After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1242 The fickle treasure

The owner of the soul box can capture souls and use them as nutrients for the peach tree;

The owner of the soul box can designate the main soul for this peach tree;

Once the main soul is designated, it cannot move away from the peach tree, but when the fruits on the tree mature and fall to the ground, they will turn into a clone of the main soul and carry out its orders.

"No wonder Xuanlu Ghost King has clones one after another, endlessly." Dong Rui suddenly realized, "It turns out that it is the work of the soul box."

"Before we cut down the peach tree, there were no fruits on the tree. In other words, all the clones of Xuanlu Ghost King were sent out, leaving no one behind." Fu Liushan nodded, "Its true form can only sleep here. Waiting for recovery and cultivating new clones.”

Dong Rui was puzzled: "Why does it stay here and not escape from the underground palace?"

"This cave is hidden, and ordinary people can't find it at all. It's better to hide here to recuperate than to escape." Fu Liushan glanced at He Lingchuan, but this guy was not an ordinary person. Xuanlu Ghost King was really stunned for eight lifetimes when he met him. Xue Miao, "Besides, it shouldn't dare to entrust the soul box to any ghost, right?"

None of the ghosts in the underground palace could be trusted by Xuanlu Ghost King.

It would rather lie in this cold chamber under the water and slowly regain its strength.

Dong Rui murmured: "This guy is just as pathetic both before and after his life."

He Lingchuan has been observing the tree stump in the box: "This tree seems to be dying?"

The human-faced peach tree was chopped off by him and sucked into the sacred bone necklace, leaving only a stump in the box. In nature, it is not uncommon for tree stumps to remain viable and grow secondary.

But under the gaze of these pairs of eyes, the tree stump slowly dried up, the center turned black and the edges turned white, and it was about to die.

He Lingchuan raised the Fusheng knife and touched it lightly with the back of the knife. I don't know if it was because the sword was too strong, but the peach pile aged faster, and turned into a pile of powder in less than ten breaths.

"You cut too hard and the stake was broken." Dong Rui said angrily, "It's a pity that a treasure is lost!"

Ling Guang also said: "The pattern on the lid of the box has disappeared."

It picked up the box cover and showed it to the three people. Sure enough, the pattern of the old peach plant on the outer cover had been smoothed away and was now empty.

He Lingchuan looked at Fu Liushan again, who shrugged and expressed his helplessness. What he is best at is catching ghosts, not planting trees.

Hey, wait a minute, plant trees?

He Lingchuan thought about it carefully, and an unreliable idea came to his mind.

"Wait a minute."

He dug around in the storage ring for a long time and suddenly took out a small branch.

The branches are very fresh, with two green leaves on them.

At first glance, there is nothing weird about it, just like something picked from the roadside, but Fu Liushan knew that he had many treasures in his hands, and it would not be easy to take out just any one. No, if he took a second look, he would understand clearly: "Ju Luo Zhi?"

A treasure tree that can enter and exit Qingming.

"Yes." He Lingchuan answered casually, pushed away the tree stump powder in the box, and then inserted the Juluo branch into the soil.

This was a branch cut from the Juluo tree in Panlong City. It was also the remaining base material for refining the Dragon Punishment Pillar from the last time. He had an idea and used it to make up for the numbers.

Planting trees, hasn’t he done it before?

The branches are inserted into the miniature bonsai and it stands firmly. It is not as winding and delicate as the original peach tree, but it has a tall and straight figure.

Dong Rui didn't believe it: "Can you replace the human-faced peach tree with a random branch? How can such a good thing be possible?"

This time it was Lingguang who took down his stage and pointed at the dirt in the box: "No, look!"

The peach pile powder on the muddy ground quickly seeped into the soil and disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The peach powder has been absorbed." Lingguang said happily, "The little tree needs nutrition!"

Gui Yuan also grabbed the lid of the box on one side, grinned and shook it at Dong Rui, chuckling twice.

Everyone can see that there is another pattern on the lid, this time it is Ju Luoshu.

Oh, it's still generated on the fly.

Does this mean that the Juluo branch has been recognized by the soul box and has become established in the miniature bonsai?

Fu Liushan said with great interest: "Let's try it."

The instructions on the soul box are very clear. In order for the tree in the box to grow and bear fruit, it must be composted.

Fertilizer is the soul taken in from the outside.

Fu Liushan immediately took out his blower and squeezed out a ghost: "Let's use it for experiments. This is a water ghost that killed six or seven people."

He used a chain to grab the water ghost and got close to Juluo Xiaoshu, wanting to see how the box could trap the soul.

The water ghost struggled hard, but his strength was inferior to that of humans.

But he pulled it back and forth, and even pulled the water ghost around the tree three times, but Gu Luo Xiaoshu didn't react at all.

Fu Liushan even pressed the ghost into the soil, but it was still not absorbed.

How to use it?

"It's the box that traps the soul, right?" Ling Guang beside him scratched his head and carefully covered the box.

The moment the box was closed, the Juluo tree pattern painted on the lid suddenly stretched out countless black shadows. They were obviously branches, but at first glance they looked like evil ghosts waving their hands.

They grabbed the water ghost four feet away and dragged it back fiercely.

The water ghost screamed, even more frightened than in Fu Liushan's hands.

But the arm couldn't twist the thigh, so it was pulled into the box cover and disappeared.

He Lingchuan opened the lid again and found that the bonsai was as usual, but when he lifted up the fluorescent spores to observe, everyone found a delicate side bud sprouting from the small tree!

Smaller than sesame seeds.

"Awesome, new shoots are starting to grow now?" Fu Liushan said, stroking his chin, "Xuanlu Ghost King is gone, do you want to put a new soul in to be the main soul - wait, the instructions on the side of the box have changed! Good guy, Even the name has been changed.”

The description of the soul box changed from three to two at some point:

With Luo treasure box.

The owner of the soul box can capture souls and use them as nutrients for the Guluo tree; the stronger the soul, the higher the fertility.

The spiritual flowers blooming on the Juluo tree can nourish and heal the soul; if the spiritual flowers bear fruit, the fruit can turn into a ferocious Juluo tree demon.

Among them, "peach tree" became "guluo tree";

The soul-binding ability of the box is still there, but the main soul can no longer be designated for the small tree, and the functions of the flowers and fruits have also changed.

Dong Rui clicked his tongue and marveled: "I thought the human-faced peach was a treasure, but I didn't expect that the box itself was."

This was the first time they had seen such a fickle treasure.

The Juluo tree raised in Panlong City has been transformed into a large square pot. It originally had the ability to eat souls. Now that it is planted in the soul box, I don't know what it will do in the end.

New species?

He Lingchuan had seen the tree clones released by the King of Treasure Trees. Could the fruit of the tree in the box also become like that?

He nodded towards the box with his chin and asked Fu Liushan: "Master Fu, are you interested?"

Catching ghosts and raising souls sounds like Fu Liushan's thing.

Fu Liushan patted his blower: "I already have the treasure of collecting souls and raising ghosts. It's passed down from my ancestors."

"Okay." He Lingchuan didn't show any pretense and put the soul box into his arms.

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