After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1241 Human Face Peach

This secret room is obviously a cave, and you can only enter by touching the switch.

There is a cave hidden in the underground palace. Who can guess and find it?

From his observation, there are really more and more mysteries surrounding the person named He, and they can't be solved at all.

The more I am with this person, the more unfathomable I feel.

He Lingchuan smiled at him and answered without any sincerity: "I am extremely talented."

He wrung out his hair and took the lead towards the cave.

When everyone went in, they found that the cave was not deep. Although it was spacious, there was no other way out, and it could be seen that the inner and outer rooms were artificially cut out.

An offering table is carved directly on the stone wall outside. The turtle pattern on the surface is very delicate, and there is still a little bit of gold powder left.

The two stone lotus candle holders on the table have traces of use, and the bottoms are integrated with the stone table.

There was probably a statue placed on the altar table, but unfortunately, as time passed, the wood had rotted away, leaving only two small pieces scattered on the stone surface, and its original appearance has long since been lost.

The three people's eyes were fixed on the altar table for an instant, because there was something else on the table:

A dark wooden box.

The box was only about the size of a palm, half new but not old, and the four corners were covered with patina.

Look closely, there are patterns on the box:

A thick and twisted old peach tree, bearing abundant fruits.

He Lingchuan raised his hand and pointed at it: "Be careful."

As you get closer to the box, the sacred bone necklace becomes even hotter.

Fu Liushan rubbed some medicinal powder under his nose. It smelled very pungent. Dong Rui sneezed twice even when he was far away: "What the hell is this?"

"Powder to drive away ghosts." Fu Liushan replied, "It's used to prevent ghosts from seizing the body and possessing it."

He was also afraid that there was a ghost in the box, and would rush out to plot against him as soon as the box was opened.

After getting ready, he raised the tip of the pestle with one hand and opened the box with the other hand, but He Lingchuan said, "I'll do it."

He volunteered, and Master Fu Tian immediately gave up his seat without saying a word, and took out the medicinal powder for him to apply.

He Lingchuan shook his head: "I don't need it."

So far, no one has been able to successfully seize him, not even Nailuotian's clone.

He held the soul-capturing mirror on his left arm, and the knife in his right hand shot out like lightning, and he opened the lid of the box in one go.

Those who are hidden deep in the Underground Palace of the Ghost King and can be remembered by the Divine Bone Necklace are probably not good deeds.

After experiencing the self-destruction of the previous ghost king, the three of them were ready for the big monster to jump out of the box.

However, no.

The secret room was quiet, the altar table was empty, and nothing unusual appeared in the opened box.

To put it simply, there is not a single ghost.

The three of them leaned over to look at the box. Lingguang squeaked and said in surprise: "What is this!"

None of them expected that this box was actually a miniature bonsai!

There is a peach tree growing in the soil at the bottom of the box. The leaves are green and look old. The bark is cracked and there are old knots everywhere.

"Isn't this the pattern on the box?"

The bonsai in the box is exactly the same as the pattern on the box cover.

"It's different." Fu Liushan stretched out the tip of the pestle and carefully opened the dense crown of the tree, "Look!"

His voice was extremely serious.

Everyone came over to take a look, and the hair on their backs stood up:

There is a human face on the tree trunk!

To be precise, it's a ghost face, the face of Xuanlu Ghost King!

Fu Liushan's move of fiddling with the crown of the tree did not disturb it. The grimace still had its eyes closed and a peaceful look on its face.

Dong Rui subconsciously lowered his voice: "What is this!"

"I'm afraid, this is the origin of Xuan Lu!"

"Is it sleeping?" Dong Rui is also knowledgeable.

"I predict that it has created too many clones and lost too much power. This ray of origin fell into a long sleep." Fu Liushan stared at the ghost face. "If we don't get rid of the main body, even if we kill more clones, It’s useless for the body. As time goes by, it will regain its strength!”

"How to deal with it?" Dong Rui looked at the human-faced peach tree, "Just cut it down?"

It seems that this is all that can be done.

Without further ado, He Lingchuan slashed through the peach tree with one strike, breaking the peach tree at waist level.

Did these two guys forget that there was a Heavenly Master next to them? Have you forgotten that catching ghosts is the duty of a heavenly master? Fu Liushan watched from the side, turning on secretly complaining mode.

However, he seemed to have gradually gotten used to He Lingchuan's acting as his substitute.

Before the severed tree trunk fell, He Lingchuan stretched out his palm and touched his chest, then moved closer to the peach tree.

Fu Liushan suddenly lay down and turned his head to look.

This time, he had to see clearly what treasure was hidden in He Lingchuan's palm!

With a whoosh, the fallen human-faced peach tree disappeared.

Fu Liushan vaguely saw a dark gray shadow in the palm of He Lingchuan's hand, but before he could identify it, the object disappeared.

He Lingchuan opened his hand towards him, but his palm was empty again.

Fu Liushan was a little stunned: "That's it, it's over?"

The Xuanlu Ghost King, who had been causing trouble for three hundred years and no one could do anything about it, ended up quietly and peacefully like this?

At the last moment, there was not even a struggle.

"Yes, it's over." The moment the human-faced peach tree was sucked away by the sacred bone necklace, He Lingchuan was truly relieved.

As long as he gets into the big square pot, no matter how talented the ghost king is, he can't change the world.

Just use it as fertilizer.

"The Ghost King won't appear again, will he?" Fu Liushan remembered that He Lingchuan also said the same thing after collecting Luo Shengjia.

He Lingchuan smiled at him: "You know me."

After the Divine Bone Necklace ate Xuan Lu himself, he stopped.

This guy is very picky. He didn't react when he met the ghost king's clone before. He was only interested in the original ghost.

But He Lingchuan also discovered one thing:

Strictly speaking, Xuanlu Ghost King was not completely eaten by the Divine Bone Necklace.

At that moment, a wisp of black smoke was pulled out from the human-faced peach tree and poured into the Qianlong armor.

Cut off the beard?

This is the first time that Dafang Hu has encountered a tiger snatching food from its mouth.

Having said that, the grudge between the old enemies Luo Shengjia and Xuanlu Ghost King was finally settled.

Fu Liushan rolled his eyes: "I don't, not at all."

But for some reason, when He Lingchuan said these words, he felt quite at ease.

Since he was also taken away by He Lingchuan, the Ghost King can no longer cause trouble to the world, right? Just like Luo Shengjia.

He didn't know how He Lingchuan did it. At least so far, Luo Shengjia was very docile under He Lingchuan, and He Lingchuan didn't show any signs of losing control.

"This box -" he touched the box lightly with the tip of the pestle, "is probably the legendary soul box, soul urn or the like."

"You mean besides resting souls, it has other uses?"

"If you want to place the soul, ordinary seabed wood is enough." Fu Liushan is a qualified heavenly master, and he knows Yu Guidao very well. "It is recorded in the Fu family's notes that some soul weapons have special effects. In addition to warming the soul, they can also Give new energy to the soul that lives in it.”

Dong Rui had been observing the soul box, and then pointed at it and said: "There are small words on the side."

Written in ancient immortal language, the content is simple:

This treasure is called the Peach Valley Soul Box, and it has the ability to restrain, nourish, and divide souls.

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