closely and opened his mouth: "The enemy can be killed easily, I can't wait to eat his flesh and sleep on his skin!"

"Maybe the Ghost King didn't escape at all?" Fu Liushan stared at it and said, "Now think about it, the Ghost King didn't forget to eat all the souls in the cage before leaving, so how could he miss the descendants of his enemy? You are better than him. Otherwise, how can we hide under its nose?"

The Broken Arm Ghost showed a grievance that he couldn't explain: "You, you..."

But this expression lasted for about three or four breaths. The injustice on its face slowly disappeared, and the corners of its mouth slowly rose, revealing its sharp teeth.

"You are right, of course the short-lived ghost was swallowed by me, along with the other caged ghosts!"

Ghost King? Fu Liushan lifted the multi-treasure pestle, and the tip of the pestle turned into a sharp thorn.

"Its persistence was meaningless. In the end, it was eaten by me." Ghost King Ka Ka laughed twice and touched his belly, "You...the same goes for you!"

The Broken-Arm Ghost suffered for more than eighty years, but in the end he never took revenge and became a tonic for his enemies.

This kind of pain and despair is Xuanlu Ghost King's favorite seasoning.

Too much food.

"You think you are very smart?" the Ghost King said sadly, "If you were smart enough, how could you dare to follow me into the immortal's trap?"

There is actually a small hole behind the stone, not much thinner than a hair, but a faint beam of light shines in from the outside, which is also as thin as a hair. This small mechanism was invisible to everyone standing outside the ceremony gate.

The Ghost King raised his hand and held down the light.

Although it is now a soul body, it is still unable to block such a weak light.

Immediately afterwards, the ceremonial door behind He Lingchuan and the others suddenly closed.

When the light source disappeared, Busha Huating fell into darkness. Only a little moonlight remained in front, indicating the direction of the main entrance.

Dong Rui lost his voice and said: "Oh no! Trap!"

"Bu Sha Huating, Bu Bu's murderous intention was not originally designed to deal with you." Xuanlu Ghost King laughed, "It is your honor to die in the trap set by the immortal!"

Its laughter echoed in this secluded and closed space.

It has already stood outside the boundary. It stands to reason that in the next second, two broken stones will fall from the sky one after another, separating these people from it.

As soon as they appear, escape techniques will be prohibited.

Then, Busa Huating, which has been transformed into a secret room, will activate its mechanism on its own.

The original owner of this cave was more proficient in torture than it was. Even if there are not many mechanisms left, there are still four or five steps that are enough to separate the flesh and bones of the living creatures inside.

It's a pity that the sealing effect of Guillotine was too good. At that time, it couldn't hear the wails and screams in the secret room, so it lost a lot of fun.

However, that doesn't matter, it's about to get Luo Sheng Jia!

Do these fools dare to chase into its underground palace because they think they can ward off the evil spirit of Yi?

This place never makes people come back!

When it first moved into the underground palace, it moved many scarred demon bones here, which shows how powerful the immortal trap is.

Even if the demon comes, they can't get out. How can these people be so virtuous?

Although the light is dim, it can still see the other person's face.

Fu Liushan's expression changed drastically. As soon as he raised his hand, two yellow talismans appeared and rushed towards him at the same time.

He passed the test in throwing talismans. The fluffy yellow paper flew in the air, not much slower than the arrows. As soon as he took the shot, it turned into two blazing fireballs.

Xuanlu Ghost King's reaction was to reach out and blow away the two big fireballs, like two baseballs flying away.

Right hand.

The "broken" right arm grew back in an instant.

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