After the immortal disappeared

Immortal Tea Party 12: Golden Plains

The Lantern Festival is over, Shuiyun wishes everyone a happy old age and talks about eating this month.

By the way, the names of the last two volumes will be revised.

The name "Bailie" (Part 1 and 2) was originally considered, but many book friends mistakenly thought that the Yangshan Islands and the Golden Plains were not important enough, so we will change the name "Baili" (Part 1) to "Yangshan"——

As He Lingchuan's first base and a milestone achievement, the Yangshan Islands deserve an independent title.

The "Bailie" (Part 2) volume was renamed "Flash Gold". This will be the most important volume in "After the Immortal Disappears", both in terms of size and content.

As for Bailie itself, it is the wedge that guides He Lingchuan to the new world and establishes an independent force. It is the "carrot on the stick" and is not difficult in itself. Once the protagonist can deal with the Golden Plains, it is natural to take it into his bag.

In addition, Shuiyun would like to talk to you today about the design concept of "Golden Plains" and his journey at this stage.

He Lingchuan saw a rare opportunity and infinite possibilities in the Golden Plains. Therefore, what he wants to do to the Golden Plains is already clear to the friends who came here after chasing the book.

If God does not take it, you will suffer the consequences.

The Golden Plains is a vast land with many creatures. There has never been a shortage of heroes here, but for thousands of years, no one has ever been able to achieve the goal of "dividing time will inevitably unite".

Please think about it, what exactly is missing?

If it was possible to unify the Golden Gold Plains with tyrannical force alone, why didn't Mou, the country with the most tyrannical immortals, fail to do so? To this day, it is still trying to infiltrate the Shining Gold Plains, and the emerging Yaguo and others only drool and dare not reach out.

Historically, Panlong City captured the Xixi Kingdom for only a few days, but its rule lasted only two years before it failed and had to abandon the Longchuan Trade Route and Yuheng City; in the Panlong World, He Lingchuan's methods Only by doing your best can the situation be stabilized.

It is easy to conquer a country, but difficult to stabilize it.

So, what about the Shining Gold Plains, which is a hundred times larger than Yuheng City? With such a long front and such complex terrain, even if there are tens of millions of soldiers, the front line is still fighting, and the occupied areas behind are resisting, and the great cause will be difficult to achieve.

The management difficulty of any place here will not be lower than that of Yuheng City. Don’t forget, Bega is still active here.

If He Lingchuan wants to complete this impossible task, he needs higher wisdom and wisdom that surpasses his ancestors.

This is not something that He Lingchuan Shuiyun can solve with just one or two ideas. It should be a complete solution that is not only innovative and interesting, but also operable.

At this point in the writing, the story of Golden Plains seems fragmented, but every event, every character, and every mental journey may be the fulcrum of He Lingchuan's construction plan. I have hidden a lot of clues here. I hope that when He Lingchuan implements the plan, everyone will realize the connection and foreshadowing in the previous article, so the clues will be buried deeper.

However, each short story is carefully conceived and strives to be interesting and interesting for everyone to watch. Fortunately, the protagonist has also begun to lay out the plan. Please follow his perspective and experience the process of building a tall building from the ground.

Many book friends would rather read on paper and talk rhetorically, and just go through the practical stage in one go. I know that this is not because book friends are frivolous, but because they are worried that the author’s so-called “theory guides practice” is simply ignored.

Now, the protagonist has handed over the plan in his hand to the author.

In order not to turn into a joke, Shuiyun devoted more and more time to design, which has exceeded the time of writing itself.

The complexity of this plan is far more than what was planned two months ago. Although it is getting more and more difficult, it is completely different.

Not only are everyone anxious now, but the protagonist is also urging me every day

But this work is really hard to come by. Shuiyun often overturns and reconstructs the manuscript, and the manuscript depositor often has his hands and feet cut off.

The maximum scale I can adjust is actually the length of the saved manuscript.

There are less than 100,000 words of "Immortal" saved, of which 10,000 words were forced out during the Spring Festival. These archives can ensure that the writing is coherent and give me more room to think and adjust.

It is the protection of immortals and the treasure of Shuiyun.

I have many colleagues who create with ease and passion. As long as they start writing, the rest is left to God.

I'm very envious, but I really don't have the ability to do it all at once, so I can only rely on my stupid skills to fight hard.

Shuiyun admires the talents and talents of his colleagues, but he will also protect his own patience and hard work.

Please give Shuiyun more patience, let me have more time to conceive, and let the editor grow up a little bit. We will resume normal updates in April, okay?

I dare not slack off and will seize the time and work hard to save the manuscript.

work hard together!

——Jiufang Ye among the wind, water and clouds


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