After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1237 Why did you lose twice in a row?

But the firelight also illuminated its strange expression:

No, why hasn’t the Guillotine been put down yet?

Is the mechanism stuck?

After all, it is an antique from thousands of years ago, so it’s good that it can still be used. What’s so strange about it occasionally getting stuck? It quickly reached out and fiddled with it twice more.

The beheaded stone above was still unmoved.

He and Dong, who were opposite, had a lot of time to stare at it. They were not as anxious as Fu Liushan at all.

Did they already know this? Without saying a word, Xuanlu Ghost King turned around and ran towards the light source at the exit.

Its response is fast and correct.

These people are not easy to fight. The mechanism is out of order, so it has only one way to escape.

But just when it was about to touch, the faint light at the exit suddenly disappeared!

It was as if someone suddenly cut off the light source, plunging the entire Busha Huating into darkness.

"No..." Xuanlu Ghost King jumped up, but did not jump to the cave door. Instead, he hit the thick stone wall.

Even the ghost could feel the coldness of the stone wall.

There is no way forward, it is trapped!

"Oops! The trap—" Dong Rui's teasing voice came from behind, "—yours!"

The light came back on in the dark room: the other monkey took out two fluorescent spores.

Xuanlu Ghost King's face turned even paler.

Dong Rui's smile was weirder and prouder than before.

"Where is this?" Xuanlu Ghost King looked around, his eyes wandering, "This is not Busha Huating!"

It was also puzzled: "There is no flaw in my disguise! How could you see it!"

It has been tormenting the short-lived ghost with a broken arm for eighty years. It has admired the state of the short-lived ghost with a broken arm and how it cried and howled in agony for hundreds of times.

The affectionate style is so dramatic that it even feels that it is the real ghost with a broken arm, and it is miserable in the depth of love.

What's more, in order to win the trust of the three of them, it even took the initiative to help them avoid several traps along the way, such as the Guillotine.

How to tell the difference between this person named He!

He Lingchuan only said three words: "Guangming Well."

Xuanlu Ghost King tilted his head, and Fu Liushan couldn't help but ask, "What happened to Guangming Well?"

He also heard every word this evil ghost said when he was disguised. Did he miss any key information?

He Lingchuan looked at the Ghost King and said slowly: "That short-lived ghost has been kept in a cage since you brought it into the underground palace. How does it know how many exits there are in this underground palace? How does it know that the route to track the Ghost King will definitely pass through it? Guangming Well?"

Dong Rui and Fu Liushan looked at each other in confusion.

Yes, the Broken Arm Ghost said before, "You will pass by the Well of Light in a while."

It was obviously still locked in a cage at that time. It shouldn't know the whereabouts of the Ghost King. How could it know that it would pass by the Guangming Well on the way?

Unless it was originally intended to lure people there.

He Lingchuan left one thing unsaid:

When he encounters an underground undercurrent, he releases the Eyeball Spider.

The little spider walked up the water source and found a collapse near the ground. Humans can't get out, but it's so small that it can slip through gaps and climb to the surface.

It can get out, why can't the Ghost King in ghost state get out from there? Why must we take the Guangming Well?

Fu Liushan tested it again with talisman paper and found that the Broken Arm Ghost had not been planted with a soul lamp.

In the ghost king's lair, what kind of ghosts don't need to be planted into soul lamps?

Apart from the ghosts in the cage who were tortured and amused by it, there was only the Ghost King himself!

"Besides, after being locked up in a dark dungeon and tortured like crazy for eighty years, the spirit of the Broken Arm Ghost cannot be that stable." He Lingchuan slowly drew the knife, "What was its state before it was eaten by you?"

The Broken Arm Ghost cried, begged, and volunteered in front of them. Although it sounded miserable, its conversation was organized and its performance was very stable. How should I put it?

Still a pretty normal ghost.

He Lingchuan believed that if he had been locked up and tortured for eighty years, he would never have performed so well.

Xuanlu Ghost King's face darkened.

The Broken Arm Ghost was already crazy before he was swallowed by it. When he saw it, he would just keep shaking his head, dodge and scream. He could not understand human speech and could not communicate at all.

This made the Ghost King's torture of it boring and no longer interesting.

But its identity can be exploited, so after the Ghost King swallowed it, he pretended to be the descendant of his enemy and lured these sworn enemies into taking the bait.

The results of it? These guys took the bait, but they didn't take the bait completely. Instead, they set it off.

Dong Rui chuckled: "I'm so sorry, but none of your arrangements in Busa Huating are in use!"

Xuan Lu's mouth was full of sharp teeth and he gritted his teeth: "Where on earth is this!"

Its summons to imps and corpse puppets was cut off, which was unimaginable. If the opponent doesn't have the great magical power to cut off spells, neither it nor the enemy is in the underground palace space.

In other words, it is now alone, with no subordinates to support it and no zombies to use, so it can only fight three people as a ghost!

How can you beat this, especially when there's——

As if hearing its voice, He Lingchuan strode closer, and the Qianglong armor automatically possessed it.

The black-armored killing god that Xuanlu Ghost King hates and hates the most appears.

"Neither this armor nor this knife likes you." He Lingchuan flicked the blade, and "Fu Sheng" hummed softly, the sound of killing, "It's only three things, it's time to settle it!"

From the moment he drew the sword, Xuanlu Ghost King felt a tremor deep in his soul. It seemed that the sword was more terrifying than Luo Shengjia.

"Wait!" It quickly waved its hand, "Why do we have to fight to the death!"

Dong Rui smiled and said: "I will die and you will live, but you will die!"

"If you let me live today, I can sign a contract with you!" Xuanlu Ghost King said quickly, "The master of Luo Shengjia has always been ambitious and heroic, and he never fails to fight! As long as you sign a contract with me, from now on your army will be There is no shortage of elites with strict discipline and fearlessness of death!”

"You should know how important a vanguard team is in an army, and how difficult it is to choose a vanguard." It went on in one breath, "With my help, you can get such elites at your fingertips without any effort at all. !”

As soon as Luo Shengjia appeared, Fu Liushan was shocked.

Are you wearing this?

He was originally worried that He Lingchuan would be swayed. After all, Luo Shengjia's previous masters respected the supremacy of force, so this kind of help should not be wasted.

Besides, he has also seen the manipulation skills of Xuanlu Ghost King, and the cutting-edge troops controlled by it do have strong combat effectiveness.

However, He Lingchuan remained unmoved, and the Fusheng knife shot out, filling the room with a cold light. "If this method works, why did you lose to Luo Shengjia twice in a row?"

He already has the best, why settle for second best?

Xuanlu Ghost King dodged left and right, avoiding three swords. It was a soul body, but Fusheng's sword still hurt it faintly. The last sword directly hit its right arm, causing it to roar in pain.

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